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Reporter's Notebook #3

John goes shopping

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The main attraction here at Kandahar Air Field is the bazaar that is held each Saturday morning.  Hundreds of Afghani vendors show up and present their wares for sale.

It seemed, too, that most of the military members from the NATO nations showed up to look over the merchandise.

Each vendor arrived early in the morning, was thoroughly inspected by Canadian military police and assigned a vendor number.

French soldiers checked the IDs of everyone entering the bazaar.

A common theme for those looking for deals was the haggling over prices.

I wanted to buy my wife a shawl; the vendor offered to sell it to me for $20.  I countered by offering $10.  He looked at me for a moment and then offered to sell it to me for $15.  I countered with an offer of $12.

A deal had been made; I gave the man the money and he gave me the scarf.  We both walked away happy.

Business at the bazaar looked to be booming; there was a steady influx of NATO and American personnel as the morning wore on.  I suspect a lot of people were purchasing Christmas presents for loved ones back home.

Scarves, wooden sculptures, brass ornaments, jewelry, carpets, watches and military gear were all on sale.

"It's nice to come here and relax for a bit," said Cpl. Eric Sieber, 310th PsyOp Company, 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, as he looked over a small wooden box.

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james bobby said on Dec. 25, 2009 at 11:59am

My son sgt anthony bobby sent myself a chess set and his mother a scraf from that bazzar in kandahar.thank you for your pictures.He is home with us for christmas in south dakota.we are in the worst blizzard in 50 years but anthony is home safe.thank you james and rachel bobby pierre south dakota.

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