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Dock fishing derby

Point Defiance Marina invites anglers to compete for catch of the day

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The coastal waters of Puget Sound boast a bounty of fish and other water species, and near shore fishing is a great way to take advantage of it. Dock fishing is a popular activity in our area, and Saturday, Aug. 22 you can join The Dock Fishing Community for their annual Dock Fishing Derby at the beautiful Point Defiance Marina.

If you're new to the sport or just looking to give it a try, members of the Dock Fishing Community will be on-hand to show you how to properly bait your hook and clean your catch as well as to teach you all the ins and outs of the sport and ethics of fishing off the dock. Experienced anglers are welcome as well to join in the fun, find a sweet fishing spot on the dock, and reel in the catch of the day. Bait will be provided for all.

According to The Dock Fishing Community, "Dock fishing is all about creating memories that can last a lifetime while fishing from the shore." All you need to bring is a rod, a reel, and a tackle box full of your favorite lucky fishing gear down the pier to enjoy a memorable morning at Point Defiance Marina. Spend the day fishing with friends, family and fellow anglers, and learn a few things about the many species of fish that call Puget Sound home.

All anglers, regardless of experience, will be competing for prizes to be awarded in three categories: Flounder, Sculpin and Coolest Catch. Even if your biggest catch isn't deemed a prize winner, a photographer will be available to snap shots of you and your catch.

All Washington Fish and Wildlife Rules apply, and only legal fish will qualify for judging. An entry fee of $20 per angler is required to participate. There is a 15 participant maximum so come out early and grab your spot on the dock.

The Dock Fishing Community's Dock Fishing Derby, Saturday, Aug. 22, Point Defiance Marina, 5912 N. Waterfront Dr., Tacoma, $20, 253.820.4933,

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