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Green Apple Quick Step

Friday, March 26, 2010, Hell's Kitchen

Green Apple Quick Step live at Hell's Kitchen. Photography by Patrick Snapp

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I have this weird association in my brain. OK, I have many, but only one that's relevant today, wherein I connect Green Apple Quick Step with Green Day. I know, I know, they sound nothing alike. But that's why it's a weird association, and not just a normal one.

Indirectly, of course, this is because they both start with "Green." More specifically, though, this put them right next to each other in my brother's occasionally alphabetized CD collection, and right around eye level in middle school, as he was indoctrinating me into the world of '90s alternative rock.

It was an incredibly formative period. It would be another few years before I discovered classic rock - around the same time that Marco Collins left KNDD and they started playing Limp Bizkit, not so coincidentally - so it was this CD collection, with the help of a radio tuned eternally to 107.7 FM, which turned me into a rocker, through and through.

I always imagined shows with these bands to be raucous club things, full of sweat and shouting and passionate fans thrashing about with the bands. And by the time I finally got out to a genuine club show, I certainly wasn't disappointed. Of course, that was GWAR, so it's a different animal.

Anyway, armed with this long-held expectation, I found myself mildly disappointed by my first live Green Apple Quick Step experience at Hell's Kitchen on Friday night. I suppose it's just because everyone is older now, band and fan alike. Looking around the club, it is clear that the audience is the same one who piled into clubs in the mid-90s.

Aged, cracked GAQS T-shirts were rescued from the depths of closets and hampers. Everyone was happy to be there, and everyone was excited to see Ty Willman and Co. one more time. But no one seemed as excited as I expected. Well, no one but my favorite patron of them all, Hell's Kitchen Air Guitarist Guy - last spotted at the Otherwise show back in February.

Willman and the band put on a solid show. Not the kind of madcap flailing that The Jet City Fix laid down in the opening set, but stocked with, an energetic frontman, a tight and driving rhythm section - DISCLOSURE BOMB: current GAQS drummer Geoff Reading writes the Wednesday Reading column here at the Volcano - and the songs everyone recognized from this music video or that movie soundtrack.

I guess that's what bothered me. Any other band, whether touring on a new album or breaking out for a long-awaited reunion, has those one or two songs that drive the crowd nuts. The song everyone wants to hear, and gets every last mosher off their ass.

That didn't happen. Closing number "Los Vargos: should have done it, and didn't. The people who were rocking out all night kept rocking, and the people who were standing still kept standing. The show ended, and everyone left. It was a night, and an audience, filled with too much "clap clap clap" and not enough "HELL YEAH WHOOOOOO."

I know Tacoma has the hell yeah whoo crowds. I've seen them, and been in them. But this one couldn't even be talked enough to call for an encore by a very encouraging sound guy on the PA, who clearly wanted to see some more show. I waited outside among the smokers for a few minutes just in case, but all I saw was everyone leaving.

The whole thing, that lack of spark to the crowd, soured my experience on what should have been an awesome night with a fun band. So, sorry Green Apple Quick Step. And Tacoma, you should rock harder. I know you can.

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South Sound Music Calendar: Saturday, March 27

Comments for "Green Apple Quick Step" (10)

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John R. said on Mar. 27, 2010 at 6:25pm

Dude man hey. People got old and their bones creak when they rock out. Plus getting hit in the pit when you're in your 40's isn't as fun as it was nearly 20 years ago. Just be glad people showed up who know who the hell GAQS is.

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evil tedd said on Mar. 28, 2010 at 8:03pm

I was at THE BRIEFS that night. they rock!


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djknay said on Mar. 30, 2010 at 5:44pm

That wasn't GAQS, which is why nobody got too excited. It was Tyler Willman and a few hacks who were never in the original band, nor wrote any song on any sound track for any movie. I would have supported a real reunion but that's not what transpired. It should have happened, there's really no excuses. They are all still alive and easlily located.

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Mad_Mama said on Apr. 02, 2010 at 2:40pm

Wow, djknay - harsh. Hacks?? Did you happen to check the credentials of the people on that GAQS lineup? Hardly hacks. And, I had a damned good time there with all the other old folks. Sorry you didn't.

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John L said on Apr. 19, 2010 at 12:52pm

This review seems to be less about the show and the band and more about you... your big brother's CD collection and your expectations of what the show should have been... if you mixing Green Day up with GAQS then how could you expect to give a good review of the show... I wish I knew this shows was going to happen, I would have went... instead I am trying to find out what it was like and all I got is somebodies kid brother didn't like it because it wasn't like the GWAR concert he went to... I can't believe you got a job doing reviews... you are too bias... properly has to do with your age and lack of experience...

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Justin G. said on Apr. 19, 2010 at 4:03pm

I thought it was a pretty good review. There's no Rolling Stone ass kissing going on here. He didn't think it was a stellar show and said so. Maybe it wasn't.

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John L said on Apr. 20, 2010 at 9:56am

After reading the review this is what I took away and why I didn't like it;

1. first 4 paragraphs, nothing about the show
2. 5th paragraph, disappointed because the band and fans are older
3. 6th paragraph, fans wore old T-shirts and didn't get excited enough
4. 7th paragraph, finally a little info about the show and opening band (very little)
5. 8th paragraph, not enough headbangers.
6. 9th paragraph, only mentioned 1 song of the whole set list
7. last 2 paragraphs, again complains about the crowd not being loud enough

Well, I am older and a fan from the 90's. I enjoy concerts and the music and I hate standing next to people who just keep yelling "HELL YEAH WHOOOOOO", I came to hear the band, not them. Reading the comments someone posted that the original line up was not on stage. Was this not worth mentioning? Who was on stage? Maybe I have heard of them from another band. What was the set list? How long did they play, did it start on time or run really late? How did they sound after not playing these songs for a long time? I got very little about the show from this review, mostly that the reviewer was board. Maybe he was not a fan. I know if I brought my 20-something nephew to the show, who is not familiar with the songs, he would be board too. I feel like it is a poorly written review that sounds like he copied from his Facebook posting.

It does not have to be a kiss ass review. He had said "Willman and the band put on a solid show", but then went on about the crowd again. Was he there to review the crowd and ignore the band? This is just my thoughts and what I took from this review.

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Christine Greenleaf said on Apr. 22, 2010 at 7:13pm

Where the hell is the cool basist and ultra strong voice - Mari Ann Braeden?
Not a band w/o her in it!

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Laughing said on Dec. 12, 2011 at 3:45am

Too funny! GAQS kicked Ty Willman (the singer) OUT of the band in the late 90s! Now he put the band back together WITHOUT any of the other original members and played THEIR music!!! LOL... Start your own band dude, quit living in the past off other peoples dreams...

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AP said on Jun. 10, 2013 at 2:17pm

So late to this! But researching something, stumbled in.. just feel like saying Joe is not just a kid brother reviewing the crowd. He is an accomplished musician with a lot of local tenure and an objective, yet critical voice. This is his opinion and he pays attention to everything. I rarely agree with him but enjoy a good counterpoint nonetheless. "Homogenous oblivion - the downfall of most creatives." -AP

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