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McChord Airman speaks to students about Veterans Day

Meeker Middle School honors JBLM’s Veterans

Photo by Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro

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McChord Field firefighter and 1st Sgt. Daryl Hogan of the 10th Airlift Squadron, leaves for Kuwait this week on his third deployment, but before he does he wanted to do one more thing - speak to kids about the true meaning of Veterans Day.

"Before we begin, I want you to be motivated and ready to honor veterans," he said to more than 680 students of Meeker Middle School in Renton, Wash., last Friday, "so on the count of three, when I say Hoo-ah, I want you to respond, ‘Hoo-ah,' really loud."

Hogan, a 17-year veteran who knew he wanted to join the Air Force since high school, said he wanted the middle-schoolers to understand what Servicemembers do and why they serve.

"I hope to inspire and give them a better appreciation for veterans," he said. "I want to show them that we're doing it for their future because they matter."

Hogan's presentation included two videos, Honoring all who Served and the emotional DVD entitled, Thanks, Veterans, for walking the Walk.

"World War I was the war to end all wars," he told the silent auditorium. "But we have called on troops many times since then to serve, and because we love freedom and democracy and because of you, we fight. So when times get tough, remember don't quit. Men and women in uniform, sacrifice so you have the freedom to live in a country where you can do (whatever) you set your mind to - you can achieve anything."

Michelle Lopez, an eight-grader in teacher Irene Eiden's English language class had just learned about Veterans Day. "We honor our veterans in all branches because of what they've done and continue to do. The name Armistice Day meant to stop war, and there wasn't supposed to be another one. That's why the name was changed to Veterans Day."

"I'm trying to teach my class that veterans are people to be respected," Eiden said. "We need to help them and show them we care, always."

"We who join the military are a special team," Hogan said, as he ended his presentation. "We eat, live, laugh, cry and deploy together. All have sacrificed some, and some have sacrificed all."

A sea of hands shot up across the room. Students wanted to know who was tougher - Marines or Army, what was the difference, what was the highest badge in service, how much money did Hogan make, and if he loved his job. One student asked what his goal was and he replied, "To be the best citizen, father, Soldier and person that I can be." Thunderous applause rang on in the auditorium.

Talia and 4-year-old Isaiah - Hogan's wife and son - beamed in the front row, as did JBLM's Army 1st Sgt. David Carr who also attended.     

The student presenter approached the mike. "1st Sgt. Hogan, we have one more question for you,'' she said, "audience on three, can I get a Hoo-ah?"

With hands cupping his mouth and head tilted to the sky, Hogan howled, "Hoo-ah!"

Photo: McChord Airman and firefighter 1st Sgt. Daryl Hogan of the 10th Airlift Squadron and his wife, Talia, baby daughter Natalie, 4 months-old, and 4-year-old Isaiah at Meeker Middle School during its Veterans Day presentation in Renton, Wash., on Nov. 9.

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