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TIKI LOGIC: Old school punk (with one Cali band!), Paris Spleen

Music news through the eyes of a souvenir


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It's a new week, which means it's time for a new installment of Bobble Tiki's South Sound music news and notes column. Without further ado, let's get rolling...

Bobble Tiki is an adaptor, not an innovator. While Bobble Tiki's wife often looks at a situation and identifies ways things could be improved, Bobble Tiki - on the other island themed hand - usually just gets accustomed to the way things are and deals with it.

This being the case, Bobble Tiki - after only a week - now feels firmly at home in his new spot on the Web. Sure, maybe he misses the physical paper - just a little - but Bobble Tiki is an adapter, and he's now firmly adapted to life on the Internet.

Moving on ...

Here's a shocking development: Lopez and the Bar Feeders are playing Hell's Kitchen Friday. In the entire history of Hell's Kitchen, a bill including both underground local legend punk bands has only happened, like, (by Bobble Tiki's count) eleventy-billion times.

Let's be honest, though - originality is for schmucks, especially when the alternative is a badass old school punk show at Hell's Kitchen featuring Lopez and the Bar Feeders.

Here's how the Weekly Volcano has summed up the two bands in the past (which still holds true):

As we're sure either band would readily admit, there's not much youthful glow left on Lopez or the Bar Feeders. Both bands have doled out enough three-chord scorchers and headache inspiring, 20-minute punk rock sets to deserve Social Security benefits. Both bands are like Timex with a drinking problem - they've taken a lickin' but kept on tickin'. But that's part of what makes them great. Lopez and the Bar Feeders have the scars to prove their punk rock prowess, and when either band climbs on stage spiky haired pups would be smart to take note. The Bar Feeders and Lopez do it the way it should be done. When they both invade the Kitchen on the same night you know it'll be a punk rock evening not to miss.

See? Still so true.

Moving on, and for the sake of the kiddies out there, The Den @ urbanXchange has quite an all ages show lined up for Saturday - although, in fairness, all shows at the Den are all ages.

But that's not the point.

The point is Paris Spleen - a band Matt Driscoll originally turned Bobble Tiki on to - will be taking the Den stage along with bright, young Tacoma talents like The Gypsies and Womberang - not to mention the seriously druggy and pretty awesome Wild Orchid Children, who will be invading Tacoma from the north.

Bobble Tiki would like to take a moment to give props to Paris Spleen - not just for the band's sound (which kicks ass), but for the role of elder statesmen and path-forgers the band has taken within Tacoma's growing indie movement. Bobble Tiki has seen plenty of other places where the music scene - and especially old and new - is cut throat, mean, and just plain stupid. Luckily, in Tacoma, we know better than that, right?

Paris Spleen definitely does. The band doesn't mind showing kids the way, which is awesome.

Catch you next week.

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Loteria reinterpreted

Comments for "TIKI LOGIC: Old school punk (with one Cali band!), Paris Spleen" (3)

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tornado said on Apr. 16, 2010 at 5:21pm

This column isn't in the paper anymore? Lame!

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evil tedd said on Apr. 18, 2010 at 11:00am

lopez is from pdx, not california...>:)

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Matt Driscoll said on Apr. 19, 2010 at 11:26am

That's it. Bobble Tiki is fired. Damn confusing, boxed wine fueled sentences.

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