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February 28, 2014 at 2:12pm

Do you know about the "grab and go" awesomeness at Joint Base Lewis-McChord?

Soldiers with 17th Field Artillery Brigade and 555th Engineering Brigade, 7th Infantry Division, stand in line at the recently revamped Grab and Go section of the Cannon and Castle Grill Dining Facility at JBLM. Photo credit: Pvt. Sheylon Wright

It's probably about this time every winter that you grow weary of your usual early-morning on-the-way-to-work grab-and-go breakfast of a cold in the middle egg white wrap paired with a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino. You begin looking for something novel to stave off the watery chill creeping into your bones trudge toward work.

This scenario isn't the case, most likely, if your final destination is Joint Base Lewis-McChord. You have tunnel vision for the Cannon and Castle Dining Facility (DFAC) on Fort Lewis North.

According to Capt. Tania Donovan with 17th Fires Brigade, the "concept of feeding soldiers on the go has come to fruition at the 17th Field Artillery Brigade and 555th Engineer Brigade, Cannon and Castle Dining Facility (DFAC) on Fort Lewis North."

Apparently, the bigwigs at Food Management Assistance Team (FMAT) conducted the inspection that examined all food service programs on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The Cannon and Castle DFAC received a big thumbs up, especially its "grab and go" operation.

"The ‘grab and go' operation has proven to be a success, feeding on average an additional 270 soldiers a day," said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Phillip Saunders, accountable officer for the Cannon and Castle DFAC.

Soldiers can enter the facility from the side entrance and walk directly into a University-style cafeteria kiosk. There, they have a variety of options to choose from.

The wait time? Only five to seven minutes per soldier.

Read Donovan's full story on DFAC here.

February 28, 2014 at 12:40pm

Service Academy Night for Tacoma and Peninsula school districts

While many are feeling anxious over the proposed Pentagon budget cuts, U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer, the Democrat out of Gig Harbor, wants students to consider the armed forces. Kilmer will host a Service Academy Night Wednesday, March 19 at Foss High School in Tacoma.

"As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I'm looking forward to extending this exciting opportunity to students in our region who are considering a top-tier education with service to our nation in our armed forces," stated Kilmer in a news release.

The night is dedicated to those students attending high school - public or private - in the Tacoma and Peninsula school districts, and who live within Kilmer's 6th Congressional District.

Those in attendance will also see bright and shiny faces from U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and ROTC representatives.

We haven't confirmed the rumor of a post-event screening of Taps at nearby Cheney Stadium. It's unlikely.

SERVICE ADACEMY NIGHT, 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, Foss High School Auditorium, 2112 S. Tyler St., Tacoma, 253.272.3515

February 28, 2014 at 9:29am

Lakewood student shows heart at JBLM, earns top science fair honors

Tillicum Elementary School third-grader Zinessa Patton gave a human heart science presentation to 514th Ambulance Ground Paramedics at JBLM. Courtesy photo

There's no doubt that Tillicum Elementary School third grader Zinessa Patton loves science. The youngster has been an avid science fair participant for the last four years at her school; for the last two of those years, she's been a science fair award winner and has received a number of accolades for her work.

In 2013, her school science fair project "Brain Freeze" was awarded first place at school. She then went on to participate in the Clover Park School District's Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fair (STEM), where the young scientist received public recognition from Lakewood's mayor for her efforts.

For the 2014 fair, Zinessa created the presentation, "The Human Heart." She took first place again. Her project will be featured in the upcoming STEM Fair Saturday at Lakes High School.

It gets better.

Members of the 514th Ambulance Ground Paramedics from Joint Base Lewis-McChord served as judges for this year's Tillicum Elementary School science fair. Impressed with Zinessa's "Human Heart" project, the team invited her to give her presentation to other team members at JBLM. The student scientist was thrilled by the invitation and graciously accepted. Along with her family, Zinessa visited the base on Feb. 21. According to Zinessa's mother, Zina Cockrell, Zinessa absolutely cherished the experience. The family thanks all of those involved at the 514th Ambulance Ground for making this event happen.

It doesn't stop there. Zinessa is not only a budding scientist and a straight-A student, she's a philanthropist, too. She raised $250 for the American Heart Association.

Zina Cockrell says Zinessa's love of science and school is in the genes.

"My mother taught science for 37 years in Gig Harbor," says Cockrell. "I was exposed to science at an early age. The same thing happened for Zinessa. She started loving science at a young age."

February 28, 2014 at 7:20am

Friday Morning Joe: Thursdays with Congress, Army must shed 6 BCTs, Army dressing like Marines, 25 most awkward allies, Oscar hosts ranked ...

Don't doze at you make your way to the DuPont Starbucks drive-thru. It's a bit of a maze.


A massive veterans legislative package that would have expanded a host of post-military benefits was sidelined after Senate Democratic backers failed to find enough support among their Republican colleagues.

A senior defense official says the U.S. Army and Defense Department are being unfairly vilified in the media over military budget cuts when Congress is really to blame.

The Pentagon's fiscal 2015 defense budget proposal will cost the Army another six combat units, shrinking the active force to 28 brigade combat teams by 2019.

America's 25 most awkward allies.

In April, the U.S. Army plans to unveil a new camouflage strategy that could result in soldiers wearing Marine Corps desert and woodland patterns into combat

President Barack Obama's mandate to reduce U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 is U.S. Transportation Command's top priority, Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser III told Congress yesterday.

Special operations forces will be prepared for any decision made on the post-2014 U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command told Congress yesterday.

The threat in cyberspace is changing so rapidly that law and policy lag behind, the nation's top cyber commander told congress yesterday.

The Pentagon's chief information officer discussed the vast opportunities mobile computing provides and its critical role in improving support for the Defense Department's 600,000 mobile device users.

Staffing at the Defense Health Agency has grown by roughly 80 percent since the organization began coming together, but the Defense Department still expects zero growth - or even a decline - in employees once duplicate services are eliminated.

Soldiers who have used the Distributed Common Ground System-Army say that it's an intelligence game changer.

The Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy have named Tobyhanna the Depot Source of Repair, or DSOR, for the Gray Eagle (MQ-1C) Unmanned Aircraft System Ground Control Stations.

Twenty-five years of Oscar hosts, ranked.

There are so many negative things that can be said about ABC's Mixology. It is tactless, boring, occasionally offensive and. ...

Fashion trends more dumb than the newest fashion trend "normcore."

The best restaurant in the U.S. is a tiny shack in Hawaii.

Herding reindeers looks a lot like trying to control alien locust swarms.

Found in translation

February 27, 2014 at 10:52am

Words & Photos: 14th Engineer Battalion convoy training at Joint Base Lewis-McChord

A M240B (upper left, yellow flash) fires on a soldier assigned to the Distribution Platoon, Forward Support Company, 14th Engineers. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Where the dirt road narrowed is where the gunfire on the left began.

Quickly recovering from the surprise attack on their three-vehicle convoy, soldiers spilled out of the trucks and returned fire.

The woods echoed with the sounds of M4s and an M240B.

As the firefight escalated, two soldiers sustained wounds. While one soldier began to apply first aid, the convoy commander - with a telephone in one ear and a radio in the other - coordinated his soldiers while calling for a quick reaction force for aid.

Within seconds the attack ended.

The woods were silent.

A moment later, Sgt. 1st Class Fernando Perez called together the soldiers assigned to the Distribution Platoon, Forward Support Company, 14th Engineer Battalion for an immediate assessment at Joint Base Lewis-McChord yesterday.

He reminded the dozen soldiers in front of him to remember to use the Field Standard Operating Procedures they had learned.

>>> Sgt. Ricky Schneider, Distribution Platoon, Forward Support Company, 14th Engineers, takes cover during an ambush while calling for support. Photo credit: J.M. Simspon

"Your convoy commander gave a very good brief," Perez said. "What made it particularly good was the fact that he made you guys repeat it back to him."

After touching on a few minor discrepancies, Perez told his soldiers to mount up and head for the next objective.

"You're doing good; keep it up," he said.

As the Army downsizes its force and trains to fight in a more conventional manner, its training has to keep pace while remaining combat ready.

A forward support company is a mobile and multi-functional unit that includes a field feeding section, distribution platoon and a maintenance platoon organized to provide support to a combat or combat support battalion.

"We have to be able to get up and move, sometimes without the use of convoy escorts during day and night movements," Perez explained.

"This training sharpens that ability."

>>> Soldiers assigned to the 14th Engineer's Distribution Platoon run for cover during an ambush on their convoy. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

The 14th Engineer Battalion will travel to the National Training Center later this year in order to sharpen its convoy skills.

"We may not always have the electronic warfare capability; we are relying on our eyes and ears as we shift back to a more conventional way of fighting," Perez said.

"We have to be able to deal with ambushes, IED attacks and indirect fire, and this is valuable training for us to get."

February 27, 2014 at 7:22am

Thursday Morning Joe: Veterans bill showdown, searching for Sgt. Bergdahl, Oscars primer...

Two lines wedge into the drive-thru at the Starbucks on the edge of Fircrest, which often gets interesting.


Armed men seized the regional government headquarters and parliament in Ukraine's Crimea and raised the Russian flag.

A Democratic bill enhancing health care, education and job-training benefits for veterans faces an uphill climb as the Senate approaches a showdown vote on the $21 billion legislation.

The Pentagon has named acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Michael Lumpkin as the point person for efforts to bring home prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

People in the United States remain divided on how to handle military spending, according to a new poll

The U.S. Air Force intends to issue a request for proposal on its new long-range strike bomber this fall.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) filed cloture on legislation that would expand veterans healthcare programs and provide them with tuition assistance, a move that signals he will not allow any GOP amendments to be considered.

The Marine Corps' senior enlisted adviser told lawmakers he believes focusing on the commissary benefit as a potential source of defense budget savings is a mistake.

The U.S. Army will request money to buy 100 new UH-72 Lakota Light Utility Helicopters in the fiscal 2015 budget.

The proposed drone replacement for the U-2 spy plane is still years away from being as effective despite retirement proposal.

The Pentagon has a detailed five-year spending plan that adheres to federal defense spending caps should sequestration return in 2016. Just don't expect to see it anytime soon.

U.S. Sen. John McCain says he wants to block two nominees for high-level Pentagon jobs - but the Senate's "maverick" is about to find out a hold isn't what it used to be.

The Army has disqualified 588 soldiers as sexual assault counselors, recruiters and drill sergeants for infractions ranging from sexual assault to child abuse to drunken driving.

Despite "daunting fiscal challenges and strategic uncertainty," the Army will continue to be the best in the world, says Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III.

The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, or JIEDDO, is still relevant and is needed for future conflicts, but its size is expected to shrink significantly.

President Barack Obama announced that retired Army Master Sgt. Jose Rodela will receive the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest award for military valor, during a March 18 ceremony at the White House.

Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts are the key for Airmen involved with the multilateral exercise Cope North.

Army introduces four new mountaineering, climbing kits.

Lobbying isn't decreasing at all, and instead it's simply going underground.

How wolves change rivers.

A new app will prevent your distracted ass for getting hit by a car.

Every state's favorite music.

Oscars primer so that you don't have to spend every day until the ceremony airs at the movie theater.

Oscar snubs get particularly brutal when you start tallying how many phenomenal directors never won a Best Director prize.

Let's watch a prank.

February 26, 2014 at 3:29pm

3-2 SBCT MPs take pepper spray to the face because it's their job

Staff Sgt. Christopher McKinney, a nonlethal weapons instructor, sprays oleoresin capsicum spray directly in the eyes of Robert Garret, a military police officer with 3-2 SBCT, during OC spray training at JBLM Feb. 21. Photo credit: Staff Sgt. Chris McCul

Quite often the journalists stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord lead off their reports and feature stories with soldiers doing or saying something awesome. It's a natural lead paragraph. Soldiers and airmen perform spectacular feats. With such a lead, the story grabs a hold of us and never lets go.

One of our favorites at JBLM, Staff Sgt. Christopher McCullough, wrote a report on Arrowhead MPs training with pepper spray. This report doesn't lead off with quotes or colorful descriptions. It just makes a statement. And McCullough nailed it.

JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. - Pepper spray shows up on television and in the news quite often. There is a good reason for that. It hurts. It really hurts.

In order to certify their ability to carry pepper spray, military police officers with 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division held training Feb. 21 at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.

Pepper spray, also known as oleoresin capsicum, OC spray, OC gas, and capsicum spray is a chemical compound used for riot control, crowd control, and personal self-defense. It irritates the eyes, causes tears, pain and even temporary blindness.

This mandatory training teaches the MPs what it feels like to be hit with OC spray and also forces them to work through several obstacles while under its effect.

Read McCullough's full report here.

February 26, 2014 at 10:28am

"Best of the Best" at McChord Field

Congratulations to the following members of Team McChord who were named the "Best of the Best" at the 2014 Annual Awards Banquet Feb. 20.

Key Spouse
Jennifer Longoria

Civilian Category I
John Draper, 62nd Aerial Port Squadron

Civilian Category IIA
David Devine, 5th Air Support Operations Squadron

Civilian Category IIB
Eileen Rodriguez 62nd Operations Support Squadron

Senior Airman Janaya Mosley, 627th Force Support Squadron


February 26, 2014 at 7:17am

Wednesday Morning Joe: Afghanistan plight, defense budget fallout, selfies app, epic towing fail...

Bigfoot Java in Lakewood will gladly "Bigfoot" the size of your beverage to 44 ounces.


The Pentagon's 2015 war spending proposal is on hold as the U.S. waits to see if Afghan officials approve a deal that would allow NATO forces to remain in the country beyond the end of the year.

Hagel: Lack of agreements narrows options in Afghanistan.

Pakistani Official: U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014 means civil war.

Eyeing Afghan exit, U.S. intensifies campaign against Haqqani militants.

DoD gambles on sequester.

Hagel chats with troops about 2015 defense budget proposal.

The extra $26 billion eyed for the U.S. Defense Department in 2015 would fund readiness initiatives and other "base budget type of stuff."

Budget seeks missile fixes, future technology.

Two Defense Department nominees in the policy arena - Christine E. Wormuth is nominated to be undersecretary of defense for policy, and Brian McKeon is nominated to be principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy - shared their visions of DOD's future in a Senate Armed Service Committee confirmation hearing yesterday.

Great Britain and the U.S. have signed a defense pact aimed at increasing the number of collaborative science and technology programs undertaken by the longtime allies.

The stunning resignation of the military lawyer who was prosecuting an Army general on a charge of forcible sodomy is raising new questions about how commanders are handling sexual assault cases.

The Defense and Veterans Affairs departments have published new guidelines on post-concussion care.

North Korea is the darkness.

A soot stamping on a human face forever: How the revolution will be defeated.

This doesn't sound good: The number of plainclothes federal officers protecting aircraft from terrorists has gone down in the past three years.

No more straining your arms for a good shot. The CamMe App lets you prop up your phone and take a picture from 16 feet away. 

"I am a porn star. I am a college freshman. You know nothing about me."

The dramatic evolution and nine obscure facts about The Simpsons.

Super Mario World is the key to parallel universes.

Epic towing fail.

February 25, 2014 at 10:09pm

595th Military Police Company presented the coveted Barr Award at Joint Base Lewis-McChord

Soldiers of the 595th Military Police Company proudly pose with the Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Barr Award, given for being the most outstanding military police unit in the Army. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

The Spartans of ancient Greece would be proud of the "Spartans" of the 595th Military Police Company, 508th Military Police Battalion (Internment/Resettlement) at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

Tuesday afternoon, the unit - under the command of Capt. Adam Fulton - received for the first time the coveted Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Barr Award for fiscal year 2013.

The award is presented to the best military police unit (company or smaller) that is attached to or supportive of the Army Corrections Command.

"Today we honor the hard work this unit has done," said the company's 1st Sgt. Kathryn Fair.


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News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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