Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

December 3, 2010 at 9:19am

Mistledole: Catherine Place

Peg Murphy, executive director of Catherine Place (pink sweater) leads a "Kitchen Table Talk." Courtesy photo

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There's no better way to support your community than supporting your neighbors in need, especially during the holiday season. We'll feature local charities on Spew throughout this holiday season with links to donate your money, supplies and time.

Give the karmic wheel a spin for today's charity focus:

Catherine Place

923 S. Eighth St., Tacoma

Editor's note: Today's Mistledole focus is written by Chiara Wood, a member of Catherine Place's WomanSpirit Circle, and collector of "Gathering Our Stories" – the love notes sent to us by the women we serve and convene with.

"When women thrive, all of society benefits and succeeding generations are given a better start in life." – Kofi Annan, former U.N. Secretary General

Catherine Place was established in 2000 by the Tacoma Dominican Community to be "an oasis for women," an urban center for women's personal growth and spirituality.  Our mission is to improve the quality of life for women, particularly women in poverty, in transition or facing the daily challenges associated with violence, loss, unemployment, immigration and illness. 

We have created a gentle, sacred space within our century old home located in Tacoma's Hilltop neighborhood, where we welcome, honor and support each woman by encouraging her to claim her dignity and worth.

Poverty, loss, violence against women, cultural/ethnic and language barriers often isolate women who are in crisis, excluding them from using the viable services and resources of the medical, social and judicial systems.

Deeply rooted in the values of hospitality and hope, Catherine Place provides companionship, support, and education for women moving forward in their lives.  We serve as both refuge and bridge, advocating for women who come to us in need and connecting them with our community partners and resources that enable them to make positive changes in their lives.

We are a small organization, with a talented staff and network of professional volunteers using supportive relationships and the holistic model of the circle, recognizing the inherent leadership of each woman participating.  We now serve more than 1,200 women each year in our various groups, which include WomenSpirit Circle, Juntas en Transicion, Sisters at Seven Women's AA, and many other nurturing circles including healing arts such as Reiki, yoga, healing touch at no cost to the women who need them most.  We are also a certified ACT leader in violence prevention and intervention.  

Our committed collaboration with partner agencies throughout the area, include the Korean Women's Association, Tacoma Community House, The Crystal Judson Family Justice Center, The Fund For Women and Girls of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, Tacoma Urban League, Clover Park Technical College, New Phoebe House, Tacoma Goodwill, Phoenix Housing Network, the YWCA, Associated Ministries and others who join us in working to build a more just and peaceful community.

Our kitchen table has provided sanctuary where the stories of women who have come to Catherine Place testify to the ongoing need for the services we offer.  Now, in the midst of our tenth anniversary year, celebrating our growth and accomplishment, we continue to look to the future.  One of our immediate goals is to establish a secure base of funding that will sustain us in the years to come.

LINK: Donate to Catherine Place

LINK: Volunteer at Catherine Place

Previous Mistledole charities

Comments for "Mistledole: Catherine Place" (2)

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Chiara said on Dec. 03, 2010 at 2:36pm

Much Blessing and Many Thanks to The Weekly Volcano for their promotion and support for our many local charities who tend to the heart and soul of our community in need.

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Megan said on Dec. 07, 2010 at 9:13pm

Catherine Place tops my list of reasons to be proud of Tacoma. Most nonprofits have their counterparts in other cities, but I don't know of anywhere else quite like Catherine Place. If you've never been there, call and ask for a good time to come in for a tour and a cup of tea. I guarantee that you'll be warmly welcomed & will leave delighted to have discovered this Tacoma treasure.

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