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Zombies on the loose

AUSA grows membership

A competitor dodges three zombies during the AUSA’s 4th Annual Zombie Run. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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Zombies in red shirts surrounded Amy Tiemeyer.

"This should be fun," she said to a group of about 35 soldiers who had been made up to look like zombies.

The soldiers represented the 56th Multi-functional Medical Battalion (MMB), the 551st Medical Logistics Company (MLC) and the 47th Combat Support Hospital (CSH).

"We all volunteered to do this," said Lt. Col. Kevin Mahoney, the 56th's commander.

The president of the Meriwether Lewis Chapter of the Association of the United States Army, Tiemeyer and her staff put together the 4th Annual Zombie 5K run this past Saturday morning in Fort Steilacoom Park.

"This event builds awareness of AUSA and what it does; it also helps build our membership."

With 120 chapters worldwide, AUSA is comprised entirely of volunteers. The association and its chapters have contributed over $2 million to awards, scholarships and support of soldier programs.

Nearby an employee from My Morbid Mind Haunted House used a small paintbrush to throw fake blood into Capt. Jennifer Dangerfield's hair.

"We're out here to support this event because we recognize the importance of the AUSA," commented co-owner Amy Noah as she worked.

"We are always looking for ways to give back to the community."

Noah did good work; the hair and face of Capt. Jennifer Dangerfield, 551st Medical Logistics Company (MLC), personified zombie.

"I'm loving this," she enthused, as she in turn teased Maj. Erica Kane's hair into a mess.

The fun occurred when 150 runners ran the course and avoided the zombies.  Those runners who finished with one of their three flags - red, white and blue - won.

"Brains.  I want brains," bellowed SSgt. Rasheed Walker, 56th MMB, as he and his daughter, Kayleana, grabbed at their flags.

Waiting on the sides of the path were Spc. Philip Dennis and Capt. Ohuka Azunuike, 56th MMB.

"I love eating brains!" yelled Walker as runners struggled by.  To emphasize his point, he bit into a blue flag.

As the runners crossed the finish line, they were entered into a drawing for over $1,500 worth of prizes.

"This event builds espirit de corps and is great fun," said Kane.

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