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The show they showed me

"Cannibal! The Rehearsal" a bloody mess

Originally a glorified student film of Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

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I'll keep repeating this until I'm sure we all get it: I can only review the show you show me.

There was no sane reason for Theater Artists Olympia to invite me to see Cannibal! The Musical eight days early. I double-checked; that's how they wanted it. Perhaps director Pug Bujeaud, who directed a production of this show five years ago, assumed it was a slam dunk. It wasn't. Perhaps the company values publicity over praise. Is it possible the show will find its footing by opening night? Of course. Hell, I hope so, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time one last week of rehearsal saved a company's bacon ... but again, I saw Cannibal! eight days early. And the fact remains that what I saw last Thursday was unworthy of an audience, be they professional critics or undiscriminating well-wishers; so that's the show I'll be reviewing herein.

If you've seen any episode of South Park, you know it can be brilliant and brain-dead, all in the same 30 seconds. The same goes for Trey Parker and Matt Stone's previous projects, including Team America: World Police and this show, originally a glorified student film. I've actually met the guys and like them, and I gather their new Broadway musical The Book of Mormon is terrific, but let's face it: This script will never threaten Some Like It Hot on the AFI's comedy list. It boasts only a handful of solid jokes, so it's to TAO's credit that its production earns laughs from asides and ad libs. Unfortunately, just as many quips hail from the "yes, we've seen Star Wars" school of parody endemic on Family Guy - a style of "humor" Parker and Stone have since savaged on South Park.

Here's what worked in rehearsal: The band. Dave Beacham as the incessantly optimistic Swan. Christian Doyle as the single-minded Alferd Packer, and Christine Pearch-Goode as Liane, the equine object of his affection. About half of the seven songs (and, yes, half of seven is a mixed number). The aforementioned asides. A dilettante enthusiasm one might generously refer to as "scrappy."

Now. Here's what didn't: The tech; the lights didn't work, by which I mean they wouldn't go on or off. Sound effects. The sets weren't all painted, and there weren't enough techies to move them around. The fight scenes, which started energetically but overstayed their welcome. The gore, because it wasn't completed. The costumes, which surely weren't finished. The dozen kids wandering numbly around the stage. The stage manager and director jumping into scenes to nudge their show into gear. The singing, by and large, as actors were obliged to bellow over the rock combo, and some couldn't find a key with GPS. To be fair, though, they were struggling with the acoustics of their performance space; viz, the basement of Eagles Hall.

TAO cannibalized its biggest hit and gambled on inviting us way too early. Say it with me: I can only review the show you show me. Fair enough?

Cannibal! The Musical

April 15-May 1, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, $15,
Theater Artists Olympia, 805 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia

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Comments for "The show they showed me" (4)

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Mark Bujeaud said on Apr. 14, 2011 at 12:04pm

Most of what you say is true, Christian. I'll give you that. It is a big risk to invite ANYONE to see what you are doing a week before you open a show if either "we" or "you" are expecting anything close to a final product.
I will say, though, that no one (including the director) expected it to be easy. We were caught with our pants down a bit more than we expected, but considering we started with a bare room and lots of borrowed stuff, I think we are doing nearly as I expected. It'll get there, or certainly much nearer.

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Carv said on Apr. 14, 2011 at 4:37pm

And if ever people think I play favorites, I hope they'll remember this. Both Pug and Marko are friends of mine, and I respect them and their work. I don't want any show to fail. I'd love nothing more than to see great theatre twice every weekend. But I can't review hypothetical performances. If this was a board decision, it was a poor one. My sincere hope is that this week has made a world of difference, and you'll have a spectacular opening weekend. I just can't say things that aren't true, even if the goal is to make that happen. I'm a critic, not a publicist.

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Carv said on Apr. 14, 2011 at 10:20pm

...which is why, just as I was obliged to pan last Thursday's rehearsal, I felt compelled to return and see tonight's final dress preview. The difference was nothing short of night and day. It still wasn't perfect, but everything was better and most things were fine. Best of all, tonight the show was FUN, entertaining and energetic from beginning to end. I'll write a more extensive review for my forthcoming Spew blog entry, but in the meantime, Cannibal! the Musical used its final week of rehearsal to flip from Mongolian clustermug to underground party.

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Mark Bujeaud said on Apr. 19, 2011 at 8:07pm

Glad to see that you found it fun, Carv. Thanks for coming back.

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