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Olympians meet at JBLM for games

Base provides staffing, facilities for Special Olympics

Katherine Sanders surges ahead during the 100-meter dash during the Special Olympics’ Washington Summer Games this past weekend at Cowan Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Photo by J.M. Simpson

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Alexsandr Martynov walked into the ring and picked up the 10-pound shot. He rocked back and forth four times and then put the shot.  It landed about 20 feet away.

"That was a great shot!" yelled Spc. Jamie Ryan as she recorded the distance the shot flew. "You should be proud of yourself."

Assigned to the 61st Chemical Company, Ryan was one of the 1,000 plus military and civilian volunteers who helped athletes from around the state and local community members enjoy Washington state's Special Olympics Summer Games last weekend.

"I volunteered to come out here and work," said Ryan as she walked toward the starting line. "I am glad I did; it is very humbling to be here with these great athletes."

Held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord and the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center in Federal Way, this year's games included just over 2,500 athletes competing in aquatics, track and field, cycling, soccer, and power lifting events.  The athletes ranged from 8 to 80 years of age.

When not competing, athletes relaxed in an Olympic Village where they could bowl, dance or enjoy a petting zoo.  Food vendors donated their proceeds to the Special Olympics.

A spirit of competition and fun was evident.

As Katherine Sanders lined up for the 100-meter dash, she looked straight down the track. Assigned to lane four, she was hard to miss.  The diminutive sprinter wore a bright yellow shirt that practically came down to her knees. She leaned over into a starter's crouch and waited. The instant the starter's gun went off Sanders exploded down the track. Hair flying, she covered the distance in about 16 seconds, streaking across the finish line in first place. The concentration gone, a big smile played across her face.

Ryan was clearly impressed.

"There is no quit in these athletes," she said as walked with a group of Olympians. "These athletes all compete for the love of the game, and I think that is really great."

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