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Feedbag: The Red Hot re-opens, Secret Sauce Society

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The first "cheers" at the new Red Hot on Tacoma's Sixth Avenue. Photo credit: Kate Swarner

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Calling all imbibers: Get thyselves to The Red Hot (2914 Sixth Ave., Tacoma). After months and months of permit issues and construction, The Red Hot has finally re-opened in its new, larger neighboring space June 25. A lined formed before 11 a.m. waiting for co-owner Chris Miller to open the door. A few tried to enter early but were 86'd as the inspector was still inside. Early that morning, Miller stood outside the city of Tacoma's permit desk to pay a 30-day Temporary Occupancy fee while he worked out accessibility issues at the new Red Hot. With permit in hand, Miller led the inspector through the new space. At roughly 11:30 a.m., the inspector left the building and the beer began to flow. Tacoma band Plastards front man Bill Schlanbusch - who entered the joint the backdoor (natch!) - received the first beer. Bartender Carla's first pull was a couple of Scrimshaw Pilsners. The new Red Hot is much larger, with 25 tap handles, a larger chalkboard than the previous spot, couches (!) and the trademark red and yellow walls. See photos from the opening here.


It's still mysterious, but there's a new exclusive dining event in the Tacoma area called the Secret Sauce Society. Their debut event last week included an egg-themed dining event partnering with Early Bird Eggs, Abeille Baking Co. and Wingman Brewers to present several courses highlighting the egg in compelling dishes then paired with refreshments. Look for them on Facebook for future dining adventures.

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