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May 18, 2014 at 8:47am

Words & Photos: JBLM celebrates Armed Forces Day 2014

Army veteran and retiree Rick Tweddell spends some time in the stocks. "My wife likes this idea," he quipped. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Ethan Starr's interest was piqued.

"I'm interested in explosive ordinance disposal," he said as his friend, Cody Whitman, helped him into a protective suit.

"I think I would like to serve in the Army."

One of several thousand visitors, Starr had found the nation's 64th Armed Forces Day celebration at Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) to his liking.

"It's good to get a glimpse of what soldiers do," Starr continued.

Begun on Aug. 31, 1949 by then Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, Armed Forces Day allows the military to highlight its service members and their equipment to the general public.

It is also a day to honor and acknowledge soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines for the service they provide.

>>> Thousands attended the nation's 64th Armed Forces Day celebration at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

>>> With the help of some face paint, Patrick Provencio began to look like a Ninja Turtle. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

>>> Members of the Washington Civil War Association fire a 10-pound Parott Cannon during a Civil War reenactment at Memorial Stadium. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Highlighting events at JBLM's Memorial and Cowan stadiums yesterday were historical displays, carnival rides, a variety of foods and drinks, a climbing wall, music and entertainment, a 10K Volksmarch and Civil War reenactments.

"It's really a fun day," commented Army veteran Rick Tweddell moments after being freed from some stocks used as a form of punishment in the 1700s.

"It is good that the Armed Forces are remembered and supported by the public."

>>> Brooklynn Yeates takes the controls of a MH-60 Helicopter during Armed Forces Day festivities at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

>>> Eric Haines - the One Man Band - entertained visitors to Joint Base Lewis-McChord with his music and singing. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

May 17, 2014 at 8:21am

5 Things To Do Today: Queen Victoria party, Armed Forces Day, "Project 562," Playboy Playmates and more ...

Celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday at Fort Nisqually today.

SATURDAY, MAY 17 2014 >>>

1. Metro Parks Tacoma is throwing a big birthday party today for Queen Victoria from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fort Nisqually Living History Museum. Ah, that's nice. Hey, wait a minute. Victoria, daughter of Edward, the Duke of Kent and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg, was born in Kensington Palace in London on May 24, 1819. Metro Parks is throwing a huge birthday party on the wrong day! The dancing, the songs, the re-enactors, the games - all on the wrong day! There's punch and cookies? Happy Birthday Victoria! 

2. Today marks our country's 64th annual Armed Forces Day, a poignant day to acknowledge, honor, remember and support the extraordinary and brave men and women of the United States armed forces. Throughout the Puget Sound, plans are well underway for some extraordinary events for the general public to partake in the spirit of Armed Forces Day and say "thank you" to our servicemembers. Here are four big celebrations.

3. Matika Wilbur, a leading photographer from the Pacific Northwest (Tulalip and Swinomish Tribes), has traveled more than 60,000 miles in the Western United States over the past year, acquiring extraordinary portraits and remarkable narratives in her quest to visit and photograph people from all 562 federally recognized sovereign Native American tribes. Her provocative work exposes the tenacity and richness of contemporary Native life, and seeks to encourage a shift in consciousness toward Native Americans. Tacoma Art Museum is honored to present the inaugural exhibition of Project 562 featuring 40 of Wilbur's Native American portraits, accompanied by stirring audio narratives from select sitters from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4. Tonight's music selection at Bob's Java Jive includes the promise of noise rock at its finest with a killer line-up: Heavy hitters Giza just put out a new record; Bali Girls, with their avant-garde noise rock, are making the show a CD release party; Diesto, a prog metal band from Portland, are playing live in the KEXP studio earlier in the day. What strikes my curiosity most is the set by sludge rockers Ex-Gods, the new incarnation of Mahnhammer. Bob's booker Brandon Rowley says expect the band, "To not necessarily abandon all that was Mahnhammer, but to build off of it. ... But, really I have no hopes other than for them to fucking rock." 

5. Encore Boutique Nightclub hosts Hef's girls. Yup, Alana Campos (September 2012 Playmate from Brazil) and the well-rounded Jessa Hinton (July 2011 Playmate from Southern Cal) will be in the house handing out free signed pictures beginning at 10 p.m. It should be an entertaining night with Encore's reputation as an upscale party spot and DJ Phase spinning. 

LINK: Saturday, May 17 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

May 17, 2014 at 7:43am

Saturday Morning Joe: Iran hates U.S. Navy, VA turnover, new Army gear, Halo TV show, real Transformer ...

Soldiers of the 545th Military Police Company run through stations at Kraft Coffee Range on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Original photo by Justin Connaher


A top Iranian naval commander said that he is prepared to order suicide attacks, drone strikes, and missile technology to "destroy the U.S. Navy" in any confrontations.

The Veterans Affairs Department's top health official abruptly resigned amid the exploding scandal over delays in veterans' care.

A week before Memorial Day, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is railing against the Obama administration for its treatment of veterans.

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote next week on a defense budget that, as it stands now, prizes pork over readiness, an analyst said.

A recently-published book about an Army Green Beret is sparking controversy in military circles about whether veterans are getting proper treatment for mental health.

Why aren't sanctions stopping Putin?

The Air Force is flying manned MC-12W Liberty and unmanned RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance sorties over Nigeria to assist in locating more than 200 girls kidnapped by militants.

Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh said challenging NATO exercises to National Guard units is key to maintaining the component as the nation's operational reserve.

More than 20 Fort Leonard Wood military police officers tested the regiment's newest body armor vests.

Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory continue to develop and evaluate methods for navigation and communication that are "hands-free, eyes-free and mind-free" to aid soldiers in the field.

The military power-generating boot isn't quite battlefield ready.

This American Life's "Call for Help" episode includes the parents of two young children who needed to be rescued at sea a few weeks ago.

The Hanson brothers' new beer Mmmhops went on sale this week. They say their Pale Ale "goes down easy and continues to surprise you with toasted richness."

This guy's Transformers costume actually transforms into a mini car.

Steven Spielberg is producing a Halo show scheduled to premiere when the next Halo video game comes out.

Eurovision: "Why?" and "Wait, what?"

The 10-year process it took to build out the World Trade Center Memorial...

LINK: Original photo by Justin Connaher

May 16, 2014 at 4:58pm

Ride in Remembrance raises funds to honor fallen 2-2 SBCT soldiers at JBLM

Sgt. 1st Class Matt Collins, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment prepares to ride 60 miles during the "Ride in Remembrance" fundraiser put on by the Lancer Soldier and Family Fund and Northwest Harley-Davidson, May 16. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

On his Saturday morning walks through Joint Base Lewis-McChord's Memorial Park, Col. Louis Zeisman pauses to honor the base's fallen heroes

"My family and I walk through here," the commander of 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, recently said.

"It's a way to remember, and we treat it as a place of honor."

In the park are monuments honoring the 3rd and 4th Stryker Combat Brigade Teams, 42nd Military Police Brigade and the 555th Engineer Brigade.

What Zeisman does not see is a memorial honoring the brigade he commands.

That will soon change.

"Currently, our memo to build a memorial is at the Pentagon," he said.

Comprised of two tall pillars of granite, the names of the fallen will be etched in stone. In between the pillars will be a bench with footsteps walking away.

"When you see the footsteps walking off by themselves, it touches everybody," Zeisman added.

>>> More than 200 bikers rolled by the diagram showing the memorial 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team and the Lancer Soldier and Family Fund want to build to honor those lost in Afghanistan. Photo credit: J.M. Simspon

The brigade deployed to Afghanistan on two separate occasions.

Some history is in order.

5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team deployed in 2009 thru 2010.  Thirty-seven soldiers did not come home. 

In 2010, 5th Brigade reflagged as the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.  It deployed to Afghanistan from 2011 thru 2012.  Eight soldiers lost their lives.

The memorial will honor the fallen from the brigade's two deployments to Afghanistan as well as those who died in training.

Leading the effort to build the memorial is the Lancer Soldier and Family Fund, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.

Connie Dotson, wife of 2nd Brigade's top enlisted soldier, Command Sgt. Maj. Tim Dotson and the chairwoman of the fund, said the organization has worked for over a year to raise funds.

"We've got $13,000 in the bank," she said this morning as more than 200 motorcycles roared to life at the Northwest Harley-Davidson in Lacey.

The daylong event also featured food, music and a number of vendors. All proceeds went to fund the memorial.

"We need $60,000 to complete the memorial and fly the family members of those lost out here for the dedication," Dotson explained.

The granite for the memorial has already been delivered. All the Lancer Soldier and Family Fund group need is to receive an OK from the Department of Army and finish its fund raising.

"I'm confident we will make our goal," Dotson said.

"We expect to have the memorial finished by May of next year."

>>> Pfc. Kevin DeJesus, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, holds up his shirt before the "Ride in Remembrance," May 16. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Dubbed "The Ride in Remembrance," hundreds of motorcycle riders - most of whom active duty or veterans riding Harley-Davidsons - and thousands of soldiers, family members and community leaders showed up to support the fund raising.

"It's an honor to be here today and ride in support of the memorial," said Sgt. 1st Class Matt Collins, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, as he fired up his Harley.

"No one should be forgotten."

For more information about 2nd Brigade's memorial and fundraising efforts, visit www.lancerfund.org.

May 16, 2014 at 9:10am

JBLM 1st Special Forces honors fallen soldiers

Deputy Commander Col. Max Carpenter pays tribute to fallen soldiers during a Memorial Day observance at 1st Special Forces Group Headquarters at JBLM, May 15. Photo credit: Gail Wood

In a somber tribute to the soldiers who have died fighting with the 1st Special Forces Group, Col. Max Carpenter thanked the fallen for their ultimate sacrifice for freedom during an early Memorial Day service at 1st SFG Headquarters at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, May 15.

He reminded everyone that freedom isn't free.

"Let us all remember that our nation is the greatest nation because we have warriors who know that freedom has a cost," Carpenter said, reading from a speech from Col. Bob McDowell. "And that the cost is worth paying if it means that our families and our nation remain free."

After Carpenter's speech, Master Sgt. Tad Duvitt then read the 22 names of the Green Berets who have died fighting in the war against terrorism since 9/11. A bell was rung as each soldier's name was read. 

"Rather than mourn, we celebrate," Carpenter said.

There were two families of the soldiers killed in action present at the 45-minute ceremony at the black granite Memorial Wall for the fallen 1st Special Forces Group.

Carpenter, the deputy commander of the 1st Special Forces, reminded everyone that a country's freedom never comes with guarantees.

"Ron Reagan once said that freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction," Carpenter said. "We did not pass it along to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on to them for them to do the same."

To the families present, Carpenter, reading from McDowell's speech, said "we'll remain forever in your debt for your sacrifice." McDowell, the commander of the 1st Special Forces, was on assignment in the Philippines and couldn't attend the memorial service.

There are 177 names on the Memorial Wall, which include soldiers from 1st Special Forces who died in Vietnam. Twenty-two of them died in the past decade in the war against the Taliban.

"On this wall to my left are the names of the sons, husbands and brothers," Carpenter read. "They provide an eternal example of what is good and right in our nation. Men who have done more than give their life for their nation. They have given their life so that others may remain free."

That standard, Carpenter said, is what the soldiers from the 1st Special Forces in formation at the ceremony should carry on without them and fulfill the mission of freedom. Carpenter praised the fallen soldiers who all raised their hands and volunteered to do what others wouldn't.

"They stood tall and placed themselves into positions to protect those who couldn't protect themselves," Carpenter said. "As this war comes to an end for the majority of our forces, we know the sacrifices made by those who wear the green and red beret of the 1st Special Forces will go on." 

After the reading of the fallen soldiers' names, two men dressed in kilts playing bagpipes played several songs, including "Amazing Grace." As the bagpipes were played, gun fire at a distant firing range on base could be heard, a subtle reminder that there will continue to be other challenges facing the freedoms of this country and the need for other sacrifices.

"In addition to never forgetting these men, we owe these men that we will remain vigilant against our nation's adversaries," Carpenter said. "We owe these men to live life to the fullest, to cherish our God, our families, our teammates with all that we have in our finite time on this earth."

May 16, 2014 at 7:20am

Friday Morning Joe: VA updates, Godzilla vs. U.S. military, DoD tech advances, military infographics, Mad Men/X-Men parody ...

An Afghan National Army soldier fires a rocket-propelled coffee during a live-fire operational training shoot at Joint Sustainment Academy Southwest, Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province. Original photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Chandler


The senior enlisted soldier for 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment has died from wounds suffered in Afghanistan.

The results of a much-anticipated government investigation into charges of scheduling fraud at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System will not be out until August.

The House will consider legislation next week to give the Veterans Affairs secretary expanded authority to fire senior executives.

USA Today: VA chief Shinseki has a lot to explain.

There are clear indications that the United States and China are grappling with how to craft a more stable and more intimate set of military to military relationships.

The Pentagon released a report that showed there were nearly 1,400 reported incidents of sexual harassment in 2013.

How the military could kill Godzilla.

Amazing military infographics.

Gen. Keith Alexander: We're at greater risk.

Officials declared that freeing schoolgirls abducted by the radical Islamist group has become a top administration priority.

Recent satellite images show two new North Korean frigates, the largest surface combat ships the nation's navy has constructed in a quarter-century.

The Air Force is a step closer to bedding down its anticipated fleet of KC-46A Pegasus aerial tankers.

Despite a year of workforce furloughs and dwindling budgets, the Defense Department's science and technology enterprise reports advances ranging from a full hypersonic weapon system and high-energy lasers to light-based brain treatments and new core capabilities in cyber warfare.

This footage of the wildfire in San Diego county is absolutely terrifying.

Today's freakout: Fearless daredevils from Eastern Europe.

A new HBO series will showcase the making of the Foo Fighters' next album.

Chad Smith and Will Ferrell talk about their upcoming drum battle.

Morrissey has joined Twitter.

The 16 most badass monsters from the Godzilla movies.

The Flaming Lips' latest project: a cover of the complete Sgt. Pepper album.

Did you catch Blondie on The Daily Show?

Finally: Mad Men/X-Men parody.

Trippy cool ...

LINK: Original photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Chandler

May 15, 2014 at 11:20am

JBLM gives back to retirement community

Any military retiree, regardless of their branch of service or where they presently reside, as well as dependents and surviving spouses, are welcome to come out on Friday and take advantage of the pooled resources at the Military Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD).

Joint Base Lewis-McChord will host the annual event from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on May 16, at the American Lake Conference Center, located on JBLM North. The first RAD was held over 20 years ago and it has grown exponentially since then, especially with the joint basing.

"This day is set aside to give back to the retirement community. You were important, you are important and you are going to continue to be important to the military," said Alex Silva, JBLM's Retirement Services Officer. "We appreciate them and the active duty military appreciates them."


May 15, 2014 at 7:19am

Thursday Morning Joe: Vietnam deaths, China-Russia alliance, Fort Hood vs Benghazi, Best Sappers, The Flash teaser ...

Afghan commandos from 3rd Company, 7th Special Operations Kandak fire a coffee during weapons practice on a range in Helmand province, Afghanistan. Original photo by Sgt. Benjamin Tuck


More than 20 people were killed in Vietnam and a huge foreign steel project set ablaze as anti-China riots spread to the centre of the country.

China-Russia alliance shrouded in mystery.

Meaningful military compensation reform is likely years away.

American, Lithuanian forces begin combines tactical field exercise.

Inside East Ukraine's make-believe republics.

Why hasn't the GOP treated Fort Hood like Benghazi?

Nearly a quarter of the Corps' Spain-based crisis response force has been prepositioned in southern Italy at the request of the State Department to respond more quickly to diplomatic crises that might break out in northern Africa.

An Air Force MC-12 has taken the lead in the hunt for the kidnapped girls in Nigeria.

The U.S., Russia, and China - despite all their other differences - can agree on a basic approach to how to deal with North Korea's nuclear arsenal. The bad news? That approach can't work.

Report: VA not following guidelines on pain drugs.

Sikorsky plans to launch an autonomous version of its Black Hawk helicopter.

Joint IED Defeat Organization launches redesigned IED knowledge portal.

Army Reserve crowns first-ever Best Sapper Team.

Army researchers consider miniature robots to enhance capabilities.

Russia is turning Elon Musk into Tony Stark.

136 years of visual effects evolution in a one-sensory-overload video.

New: Steve Buscemi web series

Bob Dylan has released a new cover of Frank Sinatra's Full Moon & Empty Arms.

Here's the first teaser for The CW's The Flash.

Watch a trailer for Good People, in which James Franco and Kate Hudson find a bunch of cash.

TBS has renewed Conan through 2018.

When rich people install a replica of the Star Trek bridge in their house.

This cat is awesome. ...

LINK: Original photo by Sgt. Benjamin Tuck

May 14, 2014 at 7:28am

Wednesday Morning Joe: Really scary Syrians, urban warfare 2035, drone debate, robots with morals, "Game of Thrones" cats ...

The 471st Marine Wing Support Squadron launches a coffee from a Mossberg M500 in Tifnit, Morocco. Original photo by Sgt. Nicolas A. Cloward


A nightmare group in Syria could target the U.S.

The escalating sanctions war between the U.S. and Russia has claimed its latest victim, with potentially devastating long-term implications for the sole provider of military launch for the US Air Force.

Rockets are raining down on bases in Afghanistan as the Taliban's fighting season begins, and one military officer is taking extra precautions while he dodges the incoming fire.

Urban warfare 2035: The U.S. Army prepares for combat - physical and cyber - in the megacity of the future.

The Pentagon has cleared a nearly $1 billion package of aircraft trainers, surveillance aerostats and up-armored Humvees for the Iraqi military.

The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee will reject a plan approved by its House counterpart to use emergency funding to keep alive the A-10 attack plane.

U.S. Air Force is looking to cut the number of UAV combat air patrols from 65, a number required under Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to 55.

Report: U.S. military needs more drones, not better ones.

A federal judge has tossed out most of the lawsuits filed against the Defense Department over the theft of personal data belonging to 4.9 million Tricare beneficiaries.

Former Sgt. Kyle White became the nation's newest Medal of Honor recipient.

Medal of Honor recipient's former commander recalls his heroism.

A Fort Campbell active duty officer entered a guilty plea to stealing the identity of other soldiers, applying for loans and using the money for his personal benefit.

The country's largest student loan providers will pay out $60 million to U.S. troops and veterans for unfair lending practices under a proposed settlement announced by the Justice and Education departments.

Pentagon is trying to transfer convicted national security leaker Pvt. Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison so she can get treatment for her gender disorder.

Now the military is going to build robots that have morals.

Life after email at DoD.

The world's heaviest-drinking nations, ranked.

Find some comfort and inspiration in these gorgeous personal libraries.

The Harry Potter spinoff trilogy, Fantastic Beasts, arrives in theaters in 2016.

Wedge Antilles has retired to some ranch across the galaxy border.

Wedding anniversary gift exchange ends with the wife giving the best present any man can get: A fully functional Millennium Falcon.

This cute little kid is better at doing yo-yo tricks than you are at doing anything.

Finally: All the most important Batmobiles in one handy chart.

Finally: It's the Game of Thrones characters as cats.

SPOILERS: It doesn't end well. ...

LINK: Original photo by Sgt. Nicolas A. Cloward

May 13, 2014 at 7:38am

Tuesday Morning Joe: U.S. vs China, 2-2 SBCT anniversary, military maternity leave, R&R bump, Twitter mute button ...

An Afghan National Army Special Forces member fires a rocket propelled coffee on a range during training in Washer district, Helmand province, Afghanistan. Original photo by Sgt. Benjamin Tuck


U.S., China spar again on South China Sea dispute.

The VA health care system has so many perverse incentives that it may have actually given rewards to those who treated veterans the worst.

Iran's purported reverse-engineered copies of the Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aircraft are nothing but cheap mockups, industry sources told USNI News.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wants to rebalance the use of military power.

A small group of U.S. Special Forces troops will arrive in Nigeria later this month to advise on combating Boko Haram.

Former Sgt. Kyle White will receive the Medal of Honor for valor today at the White House.

The Navy's cost-saving plan to lay up 11 cruisers is being met with skepticism on Capitol Hill.

Combat veterans of the 2nd Infantry Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team, will mark the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army's historic first operational deployment from South Korea, this August.

Legislation introduced by Reps. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) would extend maternity leave for women serving in the military.

The Defense Department has reinstated two-week rest and recuperation leave in nine countries for troops who deploy before June 1.

Reda Hicks, an Army wife and attorney who works to improve the lives of military families, was recognized Friday as Army Spouse of the Year.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command recently developed a "We Care" app that can be used by victims of sexual assault, someone who witnesses sexual harassment or assault, and those in need of suicide prevention help.

The Cold War is over, but the risk of atomic miscalculation is not.

600-day trip around the world makes us dizzy.

A home in Brentwood, New Hampshire, exploded live on TV as an ABC News helicopter was flying over the area, filming as it was burning.

West Antarctic Ice Sheet had begun its inevitable, unstoppable collapse.

Twitter quietly debuted a handy "mute" feature to silence users without having to unfollow them.

Strange: Casey Kasem's whereabouts are unknown.

Strange:  A Kenny G song is hugely popular in China.

Morrissey has released the first single off his new album, due July 15.

A is for the A-Team, B is for the Brady Bunch and so on.

LINK: Original photo by Sgt. Benjamin Tuck

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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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