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WADS airmen strengthen unit, local community

Pair honored for outstanding community service, work within unit

Senior Airman Theresa Crouse and Master Sgt. Scott Taylor, Washington Air National Guardsmen, were recently recognized for their work at the Western Air Defense Sector. Photo by J.M. Simpson

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The picture said it all.

Hanging in a hallway next to a conference room in the Western Air Defense Sector facility, the painting depicts the April 19, 1775, skirmish between colonial and British troops just outside of Lexington. The encounter marked the beginning of America's quest to achieve and hold its independence. With the newfound spirit of independence came the obligation to protect it.  From the end of the Revolution to the present, this is a concept the guardsmen and women who serve at WADS uphold.

"The spirit of protecting this country is clearly rooted with Lexington," said Master Sgt. Scott Taylor, Washington Air National Guard.

A recent recipient of the Senior  Noncommissioned Officer of the Year Award for his work at WADS, Taylor's almost two decades of service are premised on service to the country.

"Absolutely," said the native of Oregon when asked if the work he's done has been worth it. "Everything I've done was accomplished to fulfill my obligation to serve."

Taylor's award was based on his job performance in the command and control section, unit involvement and community service. Of note is the community tie he has with the teachers and administrators at his daughter's school. There is not a job he will not do to further education.

"I serve as chaperone to janitor; I do what it takes to give those children a good education," added Taylor.

On the other end of the time spectrum concerning service, Senior Airman Theresa Crouse joined the Air Guard two years ago to serve and provide for her young family.

"I met some people who work here, and I was impressed with their dedication and commitment," said the Washington native. "I wanted to be a part of that."

Assigned to the surveillance section of WADS, Crouse not only took the Airman of the Year Award, she also captured the WANG's Airman of the Year Award.

"She's quite a performer," commented Taylor.

While judged by the same standards of job performance, unit involvement and community service, Crouse's awards were based on her community service.

"I work at my church with kids from five to 17 years of age," commented Crouse.  "It is a way for me to share my experience with others."

She also volunteers her time with the Girl Scouts, an organization that she speaks highly of because it encourages service.

Also recognized for their service at the WADS January annual award recipients' dinner were Tech. Sgt. Lara Koler, NCO of the Year; Staff Sgt. James Luoma, Honor Guard Member of the Year; Capt. Jeremy Thompson, Company Grade Officer of the Year; Tech. Sgt. Scott Salvner, Category II Enlisted Drill Guardsman of the Year; Ms. Cynthia Shaffer, Category I Civilian of the Year; and Mr. Nolan Rayne, Category II Civilian of the Year.

"Take care of the people around you - up and down the chain of command," said Taylor. "Your experience should be used to help others grow."

Comments for "WADS airmen strengthen unit, local community" (2)

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D.C. said on May. 03, 2010 at 4:54pm

The men and women of WADS should be proud not only of the exceptional job they do at defending our country, but the service they provide to the community as well. Everyone from the top of the chain of command, to the very bottom are encouraged to and proudly serve the community above and beyond what is required of them. This all stems from the leadership at the top setting the example. I am a proud spouse of a member of WADS and the professionalism that is displayed within the unit is beyond what I ever expected when I married into it. To be recognized for outstanding service within any organization, especially this one in particular is something all of the award nominees and recipients should be very proud of. These award recipients truly are the best of the best. To all of the members of WADS, thank you for defending our skies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year without fail. The dedication of each and every one of you is honorable.

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Lisa Elias said on May. 03, 2010 at 9:24pm

I want to thank these selfless people who not only serve our country, but serve our neighbors.

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