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Canadians excited about big anniversary party

Canadians to host dinner honoring history, friendship

Lt. Col. Bill Franklin, the Canadian Detachment commander at the Western Area Defense Sector, looks forward to the annual Canadian Air Force anniversary dinner on April 30. Photo by J.M. Simpson

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Lt. Col. Bill Franklin likes being the host of a really great party.

"It's fun; it's the one time of the year that we get to step back from our job," he said of a party he's planning.

On April 30 he and his fellow Canadian Air Force servicemembers will host the 86th Annual Royal Canadian Air Force Mess Dinner at the JBLM-McChord Field Clubs and Community Center.

The chief of current operations and detachment commander of the Canadian Air Force members assigned to the Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) at McChord Field, Franklin is aware of the importance of their mission.

"Even with the mess dinner, some of our and your people will still be working to keep the skies safe," said Franklin.

The American and Canadian personnel assigned to WADS collaborate to protect the air space over both countries.

They work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The dinner marks the 86th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

"We stood up in 1924," stated Franklin with a hint of humor.

"We're a bit older than the United States Air Force, which makes you the junior service," he added with a wry but growing grin.

In 1968, the Canadian government combined its armed forces into the Canadian Forces.

To honor the formation of the former RCAF, members from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Australian Air Force and the 62nd Airlift Wing will join Franklin for the dinner.

The sitting down in formal military attire is a way for Franklin and his fellow servicemembers to thank their American hosts.

"We are 10 percent of the force, yet the command here treats us as an equal partner," said Franklin.

As to the dinner, he looks forward to it and the camaraderie it brings.

"It is a traditional affair, but it is also a time to have a bit of fun.  It will be a great time."

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