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Paralegal of the Year

Spc. Vue determined to win again

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The goal of all soldiers from the moment they begin their training is to reach the highest possible level of tactical and technical proficiency they can. Every year a handful of soldiers around the globe get the opportunity to compete, to push, and to challenge one another in soldier of the year competitions. This year at Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, I Corps the Paralegal Soldier of the Year Award went to a young specialist (SPC) that pushed past the competition and excelled beyond his peers.

Upon Spc. Vue's (pronounced "VOO") return from Hawaii, where he participated in the U.S. Army Pacific Warrior of the Year, he was awarded the honor of being named Paralegal Soldier of the Year. In a recent interview with Sgt. Kelly Wiebe, Vue said while going to college he knew he wanted to do something in the criminal justice system, but was not sure what. He said becoming a member of the military police did not feel right, "then paralegal popped up, and he said well, I'll give it a chance."

For someone who decided to just "give it a chance" Vue has performed in outstanding fashion while continuing to push himself to become even more effective in his specialty while learning how to become an effective leader.

Later this year Vue intends to take on the Joint Base Lewis-McChord Warrior Leadership Course as well as participating in the E-5 promotion board. While he enjoys the fast paced and fluid environment that the paralegal career field has given him, Vue is looking ahead to bigger things. Vue told Wiebe he plans to take part in the Non-Commissioned Officer Paralegal of the Year competition as well. Though the mating of the paralegal field and Vue may have been strictly a chance encounter, there is no question the two were meant for one another.

As Vue continues to look ahead and set new professional goals, he demonstrates the necessary ability to lead others by example by being the definition of technically proficient. As a vital part in the justice system, Vue's and every other paralegal's work, leave a ripple that, though sometimes unnoticed, affects every person on JBLM. The military legal system is an extraordinarily fluid and high pace career field that takes unique character and unwavering determination to excel in. While every member of the JBLM legal team takes great care and pride in their work, this year it is a young E-4 that leads the pack of lower enlisted.

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