Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: January, 2009 (213) Currently Viewing: 1 - 10 of 213

January 1, 2009 at 3:00am

Happy New Year

NYE-party The Weekly Volcano will skip the the Happy New Year dribble and general feeble-witted written retch, and instead offer our post New Year' Eve party cleaning tips.  Whether you’re removing lipstick from the couch or cigarette stains from the armoire, we have you covered.

Removing red wine from carpet
If the wine starts flowing a little too freely, pour club soda onto the spill as soon as possible. Later, make a paste of equal parts baking powder and Borax mixed with cold water. Spread the paste on the stain; after it dries, vacuum up the remains.

Removing wax from carpet/upholstery
The Weekly Volcano assumes it’s just a candle meltdown you’re facing, but who is he to judge?  Place an ice cube on the wax for three to five minutes. When the wax is brittle, chip off the excess with a spatula. Then take a paper towel, fold it in half and place it over the remaining wax. Warm an iron to medium heat and place the iron on top of the paper towel. Do not move the iron around â€" you’ll just spread the wax. When you lift up the iron, the paper towel will have absorbed the wax.

Removing beer stains
If it was amateur night during the quarters game, soak the damaged items in a solution of two cups of cool water and 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar. If things really got out of hand, try something a bit stronger: Blot the area with a solution of one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup of cool water.

Removing vomit from carpet/upholstery
It’s nasty and bound to happen, and the sooner you pull out the spatula and dustpan to clean up the, uh, excess, the sooner you can apply a solution of a 1/4 cup of baking soda and one cup of warm water. Blot immediately, and then forget about the whole mess.

Removing lipstick stains
If guests got a little too lovey-dovey and left big lip smackers on your couch, pillows or clothing, douse the area well with hairspray, then rub hard with a bar of hand or laundry soap. Out of hairspray and soap? Try a solution of baking soda and lemon juice.

Removing bloodstains
It’s a good idea to always have baking soda around â€" especially during your Jackass banister stunt. To hide the evidence, make a paste of baking soda and cold water, apply and let it sit until dry, then rinse it off. For bloodstains of Dexter proportions, soak the area in hydrogen peroxide.

Removing that leftover beer-and-cigarette stench
Place bowls of white vinegar around the house; they’ll absorb any odor. If the in-laws are coming by and you need a quick fix, dab a little of your favorite perfume or cologne on the top of a cool lightbulb. Turn on the light, and the room will smell like flowers or musk or patchouli in no time.

LINK: Or just go to the movies

Filed under: Holidays, Olympia, Tacoma,

January 1, 2009 at 8:13am

First Night Tacoma 2009 photos

FN-First Last night Tacoma was transformed into a theater without walls or boundaries, as hundreds of performers practiced their arts throughout the downtown area; this bringing of people together through the arts began early with programs geared toward the entertainment of children, and ended with a bang. The rainy, cold night might have been a deterrent for a few but for those who attended the arts and entertainment extravaganza, it was a night to remember.

The Weekly Volcano posted a few photographs of First Night Tacoma 2009 on its Photo Hot Spot.

Filed under: Arts, Community, Events, Music, Tacoma,

January 1, 2009 at 1:48pm

Tacoma photo of the day

Tacoma-Photo-1109 She said, "I accept." Congrats!

Filed under: Events, Music, Photo of the Day, Tacoma,

January 2, 2009 at 9:27am

First Night Tacoma 2009 video


Weekly Volcano film critic Christopher Wood and his Lightyear Video crew filmed Wednesday's First Night Tacoma 2009 in downtown Tacoma.

January 2, 2009 at 12:20pm

One tasty burger


Asado-Cheeseburger I have to admit, I think the whole "deconstruction"  craze in restaurants these days is a bit silly, sort of like Ranked Choice Voting. The idea is that you take something like a cheeseburger and serve it "deconstructed": bun here, the meat over there, lettuce and tomato on the side, etc. what? Does it empower the eater?

I'm please to report that the Asado Burger arrives constructed, and damn tasty, too.

Asado grounds sirloin and spicy chorizo in house then charred perfectly to medium rare, the dresses it with a slice of fried, firm provolone, Serrano ham, and sautéd onions and peppers. The thick, sesame seed sprinkled buns are grilled and capture the ingredients in between.

The cheeseburger arrives on a long, rectangular dish with a cup of poblano aioli and soft yucca fries.

[Asado, 2810 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.7770]

LINK: South Sound Restaurant Guide

Filed under: Food & Drink, Tacoma,

January 2, 2009 at 1:00pm

Tacoma Photo of the Day

Filed under: Photo of the Day, Tacoma,

January 2, 2009 at 3:34pm

Julie Anderson set to fill Manthou's shoes


Julie Anderson As is customary at the first Tacoma City Council meeting of the year, this coming Tuesday, Jan. 6, council member Julie Anderson will almost certainly be elected Deputy Mayor for 2009 â€" that is, unless something completely unexpected happens and Baarsma and CO. vote down a resolution that would grant Anderson the job, or if Spiro Manthou â€" out of despair from losing the position â€" wraps Anderson in bacon and devours her with a nice glass of red wine.

The Weekly Volcano assumes neither far fetched possibility will happen â€" though we do know that everything tastes better with bacon.

Once Anderson takes over for Manthou as Deputy Mayor, for the rest of the year she’ll be in charge of filling in for Baarsma when the mayor has stayed up too late playing Halo and is unable to attend a council meeting. (Unless, of course, she actually gets that Auditor gig.) As Deputy Mayor Anderson will be known as the “presiding officer,” in City Council Rules of Procedure terms, and in Baarsma’s absence she’ll be in charge of:

1. Preserving order and decorum in the Council Chambers;

2. Observing and enforcing all rules adopted by the Council for its government;

3. Deciding all questions on order, in accordance with these rules, subject to appeal by any member to the Council; and

4. Recognizing members of the Council in the order in which they request the floor. No member shall be recognized and given the floor to speak on the same matter more than once until after all other members of the Council have had an opportunity to be recognized and be heard.

5. Retaining the authority, during Public Comment and Citizens’ Forum, to determine whether a speaker’s remarks fail to comply with these Rules or exceed the scope of the designated forums, and the presiding officer shall have the authority to suspend such person’s right to speak, subject to the Council’s right to overrule such decision.

6. (Lesser known duty) Making sure Rick Talbert gets a good look at the Traveller’s balls next time he decides to disrobe at a council meeting.

January 2, 2009 at 4:00pm

Brick House


It's Friday afternoon and here comes another installment of Pappi Swarner's '70s jukebox. Pappi Swarner looks distraught today. Apparently he had to make a big decision and he looks a bit down. Outside his door you wouldn't know as the Commodores are blasting from within.

This week he's fired up "Brick House." Enjoy.

Filed under: Music, Pappi Swaner's Jukebox,

January 2, 2009 at 4:32pm

El Toro’s Camarones a la Diabla


EL-Toro-Slow-Burn El Toro
Camarones a la Diabla
Burn factor: one out of four

Dinner at El Toro on New Year's Eve has become a First Night tradition for The KAke, Natasha and me. The KAke just informed me of said tradition, seeing as how we've done if for two whole years now. Hell, if it involves my best friend and margaritas, I will inarguably make that a tradition.

Having done the notorious Mexican food overindulgence, filling up on tortilla chips; The KAke and I decided to split El Toro's Camarones a la Diabla. Armed with jumbo prawns, onions, mushrooms, and a creamy tomato based sauce; this dish was definitely scrumptious and hit the spot.

We were on a spicy mission, and Camarones a la Diabla came recommended from our witty server, so expectations were high. Now, it could just be that our taste buds have been abused over the years of adulthood â€" but neither The KAke nor myself felt this dish was ohmygodineedaglassofwater hot, if ya know what I mean. But paired with excellent service, wonderful flavor, and mass margaritas, Camarones a la Diabla definitely helped us end 2008 on a most delicious note. 

[El Toro, 1128 Broadway, Tacoma, 253.722.5196]

LINK: South Sound Restaurant Guide

January 2, 2009 at 4:54pm

Flickr Post of the Day

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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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