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Where Tacoma bartenders eat after work

One wonders if they don't all meet at the same spot ...

When Pedro isn't creating strong-ass margaritas at Matador, he's down the street and into a burger at The Office Bar and Grill. Photo credit: Jackie Fender

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Being a veteran of the restaurant industry - aka former boozeslinger - smiling server-type for many years now, combined with the fact that I've been hitting the streets for the foodnik scoop for several years, I have befriended many a bartender. I like to pretend this is because of the previously mentioned reasons rather than what some may assume, which is that I am a beer guzzling, cocktail sipping, food monster devouring everything in my path. That being said, as a woman with many friends on the other side of the rail, I can tell you many things. But one thing is for certain: bartenders know where to get the goods. By goods, I mean grub (and adult beverages, too). So, when I have a hankering for a late-night snack, I ask the bartender that's been pouring the sweet nectar set before me where to go. Naturally, one place often led me to the next because it only makes sense that I would ask those working at the places serving up the best bites. Here are a few recommendations:

Pedro at The Matador slings some mean margaritas, and by mean I mean nice and by nice I mean delicious and strong. The Matador itself is known for its late-night eats, so I had to start here. Pedro recommended local dive bar favorite Hanks Tavern - aka The Corner Bar - and neighboring joint The Office Bar and Grill for the Office Burger paired with something from its nice tap selection.

Naturally, a quick pit stop at The Office was required, where Bobby was slinging drinks for the masses. Being a new papa and working until close more often than not, his social life has dwindled. But he informed me that the Office gang heads to Club Silverstone or The Mix. It was unclear if they go for the grub, but they certainly go to shake their groove thangs, sing some karaoke and get some cocktails.

I connected with Carly at Paesan Kitchen and Bar, and she was candid in regard to her distaste of society playing slave to the happy hour menu, so she wouldn't be recommending based on that criteria. She recommended "1022 South J and Hilltop Kitchen for refined boozing, of course," great go-tos for out-of-town guests and new residents of Thea's Landing.

"Good/random weekend tunes call for Doyle's because it's free, and no one wants to pay a cover at midnight," adds Carly. "And for general happiness? ParkWay! Beer plus bready food equals win." I like a woman who knows what's up.

Clearly BriAnn, boozy-shake-slinger at Shake Shake Shake and I have a lot in common, like our love of nighttime nibbling. Her list of recommendations was the longest and includes The Red Hot, Eleven Eleven, 1022, The Forum, Hilltop Kitchen and DOA, "kinda in that order even," she said. I'm not going to lie, this list nearly mirrors my own.

Mark at the West End Pub and Grill - a personal favorite of mine for its affordable and divine steaks - is behind the bar working so much that he doesn't get out a whole lot, but if someone is looking for something different from the West End's pub fare, he points them to Dirty Oscar's Annex down the way.

Since DOA was mentioned by many a tender, it seemed only natural I end my journey at DOA with Leah, bartender extraordinaire at Dirty Oscar's Annex and Doyle's Public House. She mentioned a variety of establishments open for your late night dining pleasure, including her own stomping grounds, and one stand-out surprise response: Frisko Freeze. When heading out on this adventure, Frisko was not on my radar. She informed me that Frisko is open until 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 11 p.m. on all other evenings. That beats the heck out of Jack ‘n the Box any day of the week.

I think these professionals have pointed the way to true late-night eating and drinking success. If nothing else, I highly recommend each of them for their exquisite service and putting up with me harassing them at their work place.

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