Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

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November 14, 2013 at 7:21am

5 Things To Do Today: Tacoma Pickle Hunt, Foundation of Art Award, poets, Kim Archer and more ...

Lynnae Schneller, in the cart, and Aly Cullinane will hide pickles throughout Tacoma today on National Pickle Day. Photo courtesy of Facebook

THURSDAY, NOV. 14 2013 >>>

1. In honor of National Pickle Day today, Lynnae Schneller of Lynnae's Gourmet Pickles will place nine jars of pickles in Tacoma businesses and on historic Tacoma monuments for fans to locate and win up to $1,000 in cash and prizes. Tacoma's Mayor Marilyn Strickland will announce the first clue for the location of the first jar of pickles via her Facebook page at 9 a.m. followed by clues posted hourly until 5 p.m. on the Lynnae's Gourmet Pickles Facebook page. For more information visit www.lynnaesgourmetpickles.com.

2. At the risk of sounding curmudgeonly, we believe that cell-phone use is a prime contributor to the breakdown of civility in society, but using the dastardly devices while driving a car is simply stupid, illegal and deadly. Bates Technical College agrees. The school has teamed with UNITE International's Arrive Alive Tour to educate the public about dangers associated with texting and driving. From 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the Arrive Alive Tour will bring a distracted-driving simulator to the college's South Campus auto body program. Ah for cryin' out loud, you're texting a link to this story on your iPhone while you sip coffee and weave through morning traffic on Interstate 5 using your knees - JUST STOP IT.

3. The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation's "Foundation of Art Award" has been recognized as one the most notable art awards in the South Sound region. To celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Award, the Foundation is hosting an exhibit featuring the 12 talented artists that were nominated in 2013 through Jan. 10 at Fulcrum Gallery. The exhibit will also unveil the commissioned artwork created by the 2013 winning artist, Shaun Peterson. An artist reception for  Sean Alexander, Beautiful Angle, Laurie Cinotto, Scott Haydon, Ellen Ito, Chris Jordan, Nicholas Nyland, Chandler O'Leary, Shaun Peterson, Juliette Ricci, Holly Senn, Kenji Stoll and Britton Sukys will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the gallery.

4. Washington state is a hotbed of first-rank poets says Kathleen Flenniken, Washington State Poet Laureate. Flenniken will be at the Olympia Timberland Library from 7:30-9 p.m. to prove it. Joining her will be local poet and playwright Barbara Gibson, as well as students Savannah Berrington from Capital High School; Hope Dorris and McKenzie Murray from Olympia High School; and Maggie Neatherlin, Everett Werner and Tom Clewes from Nova Middle School, who will also read their work.

5. Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Kim Archer performs old-school soul and funk, sultry blues and strong original tunes at the 502 Downtown in downtown Tacoma.

LINK: Thursday, Nov. 14 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

August 31, 2013 at 7:16am

5 Things To Do Today: Get Out of the Rut Weekend, chili cookoff, Back 2 School Jam, "Chicago" and more ...

Oooh, yeaaaaah!

SATURDAY, AUG. 31 2013 >>>

1. Ahhh yeah! It's that time of year! Time for getting it on! That's why Northwest Trek invites you to its "Get Out of the Rut Weekend," your chance to play peeping Tom on the breeding habits of moose, elk, deer and even sheep. You see, the "rut," refers to the breeding habits of hooved animals - and we all know hooved animals are the hottest of all! According to hype, "Watch and listen as they grunt, snort, bugle and spar. From wild romance to turbulent action, you won't want to miss this three-day kickoff to the most dramatic time of year at Northwest Trek." So hot.

2. It's been said the quickest way to a geek's heart is through his or her USB 3.0 port, but that's not true. We pop-cultural enthusiasts occasionally do take a break from mainlining second breakfast, Hot Pockets, and fourthmeal to eat real food-by which, of course, we mean good old (Mexican-)American barbecue. A sustainable solutions group called Americans for a Better World, or AFABWorld for short, has been pitting pitmaster against pitmaster in runoff events all summer long. Now the time has come to step into the hickory-scented culinary Octagon and see whose cuisine reigns supreme. Four tongs enter! Two tongs leave! Beginning with a chili cookoff at 11 a.m., Columbus Park will host a saucy, porcine Labor Day massacre. There's plenty of live entertainment, and yes, there will be tastings until 5 p.m.

3. The Tacoma/Pierce County hip-hop community and the Z53 Zulu Nation (Tacoma Chapter) host a Back 2 School Jam from noon to 5 p.m. at the D.A.S.H. Center in recognition of education and community. Today is an opportunity to learn about the Z53 Chapter and Zulu Nation, donate food and clothing, experience live graffiti, live DJs, live B-Boys/Girls, live open-mic along with haircuts, face-painting, free school supplies - all for free.

4. The Black Door Wine Company in Tacoma's Proctor District will be hosting a wine tasting from 4-6 p.m. Featured wines will include flavors from the Greek, Santorinian, Macedonian and Cretian regions. Sip and smell like you have travel plans. Bottles will be onsite to purchase and the Black Door team is delightfully knowledgeable when it comes to wine. Tickets are $5 to attend.

5. From the Lindbergs to O.J. Simpson, America loves a high-profile murder trial. And why not? What could be more theatrical than a gruesome case presented by suave attorneys with celebrity witnesses? Such a trial is satirized in the steamy award-winning musical Chicago, which kicks off its national tour Saturday in Tacoma at 7:30 p.m. You've seen the movie, but do you really need to experience a touring musical production of Chicago? The deal-clincher could be the presence of the one and only John O'Hurley - known to many as the catalog-company entrepreneur J. Peterman on Seinfeld - in the role of Billy Flynn. Even if you didn't know he won on the television show Dancing with the Stars, the mental image of Peterman belting "All I Care About Is Love" from behind his corporate desk is too sweet. Before catching the vaudevillian circus of greed, corruption and violence, be sure to join the Broadway Sizzle, a communal table dinner in the heart of Tacoma on Broadway before the show.

LINK: Saturday, Aug. 31 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

August 28, 2013 at 10:40am

Z53 Back To School Jam offers free school supplies

Organizers at the D.A.S.H. Center and members of Z53 Zulu Nation have been hard at work preparing a Back To School Jam for Tacoma area families.

The event takes place noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, and includes a potluck, school supplies giveaway, free haircuts, DJs, breakdancers, a graffiti wall, markers, paint and paper and an open mic.

"School supplies are expensive and many families could use help obtaining these items," says Josh Rizeberg, event coordinator. "The list of school-supplies has grown since I was a kid and they just need so much stuff nowadays. They need a lot more than just paper, pens, pencils, and a binder. We'll hopefully have flash-drives to give-out to the older students."


July 8, 2013 at 9:55am

Back to School Brigade begins tomorrow

Operation Homefront and Dollar Tree have joined forces again this pre-school season to gather school supplies for military children across the country. The supplies can be purchased starting Tuesday by customers at the more than 4,000 Dollar Tree and Deal$ stores nationwide and placed in collection boxes in each store. 

Let's read a press release. ...

The Back to School Brigade program is a nationwide campaign by Operation Homefront and Dollar Tree, now in its sixth season. Last year, Dollar Tree patrons donated more than $3 million of supplies nationwide.


Filed under: Schools, Military,

June 27, 2013 at 3:27pm

Charlie 52nd Infantry squirts water at kids

Charlie 52nd Infantry hangs with Chambers Prairie Elementary School in Lacey

Let's face it. Joint Base Lewis-McChord life can get a bit overwhelming, especially with talk of deactivations, Soldier 2020 plans, Interstate-5 traffic hell and trips through The Gauntlet — especially after a year's deployment in Afghanistan.

Sometimes you need to let off a little steam.

Sometimes you need to squirt kids with water guns.

Charlie 52nd Infantry Regiment (Anti-Tank) dropped by Chambers Prairie Elementary School in Lacey earlier in the month for some fun and games. The 3-2 SBCT has partnered with the school, proving a leadership model for the kids, helping them with sports and putting smiles on their faces.

They also squirt the kids with water guns.

Check out the fun and games below.

April 12, 2013 at 6:12am

Comment of the Day: HB 1817 should be opposed


Yesterday's comment of the day came from Carbon in response to Ken Miller's post about Dream Act House Bill 1817 - affordable college education for immigrant kids - on our Town Hall Tourist blog.

Carbon writes,

1817 should be opposed because it rewards and encourages illegal immigration. We need to stop the cycle of illegal immigration by removing all incentives. Handing out free college money is obviously an incentive. 1817 should be opposed by everyone who supports the rule of law.

Filed under: Politics, Olympia, Schools,

April 2, 2013 at 6:33am

Comment of the Day: Provide universal Internet access to America


Yesterday's comment of the day came from Chris Van Vechten — Rule 9 Municipal Prosecutor (criminal) at the city of Lakewood — in response to Aaron T. Sherman's op-ed "Online translations vital for equity in Tacoma Public Schools" posted on the Weekly Volcano's new political and policy blog, Town Hall Tourist.

Van Vechten writes,

I really think you should compare the technology in Tacoma's Public Schools to our Private Universities (UPS & PLU). I can't speak to PLU, but UPS is way behind TPS and has been for quite some time.......Students with non-English speaking parents overwhelmingly lack access to the internet and tech skills. We still don't have universal internet, and the poorer you are, the less likely you are to have access to these technologies. These are problems bigger than the school district, requires Federal Intervention. I've long thought this is something where the GOP and Dems could work together on if they were willing to ignore some people. If I were in charge, I would completely defund the US post office, and use the revenue currently going to that service to provide every family in America with a laptop, wireless internet, a fax-machine, printer and scanner. We'd bring every household in America online, we'd reduce needless energy costs by communicating exclusively via email and online billing/banking, and we'd preserve resources likes fuel and paper. The post office mostly exists today to provide junk mail and credit card applications to people with zero credit. It's employees have expensive benefits. It's been an amazing service to the country, but it's use is no longer obvious. We could do more by providing universal internet access to America, and allow package delivery to be conducted by a number of private competing delivery companies.

March 11, 2013 at 7:19am

5 Things To Do Today: Maia Santell, comedy open mic, UPS history, Lowmen Markos and more ...

LOWMEN MARKOS: The band will blast Northern tonight. Photo courtesy of Facebook

MONDAY, MARCH 11 2013 >>>

1. Jazz and blues band Maia Santell & House Blend will be by Jho Blenis on guitar and special guests Jumpin' Josh Violette on guitar and Bob McCluskey on harmonica at 8 p.m. inside The Swiss.

2. Joe McGuire of Tahoma Audubon leads monthly walks from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Adriana Hess Wetland Park in University Place, which is home to dozens and dozens of bird species. McGuire digs it when people join him. No registration needed.

3. George Mills '68, M.S.'72 and John Finney '67 provide an overview of the University of Puget Sound's 125-year history with an illustrated presentation at 4 p.m. inside the Trimble Hall Forum on the Campus of the University of Puget Sound. Present day tea and cookies will be served.

4. Standup comedy hasn't evolved much since the glory days of ventriloquist and puppet. Every so often, there's a Gallagher smashing watermelons or a musical funnyman like Jack Black, but for the most part, comedy is a dude on a stage with a microphone, plodding through a joke-punchline-new-joke routine. You're funny. You need to change the course of comedy forever. Every Monday the Grit City Comedy Club opens its stage at 8 p.m. to the public for a comedy open mic. Explore the space. Head for space.

5. Lowmen Markos, Shadows and Vanguard play an all-ages show at 9 p.m. inside Northern in downtown Olympia. Lowmen Markos rock lengthy songs at ear-blasting levels.

LINK: Monday, March 11 arts and entertainment events in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

February 25, 2013 at 11:30am

Upcoming FabLab classes in Tacoma

FABLAB TACOMA: The ancient art of Woodworking is brought into modern times in downtown Tacoma. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner


FabLab equals geek chic plus artsy fartsy.

Now that rhyming is out of my system (writing for the Volcano doesn't require much impulse control), let's talk about what FabLab is doing for Tacoma.

Part high-tech-heaven, part creative design and old-world style, FabLab has been offering workshops - from laser cutting and robotics, to leather and woodworking - to the community since November.

"We are a membership-based tech and crafting center that aims to help artists, inventors, crafters and hobbyists to hone skills and launch businesses," says Gabriel Hug, one of five founders and IT director of FabLab. "It's been neat seeing how the word gets out. It's been kind of a viral, kind of grass-roots response. It's been really great sharing ideas and knowing we can be part of launching business in Tacoma and allowing people to be creative."

Upcoming classes and events include "Raspberry Pi 101" Feb 27, "Arduino 201" March 12 and "Leather Working 101" April 11. Most classes cost $15-$80 and run two to four hours. 

"The classes are fairly comprehensive," says Hug. "They are designed to cover basics, but also gain proficiency in specific skills."

Many classes feature take-home projects, such as welding, leather works and electronics.

So hike up your suspenders, push up your glasses, and join in a FabLab workshop - where nerd is the word and art makes you smart. 

FABLAB, 1938 MARKET ST., TACOMA, 253.426.1267

Filed under: Community, Schools, Arts, Tacoma,

February 22, 2013 at 4:14pm

Photo: Hudtloff "Junior" High School is being demolished

HUDTLOFF MIDDLE SCHOOL: There goes Mrs. Hooker's old classroom!


Hudtloff Middle School, or as the 1979-80 ASB President Pappi Swarner called it to the very end - Hudtloff Jr. High School - is being demolished at this moment. A new 99,000-square-foot Hudtloff in Lakewood's Oakbrook neighborhood was built behind the old building because the 54-year-old school building's mechanical, heating and electrical systems were shot.

Filed under: Lakewood, Schools,

About this blog

News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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Walkie Talkies said:

Thanks for posting! But I want say that Walkie Talkies are really required while organizing fun...

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AndrewPehrson said:

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Shimul Kabir said:

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about Eddie Vedder’s "Ukulele Songs" available today - and I don’t hold a candle to that shit

marble exporters in India said:

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