Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: December, 2007 (138) Currently Viewing: 1 - 10 of 138

December 1, 2007 at 8:31am

It's on today!

Volcanoblastart THE FILM
Banff Mountain Film Festival
The Banff Mountain Film Festival began in 1976 as a 10-film festival drawing 450 people to the small but famed mountain town of Banff, Canada. Each November, Banff celebrates the spirit of adventure by featuring that year’s best films on mountain themes. Then the best films hit the road.

If you’re looking for a celluloid high, check out the Banff Mountain Film Festival at the Capitol Theater Saturday. The festival features the best in “mountain” film from all over the world, from white water to heli-kayaking, summitting a high peak to mastering fresh powder. â€" Suzy Stump

[Capitol Theater, Saturday, Dec. 1, 7 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 2, 6 p.m., $10, $17 for both nights, 206 E. Fifth, Olympia, 360.956. 1699]

MORE FILM: On local screens today.

Pierced Arrows
Fred and Toody Cole, from Dead Moon fame, formed Pierced Arrows this past May, Oregon’s Dead Moon were the definition of seminal over their lengthy career, and when the band officially called it quits in 2006, you could feel the sadness among lo-fi garage fans. Pierced Arrows, while destined to be compared to Dead Moon, fills some of that void.

While it’s true that Pierced Arrows isn’t a drastic diversion from Dead Moon, the sight of the Coles still on stage is enough to bring a smile to most faces. There are deviations, as evident on a 7’’ released by Pierced Arrows earlier this year, and as time goes on the differences become more evident. How’s this for a curveball? The band plans to release a LP in January, and went as far as to employ a few digital recording techniques in the record’s production. I guarantee you that was new territory for Toody and Fred. â€" Matt Driscoll

[Hell’s Kitchen, with The Fucking Eagles, Gold Teeth and The Mosquito Neckties, Saturday, Dec. 1, $5, 3829 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]

What exactly makes me classify MxPx as a “Christian band?” What I know of MxPx has nothing to do with Christianity. “Move to Bremerton,” the song most people around these parts associate with MxPx, has nothing to do with Jesus â€" nor does “Chick Magnet,” one of my favorite MxPx songs of all time. Even their later work, from ’98’s Going the Way of the Buffalo, to this year’s Secret Weapon, at most, only ever offer vague, ambiguous Christian overtones.

Upon review, it seems I call MxPx a Christian band because they’re Christians, not because they write Christian music. Christian music is full of loving the grace of god and singing the praise of Jesus. MxPx doesn’t do that. They write well constructed pop punk. For me, and so many others, to pass them off as simply a Christian band is, at best, narrow minded.

MxPx will play Club Impact Brick City tonight. It’ll be a high-energy punk rock show at one of Tacoma’s most important all-ages venues. Jesus or no Jesus, this one’s a winner. â€" MD

[Club Impact, with Search/Rescue, The Real You, The Enemies Of, 7 p.m., all ages,  $10 at www.brownpapertickets.com, $12 door, 754 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.274.1583]

MORE MUSIC: In the clubs tonight.

December 1, 2007 at 8:56am

Breakfast with Bobble Tiki

Breakfastknapps12107 THE DAILY WORD
Learn it, use it, spell it

Melange \may-LAHNZH\, noun:

A mixture; a medley.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Bobble Tiki typically gets his day going with a mélange of vodka, half a grapefruit, some Pepcid AC, and a handful of Hostess powdered sugar Donette Gems.  Nutritionally, it doesn’t do much for Bobble Tiki, but mentally the mélange gets Bobble Tiki’s brain firing on all cylinders.


PIERCE COUNTY: Fuggetaboutit.

EARTH: World AIDS Day.

OMAHA: Freezing weather cancels Polar Bear Plunge?

SLIDESHOW: World’s most bizarre deaths.

You can stand atop the mountain and scream your naked desires to the universe or shed that synapse epilepsy and hug the South Sound today with your fellow man:

MUSIC: Bobble Tiki has never claimed to be a brilliant Tiki, but he knows one thing for sure: Saturday night’s Gold Teeth, Pierced Arrows, Fucking Eagles show at Hell’s Kitchen will be one of the best shows this month. Taking into consideration that Pierced Arrows are two thirds of Dead Moon, Gold Teeth is the newest project from Tacoma quasi legend Chris Trashcan, and the Fucking Eagles are, well, pretty much the coolest band this side of Fife, Bobble Tiki can’t think of a better way to spend Saturday night.

MORE MUSIC: What's on tonight.

EAT: Where to eat today.

Bobble Tiki knows damn well there are things he’s allowed to joke about and subjects he shouldn’t touch with a 10-foot stick. Call it the curse of political correctness if you want, but as an average middle-aged tiki, there are a number of jokes that it just wouldn’t be funny for Bobble Tiki to make.

Let’s look at Judaism. With Jewmongous, a solo musical comedy creation of Sean Altman, set to play Jazzbones’ Ha Ha Tuesday comedy night this week, it seems safe to say jokes about being Jewish are funny.

Breakfast with Bobble Tiki runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  Deal with it.

Filed under: Bobble Tiki, Music, News To Us, Tacoma,

December 1, 2007 at 9:00am

24 Days of Cookies: Day One

Celebrityshortbread I LOVE to bake. Am I good at it? Not really. I just like to give the stuff away and make people happy with food. This year it’s not gonna happen. I had rotator cuff surgery Nov. 1, and the arm is not going to be stirring anything for a little while. So what do I do? I go buy cookies! In fact, I’m going to buy one a day until Christmas. Here’s the deal though: I want them from local bakeries. Wish me luck.

The first thing I learned on my cookie quest is that Corina Bakery does not make holiday cookies.

I also learned that Metropolitan Market does not make any of their own stuff. The cute French baker’s hats are all just for looks.

Peggy's Cinnamon Rolls? Nope.

Finally I found Celebrity Cake Studio located next to Peggy’s in Freighthouse Square. Owned by sisters Odette D’Aniello and Mary Ann Quitugua, they are bakers to the extreme. Grand cakes, fancy desserts, and loads of Christmas cookies! The old school kind with a soft shortbread cookie underneath and creamy, colored sugar frosting on top. Good God I hit the mother lode. They were PERFECT. These girls make cookies right there on location about every three days.

For all of you having Christmas parties in Tacoma who want to use the ol’ Steph DeRosa’s “I just had surgery” excuse, this place is where you need to go. They sell platters ranging from $17.50 to $75.00 or individual cookies for $1.25. Although they have some platters on hand, you might want to order in advance. â€" Steph DeRosa

[Celebrity Cake Studios, Monday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 602 E. 25th St., Ste #2, Tacoma, 253.627.4773]

December 2, 2007 at 9:15am

It's on today!

Volcanoblastart HOLIDAYS
Gingerbread Jamboree
Admit it: the biggest damper on holiday cheer is your adulthood. Whether it’s because of the intellectual elitism that makes cynicism a virtue or a beleaguered if-you-only-knew-what-I’ve-been-through fatigue, your adult self cannot turn on glee the way your child self used to. Banish the grown-up. Admit you like the blinking lights or the sight of blue-and-silver boxes or eggnog or Charlie Brown specials. Better yet, throw on your elf hat and head down to the Gingerbread Jamboree today at the Hotel Murano. The Children’s Museum of Tacoma provides everything you need to create a unique gingerbread house. â€" Suzy Stump

[Hotel Murano, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 1:30-4 p.m., $35, 1320 Broadway, Tacoma, 253. 627.6031]

Downtown Tree Lighting
Why do holidays seem to leave us all with that warm, fuzzy feeling? Maybe it's just a combination of shopping burnout and too many seasonal toasts, although a prevailing sense of tradition is a better, or at least a more heartwarming, guess.

A local tradition happens tonight, bringing music, families and stars in your eyes (well, maybe not tonight) downtown Tacoma. The Fort Lewis I Corps Quintet and the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association Quintet set the tone for the flip of the switch on one of the city's most warming and popular sensations â€" the downtown Christmas tree.

Bring nonperishable food for the Fish Food Bank. â€" SS

[Pantages Theater, 5-6:30 p.m., Ninth and Broadway, downtown Tacoma]

Candye Kane
For more than two decades, Kane has been a vital part of the music scene, and while she still remains an underground guilty pleasure, she is a diva nonetheless. As a part of the bustling L.A. punk scene, she garnered a reputation as an activist and still pens tunes in the same spirit. But mostly, Kane is dedicated to self-empowerment because of her ability to overcome a troubled childhood and a shady past.

Kane found refuge in the blues and has been giving us her own unique spin on the genre since the early ’90s.To date, she has released eight discs. The latest, 2007’s Guitar’d and Feathered, has been called her strongest album, which embodies the theatrical-cabaret style which she has become known for.â€" Tony Engelhart

[Jazzbones, 6 p.m., all ages, $10-$12, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]

Filed under: 5 Things To Do, Holidays, Music, Tacoma,

December 2, 2007 at 9:47am

Dinner with DeRosa

Dinnersteph12207 Suckers!  They’re letting me have another Dinner with DeRosa.  Apparently there were no food poisoning reports after last weeks, so we’re in the clear.

I met some really cool individuals this week. These icons are people that we all know â€" people you know, maybe even you.  Regardless, these people need love like the rest of society.  So I figured I’d do my annual Christmas charity early and get it over with. All the normal people I met this last week, I’ll get to you next time. 

Dinnerbeerguy_2 First person invited to my dinner is the Beer Delivery Guy.  As the Broken News Team and I lunched last week, we were privy enough to sit in the booth next to the one and only Beer Delivery Guy.  I immediately asked him over for dinner, seeing as how he has all the beer.  I think it was a pretty genius move on my part.

Dinnerdrunkgirl_2 The second person is Annoying Drunk Girl.  She’s the one with brown hair seen here with my friend Christina who is washing her hands in the Masa bathroom.  You know Annoying Drunk Girl, the one who makes friends with everyone in the bathroom, compliments your right eyelid, tells you exactly just how drunk she is, then confides in you that she has a Russian lover who gave her herpes.  All of the sudden she loves you and you are best friends.  I’m inviting her because I’m thinking I’ll hook her up with Beer Delivery Guy.

Dinnerbathroomstalker_2 Next invite goes to Bathroom Stalker.  Just look at that creepy publication she’s reading.  The simple thought of it all makes me shudder. I’m hoping she’ll come to my dinner because I’d like to change the décor in my hallway, and a nice stalker statue would be a pleasant addition.

Dinnerpictureguy_2 Then there’s I Like To Ruin Other People’s Pictures Guy.  This guy obviously has no friends.  It must be horrible to have to force yourself anonymously into other people’s pictures.  But no matter how much of a loser he is, he can come to my dinner anytime.  I pity him way, way too much not to let him in.  Plus it will look like I have more friends.  Seeing as how he will invariably be in all the pictures.

Dinneryukon_2 Last, Yukon Cornelius will be there.  He was kicked out of the Land of Misfit Toys, and is temporarily staying with us.  Until he finds a job and gets his own apartment I’m afraid we’re stuck with him.  If anyone knows of any openings requiring a gold mining certificate, please contact me immediately.  The way he licks his axe at the dinner table is becoming quite obnoxious. â€" Steph DeRosa

Filed under: Steph DeRosa, Tacoma,

December 2, 2007 at 10:16am

24 Days of Cookies: Day Two

I was amazed at the grand selection of cookies when I entered Wagner’s European Bakery & Café in Olympia.  Yes, I had driven my ass all the way down to Olympia for some damn cookies.  Shut up, it was worth it.

Cookieswagnersflorentina The glass cases were filled with beautiful cookies.  I couldn’t make up my mind which ones to get, so I pulled a “Steph DeRosa” and asked for one of each.  My two favorites were the Florentine (European) and the Pfuffernuss (German). 

The Florentine’s crispy texture along with its chocolate and caramel taste makes me want to moan in ecstasy.  But I won’t.  At least, not in public.  You can find the Florentine in a wide variety of forms.  I’ll take that combination any way I can get it.

Cookieswagnerspfeffernus Pfuffernuss.  Say it, it’s fun! And as for taste â€" it’s an ageless flavor of almond (maybe anise), flaky shortbread covered in powdered sugar.  You might say it’s a variation of the tea cookie or Mexican wedding cookie, or whatever western name its been given.

If you are looking to get away from the traditional American side of your Christmas calories, try and explore your European side.  Your European side might be better looking anyway. â€" Steph DeRosa

[Wagner's European Bakery & Café, 1013 Capitol Way S., Olympia, 360.357.7268]

December 2, 2007 at 11:07am

Only one wine bar open

Winestylessunday One of the more embarrassing chapters in my culinary education happened in what I like to call wino season, when restaurateurs and wine merchants conspire to raise our consciousness (and open our wallets) with expos, feasts, and soirees. It's always this time of year, when I would do well to stay home and make a small salad.

Staying home is much easier today. The Tacoma wine bars are not open on Sunday â€" except WineStyles, which is only open on Sunday through the holiday season. 


After a day of shopping I love to take a load off with a full body, full glass of Cabernet.

Well, there’s always the Rosewood Café and it’s awesome cheese plate. â€" Suzy Stump

Filed under: Food & Drink, Tacoma,

December 2, 2007 at 7:51pm

Christmas tree slam

Treelightinglights Just walked in from the downtown Tacoma tree lighting and a mess load of Puget Sound Pizza. I almost missed the lighting.

Did someone flip on the switch early?

Treelightingsanta As I was strolling toward the Pantages for a liittle holiday music â€" bam!  The tree lit up. The crowd dispersed.  All that was left standing were a few bloggers. 

Tree_lighting_morrocan Treelightingsantainside On a brighter note, Santa set up shop inside Moroccan Treasures across the street.  Families lined up between exotic floor lighting to chat with old Saint Nick. ZIt was magical.

Overall, the event was fast, windy, but wonderful. â€" Michael Swan

Filed under: Holidays, Tacoma,

December 3, 2007 at 7:14am

It's on today!

Volcanoblastart FILM
Hayden Christensen as a rich kid dominated by his mother (Lena Olin), in love with Jessica Alba, and undergoing heart transplant surgery -- during which, to his horror, he finds he can hear and feel everything going on. Don't even glance at the poster, which reveals a crucial twist. The medical procedures are preposterous, but for me, the suspense worked. Rated R. Three Stars. â€" Roger Ebert

[AMC Narrows Plaza 8: 2:50, 5:05, 7:10; Century Olympia: 12:40, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25; Lakewood Cinema 15: 1:05, 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 10:35; Lakewood Towne Center 12: 1, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10; Longston Place 14: 12:05, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10:15; Regal Martin Village 16: noon, 2:15, 4:35, 7:50, 10:30; Yelm Cinemas @ Prairie Park: 12:10, 2:20, 4:40, 6:40, 8:35]

"No Country for Old Men"
Regards a completely evil man with wonderment, as if astonished that that such a merciless creature could exist. He is Anton Chigurh (Javiar Bardem), who travels Texas and kills people with a cattle stun-gun. He is one strand in a plot involving a drug deal gone bad. Another is a sheriff (Tommy Lee Jones) and a third is a hunter (Josh Brolin), a poor man who comes across $2 million in drug money. A masterpiece based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy, written, directed and edited by Joel and Ethan Coen. As good as their “Fargo,” which is saying something. Full review here. Rated R. Four Stars. â€" RE

[Century Olympia: 1:55, 4:45, 7:40, 10:30; Regal Martin Village 16: 12:10, 3:20, 6:40, 9:55; The Grand Cinema: 4, 6:35, 9:15]

"Lars And The Real Girl"

Ryan Gosling plays Lars Lindstrom, a painfully shy young man who can barely stand the touch of another human being.  One day he orders a life-sized love doll through the Internet, using “Bianca” not for sex but for companionship.  He expects everyone else to treat the doll the same way, including his brother (Paul Schneider), sister-in-law (Emily Mortimer) and therapist (Patricia Clarkson).  Only after the movie is over do you realize what a balancing act it was, what risks it took, what rewards is contains. Directed by Craig Gillespie, written by Nancy Oliver (“Six Feet Under”). Rated PG-13. Three and a half stars â€" RE

[The Grand Cinema: 4:25, 6:45, 9]

MORE FILM: On local screens today.

DINE OUT: Chow down before or after the flick.

December 3, 2007 at 10:00am

24 Days of Cookies: Day Three

Fridayscookies Flower Power and Bite Me!

Organic’s answer to a Christmas cookie is here.  Tacoma based and privately owned, Friday’s Cookies just happens to be my favorite cookie bakery ever.  And the lady who started it all is pretty darn neat-o as well.  She obviously knows what she’s doing if her cookies are carried in over 150 Whole Foods Markets, plus she just recently agreed to a contract with Starbucks.

Although she only does wholesale, if you call her and say please, she’ll put a box of stuff together for you to pick up.  And Holy Toledo Batman! You are gonna melt when you dive into these treats.  Blueberry White Chocolate Chip?  Hold onto your pants, they ROCK.

Cookiesfridaysflowerpow Oh, and they have the best Christmas decorated shortbread organic cookie, no contest.  They are huge, and thick, and perfectly sweet and tender.  Just like the man of my dreams.

There’s something that effects how happy your taste buds can be, knowing that the food you are eating is locally made and organic.  For this food, that part is literally the icing on the cookie. â€" Steph DeRosa

[Friday’s Cookies, 2302 S. Fawcett, Tacoma, 253.779.4242]

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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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