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BITE US: Best tamales

Awesome pork-fille dlogs at Vuelve a la Vida

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Lots of people think of tamales as a cold weather treat. They can be very heavy and quite filling; they're also traditional during the holidays. But the Weekly Volcano sees people walking out of Vuelva a la Vida, tamales in hand, through the hottest months of the year. And that is a testament to just how tasty these pork-filled masa logs are. Served a la carte ($2.50 a pop, $12 for a half-dozen), these puppies swell with juicy, if slightly greasy, stewed pork in mild but sultry red sauce. The moist masa is almost fluffy inside, but still firm and tender to the fork. Don't wait until the first sign of snow to try the tamales. Dine in or take out.

[Vuelve a la Vida, 5310 Pacific Ave., Tacoma; 253.473.7068]

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