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THING: Libertine Tacoma Sea Salts

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LIBERTINE TACOMA SEA SALTS: DeRosa wont stop raving about them.

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Thing: Libertine Tacoma Sea Salts

Created by: Christy Reedy

Also: A local artist

With: -O- Design Studio

I love: And hate her

Her wicked talent: Is a beautiful thing

Something I: Don't have

I have: A few talents

And I'm: Pretty wicked

Especially when you: F with me

Hello, four readers, I'd like you to meet Christy Reedy. She's as pretty as a biscuit, sweet like syrup and has a work ethic like one of those guys standing in front of Home Depot waiting to be picked up and work for a day of cash.

Reedy's original venture into the world of Tacoma creativity began in 2004 with -O-Design Studio, an art and interior design business. I've been a fan of her work for some time now, and am absolutely thrilled that she's started to use her talents to create something I can eat.

Sea Salts from Libertine Tacoma -- available on Etsy and at the Tacoma Food Co-op -- are now a staple in the DeRosa pantry.

"The oddest salt Libertine Tacoma is our Etoile de Mer, which means Star of the Sea in French. It is a combination of a beautiful French grey sea salt, Kafir Lime Leaf and a vanilla bean from a volcanic island in the Channel of Madagascar," Reedy tells me.

I quote her on the Etoile de Mer because there is no way I could describe this exclusive blend myself.

 "It is uniquely bold and delicate while at the same time poetic and delicious," Reed adds.

Well said, Christy Reedy, well said. But I better stop quoting her or she might steal my job.

Personally, I snagged one of Reedy's rare and currently sold-out blends; it's brilliant when sprinkled on cheeses and desserts. It made a perfect Christmas gift for my foodie aunt who's tried everything. (Well, almost everything. I recently introduced her to my PB&J made with jalapeno peanut butter and raspberry jam. YUM. All that was missing was a few slices of bacon.)

Libertine Tacoma has also provided me with a Key Lime Sea Salt blend, one that tops my margarita rim with boastful pride. I'd love to see Libertine blends used in local restaurants. But if you're interested in your own stash I recommend buying a blend you like when you see it, as the favorites I mentioned above are already sold out.

Speaking of sold-out, I've decided to picket outside Reedy's door while chanting this little ditty: "Christy Reedy, sea salt friend - Won't you create my blends again?"

LINK: Find Libertine Tacoma Sea Salts online here.

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Tacoma Food-Co-op said on Dec. 28, 2011 at 2:19pm

Libertine Tacoma is available at Tacoma Food Co-op!

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