Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: March, 2007 (57) Currently Viewing: 1 - 10 of 57

March 1, 2007 at 8:01am

Hatless in Tacoma

Bobble Tiki sees them on the coldest South Sound days, when the merciless wind takes the breath right out of his lungs and snot freezes in his soul patch: people without hats.

Hey, South Sounders, it's freakin’ cold out! Put a damn hat on!

Is your fauxhawk really all that important? Or maybe you feel silly in a toque. How attractive do you think you are with red ears, shivering like a cold idiot?

Now, not everyone owns a hat â€" it's a heartbreaking but true observation on the state of the social safety net. Even those who do might be prone to losing them; maybe that sniffling wretch has just left his on the Tacoma Link. But people with hoods who don't raise them have no excuse. A hood is the definitive hat â€" it even takes care of your neck and the sides of your face. Whenever Bobble Tiki sees a hood lying limp on the back of some freezing moron, it fills him with such rage that he can barely keep his gloved hands off the moron’s scarfless throat ... but, you know, it's just so cold out. â€" Bobble Tiki

Filed under: Bobble Tiki, Tacoma,

March 1, 2007 at 1:05pm

Lecy-Davis succeeds Campbell

This just landed in the inbox at the Weekly Volcano World Headquaters. â€" Suzy Stump

Tacoma â€" Patricia Lecy-Davis was elected President of the Downtown Merchants Group at the March 1 general meeting. Lecy-Davis succeeds Marty Campbell who was term limited out after his two terms as President. Ken Grassi was added to the executive board as Vice President.

“I will make the conservation about ‘you and I’ verses ‘you or I’. I am committed replacing opposition with collaboration.”  said Lecy-Davis. 

Lecy-Davis is the owner of Embellish Multi-space Salon at 1121 Court ‘D”. She has served as the Vice Chair of the Downtown Merchants Group for the last year. Before joining, Lecy â€"Davis spearheaded the Theater District Banner project. Lecy-Davis was honored for her service by receiving the 2006 Art Popham Award for Downtown Sprit. She is a leader in the Tacoma Arts Community and has over ten years of teaching experience in the cosmetology industry. Lecy-Davis is proud downtown resident with her husband and daughter.

“Patricia is an amazing leader who brings a diverse set of skills and connections to continue to make us a leader in the conservation about the future of Downtown. I can not think of anyone else who I would want in the position more.”  Said Campbell

Marty Campbell was recognized for his two terms as president and received the Downtown Merchants Group award for “Outstanding Leadership and Dedication 2005-2007”

“Marty’s leadership has given the Downtown Merchants Group a strong and respected voice for issues facing businesses, residents and visitors downtown. Those are some big shoes to fill and I have a lot of shoes.” Said Lecy-Davis

Ken Grassi Joins the team after ten years of serving with the Downtown Merchants group. Owner of Grassi’s flower and gifts at 1702 Pacific Ave. Currently a member of the University Place City Council, Grassi brings a strong leadership background to the Group.

Full slate of officers elected:

President â€" Patricia-Lecy Davis
Vice President â€" Ken Grassi â€" Grassi’s Flowers and gifts
Treasure â€" Valerie Coty â€" Moss Adams
Sectary â€" Rose Calvin, Learning sprout.

Filed under: Politics, Tacoma,

March 1, 2007 at 3:03pm

Taqueria El Antojo opens on Eastside

PR Bitty for the City Roxanne Murphy reports via her award-winning Forward Tacoma newsletter that Tacoma is now home to a new Mexican fast food joint.  Click through the name below for a little Mexican speak that goes right over my tamale. â€" Suzy Stump

  • Taqueria El Antojo has opened at 3801 E. McKinley Ave. featuring fast Mexican food. Their hours of operation will be from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Sunday, and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to midnight.
Filed under: Food & Drink, Tacoma,

March 2, 2007 at 4:21pm

Olympia Little Theatre goes big

Olympia Little Theatre’s production of “When the World Was Green" by Sam Shepard and Joseph Chaiken will compete at the Washington State Community Association’s biennial Kaleidoscope Festival March 9-11 for the title of Best Community Theatre in Washington state at the Little Theatre of Walla Walla.  More details here. â€" Michael Swan

Filed under: Olympia, Theater,

March 3, 2007 at 12:44pm

Tacoma karaoke Tuesday with Colin

What the hell is going on with the mad-dash karaoke comeback? Sure, the Weekly Volcano told you about Rockaraoke Mondays where singers, er, sing in front of a live band at Jazzbones, not to mention pointing your cheesy singing ass in the direction of every Asian snakie hot spot from here to Tumwater.

Now, Tuesday you can commit the center-stage sing-along sin with Bob’s Java Jive and Gertie’s karaoke host superstar Colin every Tuesday at Jazzbones. Immediately following Jazzbones’ Tuesday night comedy show, Colin fires up the machine so you can belt out your favorite Prince tune over cheap beers and shots. Nice. â€" Suzy Stump

[Jazzbones, Tuesday at 10 p.m., no cover, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]

Filed under: Club Hopping, Music, Tacoma,

March 3, 2007 at 1:06pm

Choral Union concert tonight

Forget less is more. As far as we’re concerned, more is more â€" which is why 75-person choir backed by a 19-piece orchestra is better than this.


It’s simple: The Pacific Lutheran University Choral Union will belt out Handel’s “Dettingen Te Deum,” Pergolesi’s “Magnificant,” Schein’s “Die Mit Tranen Saen,” and Monteverdi’s “Beatus Vir.”

Those are funny words.

“This concert is a must hear because of the energy and grandeur of a large choir and orchestra playing Handel’s magnificent music,” explain Kirsten Lysen with the Choral Union.  “We also have terrific soloists.”

You can’t beatus a night of Baroque favorites. â€" Suzy Stump

[Lagerquist Concert Hall, Saturday, March 3, 8 p.m., $5-$15, Pacific Lutheran University, 253.535.7787]

Filed under: Culture, Music, Tacoma,

March 3, 2007 at 4:37pm

Desiree Flerchinger meets Jazzbones

Dezpainting Jazzbones knows how to host an artist’s reception, and showed it in classy fashion last night as Desiree Flerchinger unveiled her girls in her first solo show for Jazzbones, “Where do you let the music take you?”

Dezdez The whole project started as a girls’ night; she gathered her girlfriends and took photos of them (and a couple of herself) as they shook, swayed, and struck rocker-poses. These girls â€" Nicci, Shawna, Lisa, Sarah, Elizabeth, Dinean, Holli, Gaylene, Mary K, Linda, Deena, and Willow â€" were all given orchids, Desiree’s own classy touch, and sported them as they frolicked about the packed balcony gallery space among the other beautiful people present.

Dez herself sparkled and glowed with fabulous make-up by new-chica-on-the-circuit, Irene Deneen, from Nordstrom’s MAC counter; other fabulousness present was KAke, Renee, Rose, Erin, Houston, Eric, Devon, Big "Cupid" Man, Dead Artist Jim Price, Cheri Rae and Roland, Matt Ecklund and the resplendently classy GM of Jazzbones herself, Jennifer Johnson.  Present in busy worker capacity, Laura Ecklund and Joe Rosati bustled around making sure the artist and her admirers were well taken care-of.

Dezmoremoregirls Dezredhead Dezpainting2 Despite all the activity in the space, it was Desiree’s art that sparkled the most; some of that shine was from the applied shimmering texture, though more of the magic came from the paintings themselves.

Dezgirls According to Desiree’s statement, “The canvas should carry life.”  These canvasses definitely do, and it was great fun to compare the dancers on canvas to the dancers in person. â€" Jessica Corey-Butler   

Filed under: Arts, Culture, Tacoma,

March 4, 2007 at 10:13am

Bob's Java Jive locked

Sign of the times?

The handwritten message on the door of Bob's Java Jive last night proclaimed, “The Jive is Alive!”

But it wasn’t.  No lights illuminated the inside of the space, no neon glowed. No humans were about.


Was I early? Not according to the sign, which said, “Open at 4:30.”  It was 7:30 on a Saturday night.

I was left baffled, and still am.

So, did the T-Town permitting deities revoke the permit for the place for some reason?  Did the Tacomans in despair of the “landmark” closing down forget to inhabit it, once it opened back up? Or was it just an off night, someone was sick and forgot to open the doors?

What’s the deal? â€" Jessica Corey-Butler

Filed under: Club Hopping, Tacoma,

March 4, 2007 at 7:14pm

Taste of Asia inspires

Impeccably dressed women jotted notes as the chef worked steadily, his lovely assistant (and wife) anticipating his every move with a minimum of back and forth conversation. 

Together Chef Lim Po Ahn of Wild Orchid on Sixth Avenue and his wife demonstrated, and created, four dishes and a dessert for those present at the Taste of Asia Thailand cooking demonstration presented by the Asia Pacific Cultural Center in Tacoma: Galanga Chicken Soup, Thai Beef Salad, Green Curry Chicken, Pineapple fried rice, and Coconut Fried Banana. The foods created had the perfect blends of exotic flavors like galanga root, lemongrass, coconut milk, and fish sauce; the steak salad had me at “hello” with its bright fresh flavors,  and is probably going to become my new Friday lunch favorite, although even the green curry chicken and galanga soups had me “mmmm-ing” out loud.

What I liked most about the presentation and subsequent lunch, though, was the conversation afterward; introductions were made and the chef spoke of his background â€" he’s half Chinese, half Lao, and spent a large chunk of time in France, before discovering the northwest, where he met his wife when she applied to his restaurant to cook for him.

He explained his values: attending temple so his daughter can learn from the monks there even when she won’t listen to her parents (the little girl is two), working for living rather than living for work (you work for a” good quality life,” he said, warning of becoming consumed by success), traveling to see family (“you have to take care of your parents.”)

His last statement received nods all around, “You have to learn to understand each other,” he advised.

The Ahns were at the Korean Womens’ Association building (123 East 96th St) through the efforts of Patsy Surh O’Connell and Amy Sie, who dreamed up the idea of bringing together various Asian cultures and learning them more deeply through through learning to cook their foods; the series will continue for five more weeks and teach Korean, Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Filipino cuisine.  Each class is $50, and is limited to 15 people.  Sign up at the APCC Web site. â€" Jessica Corey-Butler

Filed under: Food & Drink, Tacoma,

March 5, 2007 at 3:27pm

A Cook's Tour through Tacoma

To be brutally honest, Bobble Tiki was happy back in the days when he knew the names of the restaurants, not the chefs. There's no shame in a hard-working hash-slinger staying at the stove and off the Food Network. But instead of humble cooks, Bobble Tiki is confronted with ... bam! Chefs as sitcom stars. Pass the Pepto Bismol, please. However, Bobble Tiki is willing to suspend his curmudgeonly views on the subject when it comes to the rumors of a local Iron Chef competition held at Stadium Bistro.  Fellow Volcano scribe Jessica Corey-Butler discussed it here and here.  An exact starting date hasn’t been set.

In the meantime, it’s with certainty that the Junior League of Tacoma will host A Cook’s Tour through Tacoma’s north end April 21.  A shuttle will leave Annie Wright School at 10 a.m., noon, 2 and 4 p.m. dropping participants off at five kitchens with guest chefs demonstrating culinary techniques.  The cost is $40 per ticket.  Top reserve your space, call 253.383.1030. â€" Bobble Tiki

Filed under: Bobble Tiki, Food & Drink, Tacoma,

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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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