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Candidate profile: Stan Flemming

Veteran running for Congress in the 10th Congressional District

Photo by JM Simpson

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Stan Flemming believes he has the experience to represent the 10th Congressional District.

"When you look at the other candidates, there is no comparison," said Flemming, a Republican. "No other candidate has the experience to address the issues facing the district and the nation."

Flemming's list of accomplishments is impressive.  A retired Army brigadier general with two combat tours, he is a certified family physician, an ambassador to the Army Reserves, a former university president and professor, a former state representative, the founding mayor of and later city council member for University Place, and the author of an economic recovery plan for Pierce County.

He currently serves as a District 7 Councilmember on the Pierce County Council.

"Voters must take a serious look at the candidates' qualifications in making their decision," he said.

If elected, Flemming's top three issues are jobs/the economy/health care, deficit spending and national defense.

As to the economy and the jobs needed to restore it, Flemming believes government should facilitate the creation of jobs, not create them.

"In talking to small business owners, they want barriers to growth removed to allow them to grow," Flemming explained.

Noting that the Affordable Health Care Act means Americans will be forced to buy health care or pay an additional tax if they don't, Flemming said he will work to repeal parts of the act and then rewrite it to be "accessible and affordable."

While favoring repeal, Flemming favors tort reform, allowing dependents to remain on their parents' health plans until their 26th birthday and removal of pre-existing conditions to insurance coverage.

"Having worked in public health, I know where the waste is in health care, and I am dedicated to improving quality and reducing costs," he said.

As to deficit spending, Flemming said that America's debt can't continue.

"If we're not careful, we will find ourselves like Greece," he said. "We need to take a hard look at entitlements and cut frivolous spending."

He also favors a balanced budget amendment. 

"Every state, county and city must balance their budgets, but the federal government is exempt," Flemming added.

As to defense, Flemming opposes President Obama's budget reductions. He thinks the military has been overtaxed, and that America must either decrease its global commitments or increase the size of the military.

"Our Soldiers are the best and brightest, but we can't ask them for continued, superhuman efforts."

Flemming said he has the support of many of the area's retired general officers in his bid for a Congressional seat.

For more information, visit or call (253) 448-0146.

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