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Through April 16: Woolworth Windows

Downtown Tacoma

Barbara De Piro's "Metamorphosis" detail is on display in the Woolworth Windows in downtown Tacoma.

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Elise Koncsek's "Sneak Peek" in theWoolworth Windows is an impressive and fun work of art. It consists of flat, cut-out images in a pop style not unlike children's book illustrations. There are stylized trees and animals, and each one has peepholes at adult and child levels. What you see when you look through the peepholes is surprising as each one is something totally different yet thematically and stylistically consistent. This work is playful and should be fun for both adults and children.

Next to Koncsek's windows heading toward 11th Street on the Broadway side is Barbara De Pirro's "Metamorphosis," which is also impressive. Whereas Koncsek's "Sneak Peek" is playful and light-hearted, De Pirro's "Metamorphosis" is an elegant and solidly built wall-hanging sculpture.

Read Alec Clayton's full review of the new Woolworth Windows installation in the Music & Culture section.

WOOLWORTH WINDOWS, on view 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through April 16, Broadway and Commerce at 11th Street, downtown Tacoma

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