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PLACE: Dockside Donuts


Tacoma's Puyallup Avenue now has more Chinese temples and donuts. Photo credit: Steph DeRosa

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Place: Dockside Donuts
Open: 24 hours
With: A drive-thru
Located next to: Red's Valley Pub
Which is next week's: Three Drink Minimum
Can you believe: I'm back off the wagon?
That was: A dumb question, I know
My point is: There's a donut place
Located next to: A BAR!
My two fantasy worlds: Have finally collided
My overall sin: Gluttony

Let me first get out of the way the fact that, yes, Dockside Donuts is located in the shitiest part of Tacoma. This is not my opinion. This is a fact. I detest this fact.

In some other random diatribe, in some parallel universe where people actually give a crap about my opinion, I will passionately state my strong belief that the Tacoma Dome area is a history rich, extremely underutilized Mecca of business potential. I humbly honor those who have stood ground and set up shop around the Tacoma Dome. I shall patronize your businesses regardless, with hopes that Tacoma will follow.

Upon my first visit to Dockside Donuts, my point was proven when a man approached asking for money before I could even shut my car door. "I don't have any cash, but I'll buy you some donuts," Mr. DeRosa told the traveler. The unknown stranger declined this pastry offering.

The large front window of the converted Dairy Queen (now Dockside Donuts) was smashed open and temporarily covered in order to deter the frigid outdoor elements from entering. Dockside's plan to keep the cold weather out was not working, as my family huddled around a small space heater next to the front door.

In broken English a pleasant lady behind the counter answered my questions and packaged up our donut order. The only information I could get from my new foreign bakery friend before giving up communication efforts was that Dockside Donuts was owned by Jim Yap, had been open for four days and had already spoken to another local paper. 

As Mr. DeRosa paid for our frozen donuts he pointed out a small Chinese temple on the ground between a refrigerator (ironic) and a stack of supplies.

"Can you tell me more about this Chinese temple over here?" I asked Suzy Donut. "Is it common to give offerings of donuts and coffee to the Gods?" I pestered. She didn't understand me.

Le sigh. At least I have Red's.

[Dockside Donuts, 1112 Puyallup Ave., Tacoma, 253.572.9638]

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Comments for "PLACE: Dockside Donuts" (1)

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M Kellogg said on Dec. 16, 2011 at 6:57am

What a great idea! Folks living downtown have needed this sort of place for years. Commuting to Seattle via Portland Ave? Stop by for a dozen donuts for the office folks.

First stop there was today. Fab maple bar and donut holes.

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