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Saturday, May 7: Free Comic Book Day

South Sound

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What's the best way to get people excited about something? Free stuff.

Check that. Free stuff and Imperial stormtroopers.

When the number one goal of the free stuff is the promotion of literacy in children, teens and adults, it's a win for everybody.

Thus, on the first Saturday of every May since 2002, stores across North America have joined with every publisher they can find to give away comic books - it's called Free Comic Book Day. Major operators like Marvel, DC and Disney provide stacks of recognizable characters, from Spider-Man to Mickey Mouse, while small independent publishers like Aspen, Oni and Top Shelf take the opportunity to draw some much-needed attention to themselves.

According to local comic peddler John Munn, "There is literally something for everyone, young and old, whether it's your first comic ever or your four thousandth."

To read Joe Izenman's full article on Free Comic Book Day, click here.

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Free stuff and stormtroopers

Comments for "Saturday, May 7: Free Comic Book Day" (1)

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Kassi said on May. 17, 2011 at 12:47am

Now I feel stupid. That's crlaeed it up for me

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