Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

August 2, 2009 at 9:54am

“Hello my name is …”

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In the electronic age of popular job search sites, posting resumes is deemed nearly hopeless in this time of layoffs. Face-to-face meetings are what give job seekers a better opportunity for a career change or advancement. Networking appears to be the name of the game.

“Networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization,” according to a quote posted on Strategic Business Network’s Web site. But for the newly unemployed, finding a group with which to exchange business cards and ideas can prove daunting.

Dawn Justin, agency owner of Farmer’s Insurance located on Bridgeport Way in Lakewood, has come up with a solution.

“I was actually looking for something like this for myself,” Justin explains. “I wanted a no-cost way for people to measurably grow profits by coming together, making lasting connections, and learn about promoting local businesses.”

Justin posted her newly formed Purpose Driven Networking (aka PDN) events on Facebook. It took immediate hold. In July more than 50 people showed up to make new connections and promote their businesses.

“I like the idea of putting money in everyone’s pocket,” Justin says. “I also want to know about area businesses in more detail. That allows me, a business owner, to refer my top-of-the-line customers who grow local companies.”

Whether people are employed or not, all are welcome to attend PDN’s twice monthly informal gatherings, which run approximately two hours and are scheduled midweek, after work.

“A variety of business professionals attend PDN events,” Justin notes. “We have dentists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, landscapers, builders, political candidates seeking office, skin-care personnel, people in the beauty industry, IT professionals, and many more. It turns out, in this working world it truly is about whom you know. Joining a networking group is invaluable.”

More information about PDN and the following events is available at PDN's Facebook site.

Upcoming PDN Events

  • Wednesday, Aug. 12, 5:30-7:30 p.m., People’s Furniture, 6818 Tacoma Mall Blvd., Tacoma
  • Tuesday, Aug. 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Meconi’s Pub & Eatery, 709 Pacific Ave., Tacoma
  • Wednesday, Sept. 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Campbell-Cox Floor Covering, Inc., 1002 S. 30th, Tacoma
  • Thursday, Sept. 24, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Bertolino’s Tacoma, 2421 S. Union Ave., Tacoma
Filed under: Business, Community, Tacoma, Web/Tech,

Comments for "“Hello my name is …”" (1)

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Light Dental Studios Tacoma Puyallup said on Jul. 08, 2010 at 9:33am

Are there any more of these coming up? I was looking on their Facebook page and they don't have anything scheduled. Is this group still active in Pierce County?

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