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Thursday, June 17: Fun Police

Hell's Kitchen

Fun Police

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The Fun Police are one of the most hardworking, unique and entertaining bands in the state. With their eclectic folk punk style and brilliantly executed pop sensibilities this multi-instrumental ensemble never fails to deliver. Their infectious energy and dynamic, well-crafted songwriting are undeniable. Comprising an array of talented players and seasoned vets of the local music scene, this is a band with a look and sound all their own. If you haven't seen this amazing group in action yet, you owe it to yourself to do so. This is what independent music is all about.

Fun Police

Grit City Fest
With Paris Spleen, Big Wheel Stunt Show, and Destruction Island
Thursday, June 17, 9 p.m., VIP pass $40, weekend pass $25, $12 at door
Hell's Kitchen, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma

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Comments for "Thursday, June 17: Fun Police" (1)

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The Fun Police said on Jun. 17, 2010 at 1:31am

We are ready to kick off Grit City Fest with a bang!

Try out our FREE EP - Direct download from our site - 100% virus free guaranteed!

- The Fun Police

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