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National award recipient supports breastfeeding

Madigan nurse wins Daisy Award

Upper right: Left to right, Robyn Roche-Paull, Madigan Deputy Commander Col. Suzanne Scott, and Inpatient Services Admin Chief Col. Vincent Leto pose for a photo after Roche-Paull, who was recently awarded the DAISY Award. Photo credit: U.S. Army

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Robyn Roche-Paull, a registered nurse and member of the lactation consultant team at Madigan Army Medical Center, garners praise from patients for the support she gives them well beyond the typical bounds of her job. In addition to spending hours providing care and training to aid new active-duty mothers through the trials of breastfeeding, Roche-Paull has also helped mothers prepare for cross-country PCSing to duty in areas with limited resources and support, staying in contact and providing the support needed to make a challenging first year of motherhood a successful one.

It was for these reasons Roche-Paull was nominated for the DAISY award, a nationwide program in collaboration with The American Organization of Nurse Executives that rewards extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses. The award was presented by Madigan Deputy Commander Col. Suzanne K. Scott and Inpatient Services Admin Chief Col. Vincent Leto.

"I feel honored to have been given this award, and it's even more special to me because it came from an active-duty mother -- the patient population that I love working with the most. These moms are a special breed, going above and beyond to breastfeed while serving their country and overcoming so many challenges along the way. I'm glad I could be a small part of her breastfeeding journey," Roche-Paull said.

Madigan Army Medical Center supports breastfeeding mothers and has many resources available to assist mothers. Breastfeeding has been an integral part of Roche-Paull's efforts at Madigan, something she hopes to see spread across military treatment facilities among all healthcare professionals.

"I am thrilled that I was recognized for my role as both a lactation consultant and nurse. I hope that this award lets other nurses and healthcare professionals know that breastfeeding in the military is possible with the right information and support," Roche-Paull added.

Below are a few of the resources Madigan has available for breastfeeding mothers. There are resources for active-duty and beneficiary mothers.

Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes: Basics of Breastfeeding class on the second and fourth Thursday. (6-8 p.m. on the second Thursday, 1-3 p.m. on the fourth Thursday). Working and Breastfeeding class on the third Thursday from 6-8 p.m.

MOMS Support Group: Open to all breastfeeding families every Tuesday from 1-3 p.m. in the Sakakini Conference room in the Hospital Tower, walk-in basis, free weight check of baby, and discussion group.

Breastfeeding Buddies Support Group: Open to active-duty breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Meets Wednesdays, 1-4 p.m. in the Behavioral Health Clinic on the first floor of the Medical Mall. Consists of eight scheduled appointments throughout baby's first year of life, free weight check, education and support to be successful breastfeeding and pumping while serving in the military.

Six lactation consultants: Available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the Mother/Baby unit, NICU, and L&D. Madigan also offers outpatient appointments on an as-needed basis Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and occasionally Saturdays and Sundays.

Lactation Stations: Madigan is proud to be a breastfeeding-friendly hospital. Mothers are welcome to breastfeed or pump anywhere and at any time at Madigan. Also, Madigan offers three Lactation Station locations for your privacy and convenience, if you wish. The Lactation Stations are located in the Hospital Tower Lobby and at the east end of the first and second floors of the Medical Mall.

Contact the Puget Sound Military Health System Appointment Line at 800.404.4506 for Prenatal Breastfeeding class registration.

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