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Ruston Liquor Store

The best-kept secret in all of the (booze) land

Cold on the outside, warm on the inside

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OK. I'm going to share with you one of my best-kept secrets. Why would I do this you ask? Well, because I love you of course!  Yeah, I don't buy that either. I do however very much appreciate you reading my weekly rambling thoughts, so in return I would like to give you something back.

I like drinking. There, I said it. People these days think it's so un-politically correct to say something like that. Newsflash, I have a good job, a great marriage, no DUIs and so far A&E hasn't knocked on my door to feature me on Intervention. I would call myself somewhat of a professional drinker who happens to know my limits. The liver checks-out OK too, so there.

My love for grapes and grains is not the secret friends, but where I shop for my adult beverages. You could blink and miss it, and I suspect you most likely have. Head down North Pearl Street toward Point Defiance Park and on your right side, next to the carwash, you will find the Ruston Liquor Store.

This is no ordinary liquor store. While the state oversees this store, it is privately owned through a state contract, as are approximately 150 other stores throughout Washington. Karen Ferguson owns this particular store in Ruston and would like nothing more than to NOT be my best kept secret.

Why do I love this liquor store? Well, let me begin with holidays. Have you ever gone to one of the state run stores the day before Christmas, New Year's, Fourth of July or any other major holiday? There is a line out the door and down the block! Hells to the no. ...

Not at the Ruston Liquor store. Maybe four or five people in line, and you're out in five minutes. She's even open ON most holidays!

Another reason I love this store: Karen stocks more than just booze, she provides mixers like soda, juice, lemons, limes and even ice. Tell me where else you are going to find your Jäger and Rumplemintz already chilled?

Oh, and talk about your customer service. She knows just about everyone's name that steps foot in the store, and what they like to purchase. She practically has it rung up and bagged before they can say hello. Now that's love.

On a serious note, Karen and I had a lengthy conversation about the possibility of the state losing control of liquor sales, a passionate topic to many. The implications are far reaching if this comes to a public vote, and Karen would like to make sure that voters are reading the issues carefully before making any conclusions. You should be doing that anyway people.

So there you have it folks, my gift to you. And really, it doesn't even seem that state has its sticky little fingers in the pie that is this delightful store. No clerks in dorky red vests or security guards eyeballin' your every move. Just nice people, wanting to make and honest living.

Ruston Liquor Store

5013 N. Pearl St., Tacoma

Comments for "Ruston Liquor Store" (12)

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kitty/kelly said on Jun. 17, 2010 at 6:46pm

Oh Karen....what a nice review!! Only thing missing is your phone number (at the store). Or if it is there I didn't see it.

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Ron Swarner said on Jun. 18, 2010 at 6:34am

Good call kitty/kelly. The phone number has been added. Thanks.

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Bob said on Jun. 20, 2010 at 3:06pm

It's ridiculous that the state has a (almost complete) monopoly on liquor sales. We're broke and need tax revenue. Instead of paying a bunch of state workers $25 an hour plus fat benefits, let Safeway or Fred Meyers sell booze.

I do like the Ruston Liquor Store though. :) The one that's open late over on 72nd and Pacific is ghetto as hell, and the rest of them close seriously early.

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James said on Jul. 02, 2010 at 9:01am

Liquor store employees do not make $25 an hour, they make under $16 an hour. Managers have not had raises since 1983. Let Fred Meyer and Safeway make the money and not go back to the state. I wish people would read all the facts before speaking.

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Tami Jo said on Jul. 02, 2010 at 10:04am

PLEASE TELL.....MR. BOB!!!!! WHO MAKE $ hour...I work for the liquor board..have for almost 9 years as Asst. manager...I DO NOT MAKE $25.00 an hour...
Not even close!!!!! My manager..who has worked for the liquor board for 22 years...DONT MAKE $25.00 an hour...where you getting your info!!!!
and as for the FAT BENEFITS...Do your homework!!!!! We pay for our benefits!!!!!
We have also been on a pay freeze for 2 years!!!!

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Nancy said on Jul. 05, 2010 at 2:12pm

I own the contract liquor store in langley, a very very small liquor store, i am so afraid of losing my lively hood and income due to this bullying of Costco, i too offer condiments, pretzels and free chocolate ha ha to my customers, i make soo little money, just work on a commission, vote NO on privatization, thanks Nancy White contract Liquor Store #597, blessings

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Julie said on Jul. 05, 2010 at 6:02pm

The liquor control board is a self-funded State agency, meaning that all employee salaries, benefits, and store lease costs for State stores are paid for directly from the sale of alcohol. Store employees make nowhere near $25 per hour. Contract store managers work for a pathetically small commission rate.

Last year, the Liquor Control Board returned $332 million dollars to the State General Fund and individual communities. If the privatization bill passes, this money will be eliminated from the budget and replaced only by a $1,000 license fee per liquor outlet. That equals hundreds of millions of dollars that will disappear from the State budget and have to be recouped from somewhere else. Where will it come from? Possibly a State income tax.

On the matter of allowing the market to determine the price of alcohol, the State will continue to tax alcohol at its current rate if not more. This means that private retailers will have to add their mark up on top of the wholesale price plus taxes which will INCREASE the price of alcohol over and above what you already pay. Yes, I said INCREASE. Are you willing to pay more for your alcohol for the convenience of buying it at Costco? Which by the way, Costco carries about 20 brands of alcohol in 1/2 gallon only sizes in its stores in non-control states. Twenty brands!

Read the fine print of Initiative 1100. It is not good policy. We will all end up paying for it in the end!!!

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Linda Thrasher said on Jul. 06, 2010 at 8:42am

Hi All, I own the Contract store in Deer Park, was recently on Krem 2 news. I too have nothing but customer service in mind. I want to keep my store that I have put my savings into. I do not have benefits and make less than 10% on the liquor that I sell. I have all the over head just like 157 other contract stores in our state. I am 58 years old and figured that I would be in my store until I could not do it any more. I love what I do and love all my customers. We cater to them like our best friends and some of my customers have become very close friends. Most of them care about our community and do not want liquor on every corner. Our highway accidents will rise, DUI's will rise and our children that we shelter will have access when they stop to buy a pop or candy bar. The cigaretts are behind the counter so should the liquor be! Leave things as they are, we have greater propblems that need to be attended to. I am sure that if the Govenor doug really deep, she could find a way to save some money! And if she can't maybe someone else should.
Deer Park Liquor and Wine
603 S Fir Ave
Deer Park, WA

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Jenell Farrer said on Jul. 07, 2010 at 9:24am

We opened our store in Liberty Lake in Dec. 2007. We have a clean, well stocked store with a wonderful customer base. The atmosphere is safe and family friendly. We know our customers and try in every way to honor requests and special orders. Our compliance rate is 100%, which is constantly being monitored by the State. This kind of customer service would be lost not to mention Liberty Lake would have at least 4-5 locations selling hard alcohol. We were vetted by the city council as well as a hearing with a judge in order to open our store, The State as well as the City checked our background to make sure we were responsible citizens before granting us this contract. We had a liquor license in California and I can tell you first hand that selling responsibly was not a priorty.

Jenell Farrer
Contract Manager #573
Liberty Lake, WA 99019

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ICS LLC said on Jul. 12, 2010 at 12:38pm

I have been to several (40 and counting) contract stores throughout the state. Initiative 1100 not only jeopordizes the contract manager and the businesses that they have built, but affects the hauling companies that deliver the product for the state, the employees at the storage facilities and companies like mine that have developed POS systems specifically for Contract Owners. For the average individual they do not see the far reaching impact this initiatve carries.

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ICS LLC said on Jul. 13, 2010 at 1:13pm

After reading some of these comments I decided to setup a website where we can all gather to discuss this topic and hopefully shed some educational light on it.

Please join in on the discussions.

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MB said on Nov. 11, 2010 at 4:37pm

I love this store, the people who work there are great and we have never had to wait in a line. We live within walking distance to the store, so when we go on family walks sometimes we will stroll through there on the way home (yes, even with the stroller) this is not a scummy store, I don't feel ashamed bringing my children into it. My son loves going because she has a candy dish set out for kids.

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