Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

April 18, 2012 at 8:16am

MORNING SPEW: Cutting jobs, spending city money, painful cake video ...

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Today In Oh This Is Quite Lovely: Team Dickwad hold South Tacoma woman at gunpoint, then ransack her home. (News Tribune)

Washington State Budget Cuts: And by cuts, we mean 1,266 more full-time jobs in state government. (News Tribune)

Tacoma City Council: It will grab money raised by 2009 and 2010 bond sales and spend it on theater, pool and bridge repairs, Hilltop public-housing renovations and walkways. (News Tribune)

Syrian Cease Fire: Not really a good thing as President Bashar al-Assad is tightening his grip on the country during the decrease in violence brought on by U.N. demands. (CNN)

The "Leap List": Ryan Leaf's list of things to do before possibly heading to prison. (Daily Weekly)

Creepy Finance Guy: He has spreadsheet of Match.com 'prospects.' (Jezebel)

Muppets Sequel: It will be a caper with new characters. (MTV)

Mission To Lars: New Metallica film to be released in June. (NME)

Fascinating: What it costs eight women writers to live in New York City. (The Awl)

Comments for "MORNING SPEW: Cutting jobs, spending city money, painful cake video ..." (3)

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jimmi D. said on Apr. 18, 2012 at 8:33am

That cake looks yummy.

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RozzyJ said on Apr. 18, 2012 at 12:34pm

Really? We are in 2012. Give me a break. Some things never change.

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Steph DeRosa said on Apr. 19, 2012 at 11:37am

Performance by an artist in Sweden at a world art day. That explains it. I wonder what kind of cake they would've done for Americans? I shudder at the thought.

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