American life after the Civil War was defined by incorporation, melding what had been two separate countries â€" with separate lifestyles, industries and culture â€" into one entity. This idea of bringing everything together prompted the birth of American vaudeville, an organized and localized version of variety theater. Although the Civil War is long gone and vaudeville is all but dead, YouTube is the new vaudeville.
There have always been folks who have a talent at something and they want to share it â€" The Evolution of Dance guy …
or Wii Fit girlfriend.
YouTube showcases unique talents the way that vaudeville did in the pre-digital age. The difference is that people would pay to see vaudeville back in the day. When the media changed, they no longer did. Performers had to change as the media changed. It took a long time to figure but eventually they did. Perhaps the same will happen in the newspaper game.
Newspapers that incorporate new media into their models â€" who adapt to the changes â€" are the ones who will succeed.
The Weekly Volcano has been practicing its Evolution of Dance.
Feel free to drop me your thoughts on the online version of the Weekly Volcano. We're tinkering behind the scenes.
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