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Memorial Day 2020 proclamation

Governor calls for a moment of silence to honor all veterans

Governor Jay Inslee calls on all Washingtonians to honor those who have died for this country this Memorial Day. Photo credit: Sharefaith,

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WHEREAS, our ancestors shaped the structure of our political system, laid the groundwork for higher discoveries in science and medical research, started long-lasting traditions that enrich our heritage, and fought in wars so that future generations would have freedom; and

WHEREAS, on Memorial Day, it is important to cherish the memories of our friends and family members who have died and to remember their contributions towards making our lives better; and

WHEREAS, the veterans who fought and died for our country helped preserve the freedoms and rights guaranteed to all people under the U.S. Constitution; and

WHEREAS, Memorial Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past and renew our patriotism so that we may continue to live in freedom and seek peace so that our veterans will not have died in vain; and

WHEREAS, due to impacts felt by COVID-19 and numerous ceremonies not taking place this year, we ask that the community observe a brief moment of silence to honor all veterans;

NOW, THEREFORE, l, Jay Inslee, Governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim May 25, 2020, as Memorial Day in Washington, and I encourage all people in our state to join me in honoring those who have died for this country.

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