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Through Nov. 27: "Almost, Maine"

Theatre on the Square

"ALMOST, MAINE": It’s a play about beginnings. Photo courtesy of Facebook

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Almost, Maine tells something on the order of a dozen or so different love stories, all taking place on the same evening under the aurora borealis of northern Maine. The stories are told in a series of vignettes, rather than as an intertwined tale - though throwaway mentions and name-dropping make it clear everybody knows everybody in this not-quite-a-town.

What binds the tales together, while simultaneously letting them stand alone, is a hint of magic. Not one of the stories is realistic in the strictest sense. One girl literally carries the fragments of her broken heart in a paper bag. Another walks around the world in a single night to prove her love. Two men bring a whole new meaning to "falling" in love.

Read my full review here.

Almost, Maine

Through Nov. 27, 8 p.m. Thursday–Saturday, 2 p.m. Nov. 13 and 27, $26
Theatre on the Square, 915 Broadway, Tacoma

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