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Through May 14: "Sloth"

Theatre on the Square

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Sloth, a world premiere play produced by Gold From Straw a quarter century after its writing, is at its best a compelling commentary on grief, and at its worst a somewhat confused jumble of casting decisions and script weaknesses.

There's this voice that young people use when they play old people. I don't think they can help it. A subconscious attempt to sound wiser or more distinguished, perhaps. You'll know it if you've ever seen a high-school- or university-level play, where the age range of casting options is limited to a student body.

It is somewhat baffling, then, to see the same acting style on a professional-level stage during Gold From Straw's production of Sloth. ...

To read Joe Izenman's full review of Sloth, click here.


Through May 14, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday
2 p.m. Sunday, $23-$26
Theatre on the Square, 915 Broadway, Tacoma

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