Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

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December 30, 2011 at 8:55am

MORNING SPEW: Property tax chat, year-end lists, Creepy Christian twin sisters ...

Morning Spew team laughed out loud at this spot-on faux flyer for Every New Year's Eve Club Night Ever. Photo credit: cthulhucore.tumblr.com


Property Tax Chat: A long legal and lobbying effort by the hospital industry is further shrinking taxable values in the South Sound and across the state. (News Tribune)

Simon And Rosalind Bailey: Facing animal cruelty charges after 173 animals were seized from their 5-acre Kitsap County property. (News Tribune)

North Korea: "Expect no change." (BBC)

End Of The Year List: Top stories of 2011. (CNN)

End Of The Year List II: The 10 biggest band beefs of 2011. (Stereogum)

End Of The Year List III: The very worst of 2011. (Salon)

Year-end Think Piece: The end of rock 'n' roll. (The New York Times)

Creepy Christian twin sisters pantomime to Radiohead's "Street Spirit"

December 26, 2011 at 8:40am

MORNING SPEW: Kalakala vs. Coast Guard, crime hot spots, Grinch of the Year ...

Rob Lowe: Um, USA Today says he's one of the best.


Kalakala vs. Coast Guard And Army Corps Of Engineers: Four options must be met now. (News Tribune)

Crime Hot Spots: Tacoma Police Department's fledgling program might get axed in the budget cuts. (News Tribune)

Rescuing The Ruskies: A research ship has arrived to help rescue a Russian fishing vessel that got stuck in the frozen waters off of Antarctica 10 days ago. (CNN)

Syria: Not good. (BBC)

Apple: New patent filings have revealed that the computer company is planning to power its laptops and smartphones with longer-lasting hydrogen fuel cells. (Telegraph)

PETA's Grinch of the Year: Janet Jackson. (NME)

Year End List: Ten best mobile games of 2011. (Paste Magazine)

Year End List II: Top 25 people of 2011. (USA Today)

Real Life Superheroes: No comment. (The New York Times)

December 22, 2011 at 7:35am

MORNING SPEW: Straight dope on Tacoma's impending crime wave, alarm clock app ...

Lava spews into the air, higher than the treetops, near the Kamoamoa fissures between Napau Crater and the Pu`u `O `o crater on Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii, on March 7, 2011. Photo credit: USGS


Ring The Alarm: Straight dope on Tacoma's impending crime wave. (Weekly Volcano)

Wheelz Comes To Screeching Halt: The Fircrest roller rink closed. (News Tribune)

Lakewood Rules: At least according to its city manager. (News Tribune)

Gingrich To Gay Man: Vote for Obama. (CNN)

Wow: The year in volcanic activity. (The Atlantic)

Nikki Sixx: Vegas residency is start of biggest years of Crue's career. (Rolling Stone)

David Letterman: Apologizes to Jay Leno. (Split Sider)

Nog Me Up, Scotty: Enterprise Xmas lights display. (Geekologie)

Alarm Clock App: Features fake wake-up calls from Jimmy Fallon. (Laughing Squid)

Time To Trim The Tree

December 20, 2011 at 10:30am

Tacomans in the doghouse

Pam Velder, Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officer, made it very clear to a citizen that she needed to ensure that one of her two pit bull dogs were not entangled in its chain. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson


Star wasn't about to step outside the doghouse.

I couldn't blame the black and white Great Dane.  Would you want to walk across 20 feet of wet plywood covered with feces to greet a stranger?

Then again a dog is just a dog, and leaving it to live in deplorable conditions is OK.


To some of Tacoma's citizens, the answer is yes.

"I suspect this was a ‘throwaway dog,'" Pam Velder, an animal control and compliance officer for Tacoma, told me as we walked around the back of a house in East Tacoma.

"It was cute as a puppy, but as it got bigger it was tossed outside," Velder said as we stood in the large backyard - a big ass eyesore comprised of junk and garbage.

We walked out of the landfill of a backyard and around to the front door.

Velder knocked.

A few moments later, a man appeared. He appeared to be disengaged from reality.

"You have to stay on top of your dog's condition," Velder said. "She looks better since my last visit, but she still has sores on her butt and her living area needs to be cleaned up."

The man nodded his head, muttered something about paying more attention and went back inside.

PHOTO: Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officer Pam Velder logs data after a investigating a complaint. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

PHOTO: A man looks out his window during a visit by Pam Velder, Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officer, to check on Star, a dog who had been living in less than desirable conditions. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

For five-and-a-half years Velder, a perfect portrait of customer service and knowledge of pets, has diligently worked to educate pet owners of their responsibilities, and monitor animal environments. Dealing mostly with dogs and cats, Velder has dealt with snakes and, on one occasion, an alligator.

"We educate; we stress public safety and animal protection; we push spaying and neutering," she said as we drove to the next call. "We're out here to help people, not to ticket them or take their pets away from them.

Control issues

Tacoma Animal Control cannot take your pet - even the animals you treat as less than garbage - away from you unless the animal is in imminent danger of dying or the officer has a search warrant to do so.

"Animals are property, and we must operate within the confines of the law," Velder added.

That said, animal compliance officers often find themselves in the crosshairs of public anger.

"We simply can't take away and give a pet to a deserving family like some of our citizens would like us to do."

When that doesn't happen, some folks get pissed at Velder.  It's common for folks to call the animal control center and read her the riot act.

"We only enforce compliance laws; we are not a rescue agency," Velder said.

During the summer months, Velder receives 50 to 60 calls daily during her eight-hour shifts. In the wintertime, she handles 10 to 15 calls per day. Calls to Tacoma's Animal Control Center are decreasing, according to Joe Hunt, lead animal control officer for Tacoma. The agency runs on a budget of $500,000 a year, which includes pet licensing.

The fear is if the budget is cut, the progress Animal Control has made will erode.

PHOTO: One of the problems facing Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officer Pam Velder is the feeding of feral cats. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

This is bad

The woman of the house, which sits behind an elementary school, is a crack head. The man of the house is, well, gone.  The front yard is a cluster of plastic ornaments, children's toys, assorted junk and weeds.

Why are some people allowed to own pets when they clearly can't take care of themselves, I wondered. 

Velder told me to stay back, out on the sidewalk. I wondered if she might need to use her Taser.

The reason for the visit centered on Joker, a malnourished-looking pit bull. Apparently the dog lives tangled in its chain, barking like hell, which in turn prompted neighbor complaints to the animal control center.

Velder had been to the house before to talk to the woman.

As the two women talked, I watched Joker climb over a fence and hang herself.

"What's he doing out there?!" the woman yelled at me as I watched the dog version of Hang 'Em High. "I'm not properly attired to be photographed!" Of the 12 comments she threw my way those were the only one not loaded with expletives.

I'm happy to report the dog survived and the owner received a citation.

"The next time, it will be a $250 fine," Velder said.

PHOTO: The Humane Society in Tacoma has a large number of dogs and cats up for adoption.  If not adopted, they die. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Tacoma Humane Society

My last visit was to the Tacoma Humane Society, a big homeless shelter for stray animals. Most of the cages were filled with dogs and cats. Some of the pets had belonged to service members at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

"Some on the bases just leave their pets when they leave," Velder said as she stroked a dog's ear.

Apparently the mantra of leaving no soldier behind doesn't extend to some of the soldiers' pets.

My tour over, I thanked Velder for the work she provides in making Tacoma a better place to live.  She emphasized that the Animal Control Center had made significant progress in dealing with the animal control.

Perhaps the Tacoma City Council should keep this in mind as it contemplates budget cuts.

PHOTO: Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officer Pam Velder writes a warning.  If the warning is ignored, then the violator will face a $250 fine.  Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

For more information on the Animal Control Center, including the phone numbers to call for animal assistance, click here.

Filed under: Crime, Tacoma,

December 20, 2011 at 7:46am

MORNING SPEW: Prince review, payroll tax cut, Garfunkel and Oats Christmas ...


Prince At The Tacoma Dome: Flawlessly flamboyant. (Seattle Weekly)

Politics: Republicans on the House rules committee have voted to prevent a direct vote today on a Senate plan to extend the payroll tax cut for two months. (CNN)

Iraq's Sunni Vice-President Tariq al-Hashemi: He denies any wrongdoing, a day after a warrant was issued for his arrest on terrorism-related charges. (BBC)

Piers Morgan: His first name might not be the only dumb thing about him. (BBC)

The Fug Girls: Celebrities who could really use a red-carpet boost in 2012. (New York Magazine)

Another Year-end List: The 15 best single episodes of television in 2011. (Pajiba)

No Comment: MTV brings back Punk'd. (TV Guide)

Oh Course "Tiny Dancer": Cameron Crowe's best musical moments. (Spinner)

Christmas Gifts: What people wanted in 1975. (Buzz Feed)

December 16, 2011 at 7:50am

MORNING SPEW: Occupy Olympia, "Race To The Top," what 7 billion people looks like ...

Photo credit: Gizmodo


Occupy Olympia: Many remain even after judge told them to scat. (News Tribune)

Race To The Top: Washington among nine states winning grants for Obama administration's cornerstone education initiative focusing on K-12 education. (News Tribune)

Burglaries: On the rise in Pierce County, University Pace and Edgewood according to reports. (News Tribune)

Intermission: What 7 billion people looks like. (Good Design)

Wikinews: Wikileak suspect wants recusal. (CNN)

Wha-What?: Will Amazon soon spy on you through tour kindle? (Gizmodo)

Late-Night Comedy Series: Russell Brand has inked a deal with FX to host one. (New York Post)

Cool: Radiohead will play Austin City Limits TV. (Consequence Of Sound)

230 Movies Of 2011 In 5 Minutes

December 15, 2011 at 7:42am

MORNING SPEW: High-speed chase, GOP debate, 10 weird holiday albums ...



Just Like The Movies: Washington State Patrol troopers and law enforcement officers from three counties chased two suspected burglars from Tumwater to DuPont early today but ended the pursuit after it got too dangerous. (News Tribune)

Oh So Special: The Legislature adjourned a 17-day special session after voting to close $480 million of the state's $2 billion budget gap. (News Tribune)

Encouraging: About 366,000 people applied for jobless benefits last week, the smallest number since May 2008. The news was better than analysts expected and sent stocks higher. (CNN)

Best Reality TV Series of 2011: Republican presidential debates. (CNN)

Ten weird holiday albums: Including Scott Weiland's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. (Flavorwire)

The Best Celebrity Tweets of 2011: Note: several are NSFW. (BuzzFeed)

Cheerios Site Posts Graphic Honey Bee Comic: We're talking honey bee sex. (Cinemablend)

TCM Remembers: Celebrities we lost this year. (TCM)

December 13, 2011 at 7:44am

MORNING SPEW: Helicopter crash at JBLM kills soldiers, Xmas songs rejects ...


Helicopter Crash Last Night At JBLM: Four Army aviators were killed. (News Tribune)

Tacoma City Manager Survivor: One drops out. (News Tribune)

Tacoma Budget Check: Tacoma City Councilmembers Spiro Manthou, Ryan Mello and Victoria Woodards propose a resolution to delay 100 layoffs to the city's police and fire departments. (News Tribune)

Jerry Sandusky Situation: Waived his right to a preliminary hearing. (CNN)

South Sound Cities Didn't Make The List: Top 10 cities with the hottest people. (Time)

End Of Year List: Top 50 albums of 2011. (Spin)

Holiday Songs: Here are 11 that never really took off. (Mental Floss)

Here's Something: Best cover songs of 2011. (Cover Me)

It's Real: Motorhead Vodka. (Dangerous Minds)

Game of Thrones Season 2 Trailer!

December 12, 2011 at 7:41am

MORNING SPEW: U.P. in trouble, fast-food robber too slow, 2011 top films ...

"Midnight in Paris": One of the best of the year.


University Place: Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside. (News Tribune)

Fast-Food Robber: Not fast enough. (News Tribune)

Hero Of The Year: Robin Lim, an American woman who has helped thousands of poor Indonesian women have a healthy pregnancy and birth, was named the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year on Sunday night. (CNN)

Holiday Guide: Geek Greetings Edition. (Weekly Volcano)

American Film Institute: Top films of 2011. (L.A. Times)

Louis C.K. Special: Buy it for $5. (buy.louisck.net)

Smothers Brothers: Coming to the big screen. (Deadline)

Hair Metal: The best of all time? (L.A. Weekly)

December 9, 2011 at 9:15am

MORNING SPEW: Final Four, Ray Corpuz, awesome Slayer Christmas ...


Tacoma City Manager: The Final Four (News Tribune)

In Other City Manager News: Ray Corpuz's name pops up again in Tacoma. (The Californian)

Today In Hardware News: Bonneville Power Administration is pissed. (News Tribune)

New Deal: European leaders hash out crisis deal. (CNN)

Carrie Brownstein:  Why she loves Portland. (The Atlantic)

Break Out The Eggnog, Mistletoe -  And Slayer:

About this blog

News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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