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Candidate profile: Dick Muri

Veteran running for Congress in the 10th Congressional District

Photo by JM Simpson

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Dick Muri is a nuts and bolts kind of guy.

"I get to know what my constituents want," Muri, a Republican, said.

"You can never get too much feedback from the people you represent."

Muri's list of accomplishments speaks to his community service.  A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, Muri served seven years on the Steilacoom Historical School; coached wrestling; became a charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Steilacoom, and served as a board member on the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association.

He currently represents District 6 on the Pierce County Council.

A self-described conservative, Muri believes that federalism - the concept that government works best at the local level - is vital to preserving the Constitution's intent.

"Returning power to our state and local governments is crucial," he explained.

"Local leaders can be trusted to make the decisions important to them, not the federal government."

If elected, Muri's top three issues are the current deficit and national debt, the military and veterans' issues, and the economy and jobs.

"There is no one solution in addressing the deficit," Muri stated. 

"There must be control of entitlements, and we must ensure that tax dollars are used responsibly."

As to the national debt, he supports a balanced budget amendment.

Muri pointed out that during his nine years on the County Council he has trimmed wasteful spending while guaranteeing vital services without raising taxes.

In the nine budgets he has helped craft on the council, Muri said six of them have had surpluses.

"With proper leadership, Congress can do the same."

He underlined that his chairmanship on the council's performance audit committee saved tax dollars, improved efficiency and customer service.

As to the military and our veterans, Muri said the military will not become a "hollow force" and veterans and their families will not be forgotten.

"We can save money," he explained.  "But it will not be at the expense of the military or on the backs of our veterans and their families."

Muri stated clearly that he has the support of 80 percent of the retired general officers living in the 10 Congressional District.

"General officers Jim McElroy, Tom Cole, Doug Richardson, Howard Ingersoll, Dan French, John Hemphill, Dan Brown and Denny Roush support my bid," Muri said.

As to jobs and the economy, Muri believes a pro business, pro free enterprise approach to solving the nation's current economic woes is needed.

"Businesses need a level of certainty; there needs to be a positive attitude toward the business community," Muri emphasized.

For more information, visit or call (253) 582-0254.

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