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Disarmed to the teeth

Cody Foster on his band’s Boxing Day revenge

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Sunday at The New Frontier Lounge, veteran local hardcore trio Cody Foster's Army will be playing one of their "disarmed" acoustic sets. The early show (starts at 7 p.m.) also includes Looking for Lizards and Rich Bundy, and has a post-holiday wallet-sparing two-for-one entry policy. I caught up with CFA mastermind Cody Foster to find out more about the gig, and his band's plans for the New Year.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: You guys are playing on Boxing Day. Do any of you have any Canadian relatives?

CODY FOSTER: (Laughs) Not that I know of.

VOLCANO: Since you're performing right at the end of the year, I have to ask: What were the highlights of 2010 for you guys?

FOSTER: This year, we released our Smoking Gun EP. We did a regular release show for it over at Hell's Kitchen, and I wanted to do something different, like a bizarro release show. I asked my band, let's do our s*** acoustically, and have some friends do it with us. (We played that way) the one time, and people kept asking us to play that way again.

VOLCANO: What are your plans for 2011? Is a new EP or LP on the way?

FOSTER: That's that other thing we did this year as far as CFA goes. Besides the acoustic stuff, we recorded a full-length. We're in the process of getting all the artwork together so we can get it released. We're really excited about that because it's almost a half-hour long - an actual record. (Author's note: a half-hour can seem like an eternity in the fast and furious world of hardcore music). It's called Managed by the Devil, Brought to You by the Grace of God. It's going to be (released) on Music Abuse, which is Tony Reed's label, from Mos Generator and Stone Axe. It might be in conjunction with Violent Hippy (who released Smoking Gun).

VOLCANO: Tell me more about the CFA Disarmed live show.

FOSTER: With Disarmed, we add seven other people, so there's ten of us in the Disarmed. We got a guy playing the horn, we got a guy playing the harmonica, we got a twelve-string (guitar) and acoustic guitars and Rick King, the Guitar Maniacs owner (the Volcano's "Best Tacoman" for 2010). He's doing a bunch of small instruments with us also, mostly percussive stuff. We've got two other percussionists. It's quite fun.

VOLCANO: Is it a different vibe from your usual sets?

FOSTER: It's really loud, and really rock-y. More than you would expect. Every one of us, our background is in obnoxiously loud, fast music. This is our take on "not that" (laughs).

VOLCANO: I love the intensity in your recordings. I was listening to your MySpace and my browser crashed right after "Buccaneer's Review" finished, and I want to believe that it was because the song was so heavy.

FOSTER: (laughs) I can believe that! That's awesome.

VOLCANO: You guys have a longstanding history of playing in regional hardcore acts - do your acoustic sets constitute anything "new" for you?

FOSTER: It is for me, it is for everyone in CFA. For some of the other guys we're playing with, not so much. A friend of ours, Gary - who plays the six-string acoustic - he's been doing this for a long time. (He likes to) play acoustic, but he also loves heavy music. When we asked him if we wanted to do this, his only answer was "F*** yeah!"

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Looking for Lizards, Rich Bundy, 7 p.m., price TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]

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evil tedd said on Dec. 22, 2010 at 11:50am

cody, is that your thumb on the poppa wheelie cd band photo?

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