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Leadership courses available

AFR citizen airmen can find opportunities with developmental education

Photo credit: Staff Sgt. Katrina M. Brisbin

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Air Force Reserve citizen airmen are selected every year to attend Developmental Education courses boarded through the Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB A&B), Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB), and Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB).

The boards are held quarterly over a five-day period at HQ Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, and attended by officer and enlisted senior leaders from a cross-section of the AF Reserve.

"Many enduring learning habits and networking opportunities are formed in the halls of these great professional development tours," said Col. Shelley Kavlick, Reserve Advisor for Air War College at Maxwell AFB. She also stated that attending these leadership courses "challenge students to think above the operational level" preparing them for future leadership roles.

Reserve members selected for one of these courses experience unique opportunities ranging from short five-day courses located around the globe, to 10-month fellowship programs that lead graduates to notable follow-on assignments.

Major Chris Ryan, Legislative Liaison, Air Force Senate Liaison Office, Washington, D.C., attended the Air Force Legislative Fellowship and was later assigned to an Air Force Senate Liaison position for a three-year tour in Washington, DC.

"I would absolutely recommend this fellowship program as it widens one's knowledge past the Reserve Enterprise level and allows members to understand how senior leaders and Congress approach national defense issues," Ryan said.

Officers such as Maj. Ryan are selected upon consideration of the whole-person concept, justification with senor rater input, functional development team recommendations and the future needs of the Air Force.

Enlisted Force Development prepares airmen for the transition from the tactical to operational and eventually, strategic levels of decision making and leadership.

Senior Master Sgt. Misty Phipps, Superintendent, Personnel Management, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, was selected to attend the Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy in California. She noted, that throughout the entire course they had to move as a team, not as individuals in order to succeed, and that it was a great way to "get out of the blue" and see things from a different point of view.

Tech. Sgt. Travis Brite, Instructor, Basic Loadmaster Course, 733rd Training Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Texas, attended both the NATO NCO Orientation Course and NATO NCO Intermediate Leadership Course where he formed friendships and experienced professional growth with members from over 22 NATO countries.

High performing AF Reserve officer and enlisted members looking for new challenges and career broadening opportunities should review the invitation to apply found on the myPers/Force Development page ( or ARPC Force Development page(

A complete list of educational opportunities, and when the boards are held, can be found on the myPers Force Development page.

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