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Appreciation and free food

Restaurant owner supports military, police, firefighters

Karma Indian Cuisine restaurateur, Ramesh Kumar, at his Puyallup location. Photo Credit: Jenn Weldy-Mercille

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Being a successful small-business owner today is a huge risk; often times with very little reward. The competition from large, corporate chain stores and restaurants has forced local businesses across the Nation to close their doors. Though being able to say he owns several locally owned restaurants is a huge accomplishment of its own; that Ramesh Kumar strives every day to show appreciation towards the military, police, and fire departments, as well as building up the communities that surround his restaurants is rare.

Shortly after immigrating to the United States Ramesh found himself working as a dishwasher and living on the streets of Los Angeles until he was finally able to afford a small apartment. His first restaurant, Ghandi Indian Cuisine, was set to open in the second week of September, 2001. In the fear and outrage that gripped the United States after the September 11th attacks, many began to look at Mr. Kumar and his Virginia born wife in a different light despite him not being Middle-Eastern. Though the climate did give him pause, Ramesh kept to his plans of opening his first restaurant.  

The Indian-born restaurateur never finished high school and immigrated to the United States when he was just 16 years old. He told Kitsap Veterans Life, "Everywhere you go you see signs that say "support our troops", but that is not enough. We have to do something more." Mr. Kumar has done just that with each of his restaurants. Those locations that are in communities with a large military presence, such as, Karma Indian Cuisine and Fiesta Taqueria Mexican Restaurant (both located in Puyallup), offer free meals to all persons associated with the military, police, and fire departments on the fourth and second Tuesdays of each month, respectively.

Ramesh's strong support of the military and local first responders gained him acknowledgement in October of last year by McChord Field. A Facebook post made by Mr. Kumar on Karma Indian Cuisine's page perfectly depicts both his gratefulness and humility as he posts how speechless and grateful he was to be acknowledged "simply for showing his appreciation to those that keep our country safe".  As a child, Mr. Kumar looked up to military personnel, as an adult he has never faltered in showing each servicemember just how much he appreciates everything they do for the Nation he calls home. Not all of Ramesh's locations are near communities with a military presence; these locations serve far more than just food to the local communities.

One of his restaurants, located on Bainbridge Island, holds several special days where half of all profits go directly to local schools instead of to the restaurant owner. Though they could not be confirmed, there has been information to suggest that Mr. Kumar also gives a great deal to local schools in the Puyallup area as well. As a father of three and an adult that did not finish high school, Ramesh Kumar knows very well what it is like to try to make your way from nothing. To prove his commitment to our military, Ramesh has said that showing his appreciation to the military is so important to him that even if he is struggling with his businesses, he will continue to offer these appreciation days until the day his money is all gone.

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