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Tour Olympia by phone

New app allows users greater accessibility to Oly history

Visit Olympia Screenshot used courtesy of STQRY app via Android device. Courtesy photo

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The city of Olympia has found a new way to attract tourists as well as provide historic enlightenment to its citizens. The new app known as STQRY (pronounced story), which was first released in July 2015, has made learning about and connecting with the city far easier for visitors and Washingtonians alike. Though seeing the app's name in print may cause some confusion; the on-screen version really pulls everything together as the "Q" symbolizes a magnifying glass whose lens represents an "O". Once inside the app, the past and present collide with exemplary quality.

STQRY, which has already been downloaded by over 50,000 users, and has a user review average of 4.2 stars, allows users to find all things related to arts and culture in their area. Along with the actual stories behind the locations, the app also gives turn by turn directions; this feature allows the user access to personalized walking tours of the city for free. To ensure maximum accessibility, the developers created an app that is free and downloadable on each major platform such as; Android, IOS, and Microsoft Windows devices. Merely being available to everyone is not enough. Developers took the app one step further by creating a completely customizable app that can be shared across several social media sites as well.

Through the app users are able to connect with other users in forums, share their favorite stories to Facebook, and even fully immerse themselves by creating their own stories. Whether you prefer to express your story through pictures, video, or written word, STQRY allows you to do it all. STQRY not only shows every user what they have been missing in their own cities; it reminds everyone that art, culture, and history are living and fluid objects that everyone is a part of. The app gives the availability of knowledge and art appreciation to all, then it brings them closer by allowing you to share your own stories and experiences in a way that connects the user not only with friends and family, but with some of history's greats.

Kyla Cavanagh, Olympia's tourism marketing and sales director, says that currently the city's intent for this app is that it will be used as an educational and informational tool; they do hope that as the app grows in popularity it will assist in giving tourists a greater connection and deeper insight into Olympia. The idea is to make tourists more comfortable and create better memories while they visit Olympia.

Every story available through the app is extremely well researched and written. Ms. Cavanagh explains that this is due to each city being responsible for their stories. While she was a part of the team that focused on the Visit Olympia aspect, they also teamed up with the Olympia Arts Commission as well as the Tumwater Foundation; the cooperation of these three entities created magnificent stories and tours to choose from.

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