Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: 'Politics' (176) Currently Viewing: 1 - 10 of 176

April 12, 2013 at 6:12am

Comment of the Day: HB 1817 should be opposed


Yesterday's comment of the day came from Carbon in response to Ken Miller's post about Dream Act House Bill 1817 - affordable college education for immigrant kids - on our Town Hall Tourist blog.

Carbon writes,

1817 should be opposed because it rewards and encourages illegal immigration. We need to stop the cycle of illegal immigration by removing all incentives. Handing out free college money is obviously an incentive. 1817 should be opposed by everyone who supports the rule of law.

Filed under: Politics, Olympia, Schools,

April 1, 2013 at 6:40am

5 Things To Do Today: Dance-In, Edible Books Festival, Palestinian life, Joe Mailhot Jazz Unit and more ...

DANCE-IN: That's what we're talking about.

MONDAY, APRIL 1 2013 >>>

1. If you love to dance, and enjoy long lunch breaks, head to Olympia for a "Dance-In" at the Capitol Building from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. In support of Senate Bill 5613 - the bill that will repeal the Opportunity to Dance Tax - organizers ask those who love to dance to do it in front of the legislature. If you see Democratic Caucus Chair Karen Fraser (D-Olympia), and want her attention, we suggest you bust the dance moves in the video below.

2. The latest show at Kittredge Gallery on the campus of the University of Puget Sound has Seattle painter Cable Griffith's video game-influenced paintings in the main gallery and an installation by sculptor and UPS art faculty member Michael Johnson in the back gallery. Check them out from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Read Alec Clayton's full review of the "Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Start" in the Weekly Volcano's Arts section.

3. Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound dedicates itself to protecting books, but from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. it will eat them at the University's seventh Edible Books Festival. What is an edible book? Duh. An edible book is made of food and inspired by literary titles, characters or authors - such as Lord of the Onion Rings. Be sure to drop by Collins on April Fool's Day and browse for a story you can really dig into. Bring canned food items for St. Leo's Food Connections.

4. Fast Times in Palestine is Pamela Olson's powerful, deeply moving account of life in Palestine - from house parties and barbecues to violence, trauma, and political tensions. Olson will drop by Orca Books at 7 p.m. to chat up the book and answer questions.

5. Do you like the music of John Coltrane, Sun Ra and Jimi Hendrix? Then you should dig The Joe Mailhot Jazz Unit at 8 p.m. inside The Royal Lounge in Olympia.

LINK: Monday, April 1 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

March 21, 2013 at 8:14am

Outdoor Addict: Where the Ewoks and legislature roam

CAPITOL LAKE: Enjoy viewing the wildlife and the political operatives in their natural habitat. Photo credit: Whitney Rhodes

Every year, the city of Olympia changes when the legislature is in session. It's like the great migration in Africa. The political operatives descend from all over the state. Eager young staffers in suits rush around, middle aged staffers roll their eyes, and legislators occasionally produce titillating stories. You can see their influence all over town, but my favorite place to watch is of course, outside.

Settle down on a bench in Heritage Park just before noon for the best viewing. The staffers stream out in ones and twos. Carefully winding their way down the switchbacks from the Capitol Dome. The ladies in their skirts and sensible tennis shoes, the runners trying to get in a few miles, a few men - mostly younger ones trailing their attractive female colleagues for some brownie points. Occasionally, you'll see a legislator in the flesh. You can identify them by the vague look, repeated blinking and constant reaching for their phones. They are completely out of their element and very entertaining to watch. On very nice days some of these wanderers take on a historical air, reminiscent of the Victorian era when taking a turn about the garden was a social norm and a way to be seen. They promenade slowly, gossiping and strategizing. On our less lovely spring days it's all business. Only the serious walkers brave less than perfect sunshine.

Heritage Park and Capitol Lake are great to visit for more than just the people watching. An abundance of ducks provides ample opportunity to impersonate David Attenborough with your own narration of their activities, and the dog watching is always entertaining. Where else would you find a Chihuahua dressed as an Ewok in March? (True story. Saw it on my last visit.) And the scenery is stunning. From one side of the lake you can admire the Capitol Dome, from the other the Olympic Mountains peek out at you.

The path around the lake is wide and lined with numerous benches. The Heritage Park section of the lake has a stonewall separating the path from the lake, which features markers representing each of the state's counties. I found it fun to read them and be reminded about the rest of our great state. Pend Orielle County anyone? The 1.7 mile loop around the main lake takes you through the aforementioned Heritage Park, as well as Marathon Park. An extension of the trail follows Deschutes Parkway down to the Interpretive Center. This is a great place to learn about wetlands and habitat.

The future of Capitol Lake is a bit uncertain. Currently it receives a large amount of sediment from the river feeding it. Thus, the lake is slowly filling with sediment and growing shallower every year. Many solutions - from dredging to restoring the natural estuary - have been discussed but nothing has been decided. Between financial, environmental, and community concerns, there seems to be little common ground.

But none of these concerns impact your ability to enjoy viewing the wildlife and the political operatives in their natural habitat. So grab a coffee or some lunch downtown (I recommend the Bread Peddler) and sit back to enjoy the show.

Capitol Lake

Fifth Avenue Southwest and Water Street
Olympia, WA 98501

Filed under: Outdoor Addict, Outdoors, Politics,

January 4, 2013 at 1:45pm

Today in House Science, Space and Technology Committee news


Rep. Derek Kilmer lands another committee:

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The House Democratic Caucus today named Representative Derek Kilmer to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  Representative Kilmer's appointment to the House Armed Services Committee was confirmed today as well.

"I am excited by the opportunity to serve on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  At a time when our nation's employers are demanding higher skills - particularly in the arena of science and technology education - and at a time when our laboratories, colleges, and universities are pioneering new innovations, this committee can have a real impact on improving our region's competitiveness and on fostering economic growth for our entire country," said Representative Kilmer.  "I look forward to having an active role in shaping our nation's policies on innovation and research to help our employers compete and create more jobs here at home."

Will Rep. Kilmer attend the opening of the Science Dome in Lakewood? If so, will he arrive by jet pack? 

Filed under: Politics, News To Us, Gig Harbor,

December 26, 2012 at 3:44pm

Native American flash mob hits the Tacoma Mall today

IDLE NO MORE AT THE TACOMA MALL: Indigenous activists organize a round dances this afternoon at the Tacoma Mall.


A Native American flash mob popped up at 2 p.m. today inside the Food Court at the Tacoma Mall. The peaceful demonstration was in support of Canada's Idle No More movement - a protest of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's legislation and the overall treatment and conditions of aboriginals in Canada.

The "spontaneous" flash mob round dance - which consisted of beating drums, chanting and singing traditional songs - drew around 20 police officers and frightened nearby shop owners who immediately closed.

Filed under: News To Us, Tacoma, Politics,

April 25, 2012 at 7:36am

MORNING SPEW: Tacoma computer thief on camera, America's best cities for hipsters, Carlton Flash Mob ...

PIZZA HUT'S CROWN CRUST PIZZA: The Mayans were right.


Tacoma City Council Laptop Thief: Tacoma Police have photos! (News Tribune)

One Flew Over The Garfield Elementary School: The padded walls at the Olympia school have been removed after complaints. (News Tribune)

Good News: The 96-acre site at the northeast end of the Port of Tacoma's Blair Waterway could become the destination for long unit trains carrying bulk commodities destined for export. (News Tribune)

Mad Cow: South Korea curbs beef sales. (CNN)

Mitt Romney: He's effectively took the Republican Party helm. (The New York Times)

America's Best Cities For Hipsters: We're surrounded. (Huffington Post)

Crown Crust Pizza: The horror. (YouTube)

It's About Time: A synchronized collage of every zoom in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror masterpiece, The Shining. (Strangewood)

Coming Soon?: The cardboard disposable digital camera by Ikea. (Design You Trust)

April 20, 2012 at 1:06pm

Pat McCarthy to launch 2012 campaign with party at LeMay Museum

PIERCE COUNTY EXECUTIVE PAT MCCARTHY: When not campaigning for re-election, she appears in daffodil parades.


Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy wants a little of that Jack Connelly campaign gala hoopla action, and by hoopla action we mean the LeMay - America's Car Museum. The shiny classic cars, the giant arching wooden beams and big-ass windows overlooking downtown Tacoma - the LeMay Museum feels grand. And a grand feeling could lead to endorsements and money for McCarthy's re-election campaign, which kicks off Thursday, April 26 at said museum.

"The site of this event is perfect. The LeMay Car Museum is the latest example of the great things that are happening in Pierce County," states McCarthy in a press release. McCarthy was an early supporter of the museum with dreams of thousands of visitors, all wanting to eat, drink, shop and spend the night during visits.

What big name band will be performing during the campaign party?

"In the interest of raising money to spend on the campaign, we're not planning a live band, though there will be music, said Kathryn McCarthy, Pat's campaign manager.

Several hundred civic leaders representing public safety, business, labor, natural resource conservation, and cities and towns throughout the region are scheduled to attend.

In regards to Pat's second-term priorities, Kathryn listed a few:

Economic development

Growing the aerospace industry in Pierce County (we have 80+ Boeing suppliers here, and we'd like to see them grow)

Hosting a successful U.S. Open - the first in the Northwest - and getting into the USGA's regular rotation of courses (once a decade or so). This event will result in $150 million+ in spending in Pierce County.


Securing state and federal funds to keep making transportation improvements on I-5 and other major road systems, and improving mass transit options from Sound Transit and Pierce Transit.

Public Safety

Build a South Sound 911 emergency communications system that makes every resident and business safer.

Open Space

Keep partnering with groups like Forterra and others to preserve forests, shorelines, open space and farmland.

McCarthy won a four-way race for County Executive in 2008 after serving six years as Pierce County Auditor and 12 years on the Tacoma School Board. She and her husband, Superior Court Judge John McCarthy, have four adult children and five grandchildren.

To RSVP for the event, go to www.reelectpatmccarthy.com or call 253.414.1798.

Filed under: Elections, Politics, Tacoma,

April 13, 2012 at 8:22am

MORNING SPEW: Tacoma Arms Bazaar, club gunfire, Madonna Diet Coke, Burger King bacon sundae ...

DIET COKE: Drink it from Madonna's bosom.


Arms Bazaar: Army bazooka, assault rifles, grenade launchers and other weapons you might find in Tacoma. (Daily Weekly)

Vanity Nightclub On South Tacoma Way: It's opened and shutdown many times. We guess it's back open because gunfire erupted outside it last night. (KOMO News)

Port Of Tacoma Commission: It has a new long-range strategic plan. (News Tribune)

Deplorable, Destabilizing And Dumbasses: The U.N. Security Council will meet Friday to discuss North Korea's botched missile launch. (CNN)

President Obama's Re-election: Running a positive campaign might be more difficult this time. (The New York Times)

Cultural Question: How did cats become bigger than Jesus? (Creative Loafing)

J.K. Rowling: She comes clean with the title and release date of her new book. (USA Today)

Francis Cobain: Twitter "should ban my mother." (USA Today)

Now We Know: Top 10 culturally significant banjo moments. (Pop Matters)

A Glutton's Delight: Burger King is testing the bacon sundae. (Time)

The Avengers: A bunch of behind-the-scenes footage. (Ain't It Cool News)

Tosh.o Dude: He's physically harassing unsuspecting women. (Jezebel)

Diet Coke: It has unveiled a new line of fashionable bottles, one of which draws inspiration from Madonna's infamous cone bra ensemble. (Billboard)

March 29, 2012 at 11:28am

Councilmembers endorse Rep. Jeannie Darneille


If a press release could smile, the release Weekly Volcano World Headquarters just received would be smiling corner to corner. The campaign for Rep. Jeannie Darneille (D) from the 27th Legislative District announced a good chunk of the Tacoma City Council is in her camp for her State Senate run.

Here's the release:

Rep. Jeannie Darneille's campaign for State Senate (27th LD) received a number of key local endorsements this week including Tacoma City Councilmembers David Boe, Victoria Woodards, and Anders Ibsen. The three join Councilmembers Ryan Mello and Lauren Walker as well as Mayor Marilyn Strickland in endorsing Darneille, earning her the support of the majority of the City Council.


March 26, 2012 at 6:31pm

Comment of the Day: In Jack Connelly's corner


Today's comment of the day comes from TheRealTruth who chimes in on the chatter revolving around a blog post on Jack Connelly's campaign kickoff at the LeMay Museum.

TheRealTruth writes,

I hope that people do learn about Jack Connelly. He has been a fighter for women's rights. Today Division I of the Court of Appeals put out a decision upholding a case he won on behalf of a woman who had been killed in a domestic violence situation after obtaining an anti harassment order. He took the case on behalf of her two daughters to prevent similar domestic violence deaths in the future. Jack also recently represented a lesbian woman who had been severely injured up in Seattle. Even more importantly, Jack is exceptionally strong on the issues that matter to the residents of this District – education, jobs and the economy. I hope you also learn the truth as Jack will be an outstanding Senator for this District.

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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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Walkie Talkies said:

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about Eddie Vedder’s "Ukulele Songs" available today - and I don’t hold a candle to that shit

marble exporters in India said:

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