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Annual Ranger Regatta

Pointe du Hoc Foundation and Tacoma Yacht Club join forces to host

Enjoy a cruise of the Puget Sound at the 2017 Ranger Regatta. Photo credit: Pointe du Hoc Foundation

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The Pointe du Hoc Foundation (PDHF) will host its largest fundraiser of the year, the Ranger Regatta, Aug. 24 beginning at 9 a.m. at the Tacoma Yacht Club.

"The Ranger Regatta is the PDHF's annual fundraiser. This event sets the conditions for our nonprofit support of 2nd Battalion (75th Ranger Regiment) and family members throughout the upcoming year," said Mike Okita, a retired Army colonel and former 2/75 commander who serves as the PDHF chairman.  "A few of our strategic goals and support activities include financial planning seminars, scholarships, wounded warrior family support and memorial additions and maintenance."

The PDHF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 2011 to support the special operations warriors and family members of 2/75. All nine PDHF board members served in the Army or are current or former military spouses. Most served in 2/75.

The group's name comes from the World War II mission to scale the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, during D-Day in 1944.  More than 225 2nd Battalion Rangers began the mission, successfully scaling the cliffs, holding the position, and saving countless Americans. The loss was considerable, however, with fewer than 75 men left after three days of fighting.

"The mission of the foundation is to honor the courage, fortitude, and selfless sacrifices of 2d Battalion Rangers and their families who have served in the unit from WWII to the present; cultivate relationships with friends and supporters of the 2d Ranger Battalion; provide benevolent support through educational funding, life skills development, counseling, and employment assistance; and sustain the memorial park built in tribute to the fallen," according to information on the foundation's website (

The Ranger Regatta begins with a Tour of Boats followed by a luncheon and an auction.  The afternoon concludes with an afternoon cruise on the Puget Sound.  Skippers from the Tacoma Yacht Club generously support the event by hosting attendees on their boats.

"The Ranger Regatta is open to those wishing to support our military special operations warriors," Okita said.

How can you help?  Purchase tickets to the event or sponsor a table.  If you can't make it, consider sponsoring a Ranger, which will allow a soldier to attend. Sponsorships are available beginning at the $500 level. The foundation is also in need of items for the silent auction. For more information, visit the website.

Ranger Regatta, 9 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 24, Tacoma Yacht Club, 5401 Yacht Club Rd., Tacoma, $100, 253.235.3453,

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