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BITE US: Full Circle Farm home delivery, Satellite Coffee steals one

The good word in the South Sound

Full Circle Farm will deliver the goods to your doorstep.

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Full Circle

I didn't make it to any of the farmers markets last week, and to clear my karma I just may have to call Full Circle Farm.

This local company has offered organic and artisan food for a while now, but they just launched a home delivery to Pierce County.

Full Circle works alongside local farms and organic food providers, connecting consumers to their food and local farmers. Currently, Full Circle offers 200 varieties of produce and has partnered with artisan vendors to offer specialty items such as bread from The Essential Baking Company, cheese from Mt. Townsend Creamery, milk from Fresh Breeze Dairy, grass-fed beef from Johnson Farm and natural hormone-free pork from Foster Farms - as well as coffees, teas, chocolate and more.

This summer, customers can expect basil, beets, tomatoes, greens, berries, cucumbers, and much more. And while walking around the market is fun, having local summer squash delivered to my door may be too good to pass up.

Go to for more information, or to sign up for home delivery. - Michael Swan

As the shot pulls

Standing in line at Satellite Coffee's Sixth Avenue Masa location last weekend, waiting for the tasty bites of natural, sugar and cinnamon breakfast snack goodness known as Sputnik Donuts, I ran into Satellite owner Pat Brown, who didn't waste an opportunity to spread the news.

As coffee nuts in this town already know, Origin 23 closed its Sixth Avenue doors in late June, creating one less spot in town to drink good coffee, connect to often questionable Wi-Fi, listen to often questionable music, and munch on one of the better selections of coffeehouse treats our town had to offer.

Wi-Fi and music jokes aside, Origin 23's closing was a loss for Tacoma's coffee community.

In the wake, however, several new coffee joints have opened - perhaps most prominently Amocat Café on St. Helens. This is definitely a good thing.

However, for those still bumming about the loss of Origin 23, Brown tells me former Origin 23 barista Nick Alden, who has amassed many longtime fans and customers during his time pulling shots in Tacoma, has relocated to Satellite, set to re-unite with friendly, coffee-purchasing faces in the Sixth Avenue coffee corridor. Brown says Alden will probably work most at Satellite's Sixth Avenue, Masa location, allowing for ample opportunity for former Origin 23 customers to find their way to him. - Matt Driscoll

[Satellite Coffee inside Masa, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 2811 Sixth Ave., Tacoma]

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Adrienne said on Jul. 27, 2010 at 2:04pm

I'm getting Full Circle produce delivery weekly and I love it. You can add or take away things, and you can get all kinds of other stuff besides produce -- local meats, cheeses, dairy and random things like crackers and you-bake breads. Super convenient and available bi-weekly.

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