Photographer Michael Kenna is known for his landscapes - bold but tranquil black and white photos of everything from cityscapes to nature, from industrial places to well-known landmarks. What links all his works together is a sense of peace, often achieved by intense study of each subject or location.
To put it plainly, Kenna's photography is really pretty!
Kenna's Memories and Meditations: A Retrospective of Michael Kenna's Photography exhibition opened at Tacoma Art Museum in October - the first of a two-part exhibition - and the first U.S. retrospective of his work in nearly 20 years.
Friday, Jan. 11 part two of the exhibition will fill TAM with a second wave of meditative beauty, which will be on display through March 24.
Saturday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m., Kenna will be at TAM for a book signing and presentation. Learn about his work and artistic approach first hand. The cost to attend is $15, or $10 for members and $5 for students, and includes museum admission.
TACOMA ART MUSEUM, THROUGH MARCH 24, 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY, $8-$10, 1701 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.4258
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