Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

January 21, 2013 at 11:58am

Dave the Raw Food Trucker coming to AmeRAWcan Bistro

DAVE THE RAW FOOD TRUCKER: Meet him Saturday in downtown Tacoma.

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AmeRAWcan Bistro does things with their nuts you wouldn't believe. Who knew you could make really really thin pancakes out of cashews? Or take one look at an enchilada filled with seasoned walnut meat and not run screaming to the nearest Azteca?

But there's more to them than magical nuts. They're also really into juicing - and, no, I'm not suggesting they're hiding hypodermic needles behind their stock of local, organic products. They juice fruits and vegetables, and so does Dave the Raw Food Trucker.

Dave Conrardy, also known as Dave the Raw Food Trucker, isn't actually a trucker anymore - which is good news for you because now he's free Saturday, Jan. 26 to hang out at AmeRAWcan Bistro and tell you his story. And lemme tell you, it's a pretty amazing story.

I'm about to get serious on you.

Three years ago, Conrardy was dying. Yes, technically we're all dying, but Conrardy was facing obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and kidney disease. As a last-ditch effort to turn things around before insulin and the end of his truck-driving career, he convinced his doctor to let him try this weird raw food juicing thing he read about. Turns out it isn't so weird. OK, it may be weird, but only in the best most miraculous way possible.

Conrardy, 55, who lives in the Pacific Northwest, is a new man, and he travels the world sharing the miracles of a raw, organic and vegan diet.

"I never would have believed this was possible, but it is the happiest time of my life," Conrardy says in an article by Beth Davis in Natural Awakenings. "I'm so grateful to be alive that I want to show others the possibilities of the best healing diet on the planet."

Convinced you should check it out? Did I mention there will also be smoothie and juice samples? Fifteen dollars gets you in the door for the samples and two hours of Conrardy, who seems like a pretty cool dude. Afterward, I challenge you to stay for lunch and see for yourself how they handle their nuts.

AMERAWCAN BISTRO, SATURDAY, JAN. 26, 9-11 A.M., $15, 745 ST. HELENS AVE., TACOMA, 253.327.1962

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