Weekly Volcano Blogs: Served blog

June 2, 2014 at 9:14am

Served Blog Banner Boy: Q&A with Todd McLaughlin of Engine House No. 9

Todd Mclaughlin tends bar at Engine House No 9 in Tacoma. He had an awesome time at this year's Sasquatch! Music Festival. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner

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Every week we swap out the Served banner art above, introducing you to the people who serve food and drinks in the South Sound. This week, meet Todd McLaughlin.

Server Banner Boy, June 2-8, 2014

Todd McLaughlin

McLaughlin tends bar at Engine House No. 9, a restaurant, bar and brewery housed in a historic engine house in north Tacoma. He has been with X Group restaurants since 2008, and specifically E-9 for the last two-and-a-half years. Since September 2013, McLaughlin has also tended bar at Doyle's Public House in Tacoma Saturday nights.

Why do you serve?

"I serve for the people. And for the beer. Actually, I mostly serve for the beer."

Who is your favorite server in the South Sound?

"Favorite server has to be Ben Williams next door at Masa. He's just an all around badass bartender."

What are you most proud to serve?

"I'm most proud to serve anything coming out of E-9's barrel and sour program. It is all phenomenal beer that really sets our brewery apart from others."

What's your current drink of choice?

"Beer, of course and whiskey."

Favorite movie?

Old School

What don't you serve?

"I'll really serve whatever makes the guest happy. But I do my best to avoid selling Bud and Coors Light and encourage people to drink real beer."

What's on your radar at Engine House No. 9?

"I'm really excited for our annual sour fest on August 23 and for the new and first ever E-9 Berliner Weiss, which we just brewed."

LINK: Meet R.J. Adler from Pint Defiance

LINK: Meet Rose Peterson from 1022 South J

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About this blog

Served, a blog by the Weekly Volcano, is the region’s feedbag of fresh chow daily, local restaurant news, New Beer Column, bar and restaurant openings and closings, breaking culinary news and breaking culinary ground - all brought to the table with a dollop of Internet frivolity on top.

Recent Comments

Budi Sdk said:

A very interesting article, to add insight can be read at https://www.unair.ac.id/


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Thank you for the list of restaurants to try out. I will have to try their Mac and Cheese....

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Any Spring beers? www.myharmonyphotography.com

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