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Beached in a good way

Spending the day with your toes in the sand

Beach walking and looking for shells is a favorite pastime for many of those who visit Ocean Shores. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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A nice and easy two-hour drive away, the city of Ocean Shores is my idea of a great day trip - or weekend getaway - destination.

A 6,000-acre peninsula located on the north side of Gray's Harbor on the Washington coast, the municipality a busy commercial center complete with family-friendly restaurants, novelty stores and a first-class interpretative center.

What's more, there is a weathered look and feel to the town, which gives a sense of stability and comfort.

Ocean Shores as we know it first took shape in 1960 when investors announced that they would dig 25 miles of canal on the peninsula with the hopes of creating the "Venice of the West."

While those plans did not fully materialize, the notion that the area could become a travel destination for folks looking for some rest, relaxation and perhaps a retirement home, did.

Since the 1970s, Ocean Shores has worked to distinguish itself as a first-rate travel location.

Success has been achieved.

Currently, the city hosts 19 major events a year such as the upcoming Irish Music Festival (Oct. 21-25) and Winter Fanta-Sea Arts & Crafts Show (Nov. 27-29) to the Razor Clam Festival & Seafood Extravaganza (March 18-20) and the Saw and Sawdust Festival (June 24-26).

"We think we've got a pretty nice little place here, a jewel by the ocean," commented Alice Ziger, a volunteer at the city's Convention Center, as I looked over brochures showcasing the city.

I wondered if what I had just heard would square with what I would experience during the rest of my visit.

They did.

"You folks enjoy yourselves," commented a lady as she held the door to Bennett's Fish Shack open for me.

The restaurant was neat and clean; the staff friendly and professional; the menu extensive.

"It's a great day to be out on the beach."

Ah, the beach.  My family and I love the beach.

Ocean Shores boasts six miles of flat, sandy beach that allows for walking, the safe driving one's car and kite flying.

One local fellow told me with a laugh that the city has a robust tow truck service for those who do get stuck on the beach.

Safe to say, I had no need for such service during my visit.

"You couldn't have picked a better day to come here," the young lady behind the counter at Ocean Shores Kites said, as she handed me my purchase of several kites.

The shop is an explosion of kites and Frisbees in all kinds of shapes and colors; I could have spent hours looking around.  

"The beaches aren't too crowded, and the wind is just right."

She was right twice.

Five minutes later, we were on the beach with nothing but waves, wind and sun.

The fish and chips and cheeseburgers were consumed; the kites were flown, and my family and I gamboled in the surf.

Sitting on a good-sized piece of wind and sand polished driftwood and the children wrapped up in beach towels, we watched several fishing boats off in the distance as a mist blew in off the Pacific.

"It's been a good day, Daddy," my youngest son said.

I agreed.

For more information about Ocean Shores, visit or call 1.800.76BEACH. 

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