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Pierce College student gives socks to homeless veterans

Knocks 4 Socks offers gift of compassion and clothes

Courtney Larkins, founder of Knocks 4 Socks, distributes socks to help homeless individuals, some of whom are veterans. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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The man pushing the shopping cart through the Lakewood Town Center late one evening last week appeared to be homeless.

When asked, he acknowledged that he had nowhere to go and that he was "a vet."

Courtney Larkins, the founder of Knocks 4 Socks, an organization dedicated to addressing homelessness by passing out socks to the homeless, has decided to address homeless by asking people for socks.


"Our mission is to assist the homeless - some of whom are veterans - through the offering of a gift of compassion and clothes, specifically socks!" Larkins, a Pierce College student and Lakewood resident, explained.

It is through the asking for a donation of pairs of socks that she wants to highlight concern for the area's homeless and highlight resources.

"We go door-to-door in a neighborhood and leave a note that explains what Knocks 4 Socks is about and asks for a minor donation of socks," continued Larkins.

"A week later, someone will return and pick up the donation people have chosen to leave."

Larkins and her small band of volunteers then take the socks, find homeless individuals, and give them socks in neatly wrapped packages.

"We engage them through the gift of the socks, show compassion and understanding, and then give them information as to where they can get help," she continued.

There is a need for continued help.

Pierce County officials estimate that about 650, or seven percent, of the 8,900 homeless in the county are veterans.

Some of these homeless veterans are in Lakewood.

Beth Elliot, executive director of the FISH Food Bank, said there are about 190 Lakewood residents who have self-identified as homeless, which includes veterans.

Knocks 4 Socks is beginning to make some noticeable headway in addressing the challenge of homelessness.

The group has attracted the attention of several other like-minded organizations.

"Some groups at Pierce College have shown and interest, and we're working on partnering with the Lakewood YMCA to put donation baskets out where members can donate a pair of socks," Larkins said.

"At the end of the day this program is about brining a ray of sunshine in an unexpected way."

For more information, visit the Knocks 4 Socks Facebook or email

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