Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: 'Religion' (12) Currently Viewing: 1 - 10 of 12

March 1, 2012 at 8:23am

MORNING SPEW: Non-Lutheran head Lutheran, dead tweets, "Star Wars" yoga ...


Pacific Lutheran University: The institution hires its 13th president, who's not Lutheran. (News Tribune)

Point Ruston: The $150 million mixed-use retail and office complex will offer 3-D glasses and popcorn at its center. (News Tribune)

2012: Severe storms leave a trail of death and destruction through the Midwest. (CNN)

Gas At $5 A Gallon?: Major disruption in oil supplies could make it happen. (The New York Times)

Syria: Rebel fighters say they are tactically withdrawing from the besieged Baba Amr quarter of Homs after nearly a month of government shelling. (BBC)

140-Character Limbo: Where to tweets go when they die? (Mother Board)

Spread The Love: 13 Dr. Seuss pickup lines for your potential Sneech Muffin. (How About We)

Das Ist Sehr Gut: Star Wars yoga. (Thaeger)

February 10, 2012 at 7:40am

MORNING SPEW: Bryant Montessori, "The Simpsons" untold stories, scary nature thing of the day ...

We think this is suppose to be Katy Perry. Photo credit: Thaeger


Today's Lesson: Bryant Montessori doesn't need any more drama. (News Tribune)

Marijuana Legalization: Pot Initiative 502 won't get fast-tracked by the state Legislature before it sees the ballot this fall. (News Tribune)

Pissing Off Catholics: President Obama will announce a plan as early as today to accommodate religious employers opposed to a rule that would require them to cover birth control for women free of charge. (USA Today)

Mortgage Deal: Conservatives say the $26 billion deal to settle charges of mortgage fraud unfairly rewards those who miss payments; liberals say it doesn't offer enough relief. (CNN)

Russia Doesn't Like Spies: An engineer at Russia's Plesetsk space station is jailed for 13 years after being convicted of selling missile test data to the CIA. (BBC)

Geeks On Parade: Comic-Con to open with 136-mile Olympics-style lightsaber relay. (LA Times)

Hey Young People!: Portlandia to get its own book. (Rolling Stone)

The Simpsons at 500: Untold Stories. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Yes Trollhunter Is On The List: The top 50 foreign language films of the last decade. (Den Of Geek)

A Brief Photographic History: Glitter-Bombs. (Time)

Designer Pops: (No idea how to describe this due to poor study habits in our German class.) (Thaeger)

Scary Nature Thing Of The Day

February 3, 2012 at 7:36am

MORNING SPEW: City council vs. religion, Sasquatch! lineup announced, crazy extreme sports ...

Hello Gorge!


Puyallup City Council: A moment of silence before discussing daffodils? (News Tribune)

We're Number 15!: Tacoma is overpriced, according to Forbes magazine. (Tacoma KOMO)

Olympia Coffee Roasting: They know what they're doing. (The Olympian)

Hacked While Discussing Hacking: Anonymous releases what it says is a recording of a phone call between the FBI and UK police discussing their efforts against hacking. (BBC)

National Jobless Rate: Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, higher than anticipated. Hiring numbers for 2011 were also revised, with 180,000 more jobs added than originally thought. (CNN)

Football Anger: Egyptian protesters clash with security forces for a second day in Cairo, as anger over the deaths of dozens of football fans threatens political unrest. (BBC)

Sasquatch! 2012: The lineup has been announced. (KEXP)

Rock Star TV: Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl and comedian Dana Gould are working on a TV show that would revolve around a rock band on the verge of stardom and breaking up. (The Hollywood Reporter)

It is its Density: Will Back To The Future become the latest film to get a Broadway stage production? (Deadline)

Unluckiest Person Ever?: Entire town wins lottery, except for one man. (Time)

Screw The X Games: Until you've strapped an ironing board to your back and climbed a 14er to iron the fuck out of a dress shirt, you haven't lived. (BuzzFeed)

To Cap Off A Slow News Morning

October 31, 2011 at 5:46pm

Tacoma: On a corner and a prayer

Rollie holds down a piece of curb while some of Tacoma’s homeless receive clothes and food from a bus operated by the The Street Corner Commission, a non-denominational religious organization. Photography by J.M. Simpson

On a recent Saturday morning in downtown Tacoma, Christ's followers piled out of a lime green bus. The bus riders leaned a wood cross between a telephone pole and stop sign, erected a table and set up coffee and cups.

Then they waited for those who need their help.

This scene has been played out for the past six years as Steve and Donna Welch drive their ministry to the homeless, drug addicted, hopeless and forgotten.

That Saturday morning the faithful had staked out a corner where they would pray for those in need.

Believe me, the Welchs and crew had a busy morning.

The couple calls their witnessing The Street Corner Commission, which literally lives the words of Matthew 22:9 - Go ye therefore into the highways, and as may as ye shall find, bid to the marriage - and takes prayer to a street corner.

It wasn't long before their congregation - which can vary between 20 and 80, depending upon weather and need - began to appear.

Most were quiet and respectful; a few folks arrived in the opposite mode.

All would be prayed for.

Donna Welch leads a small group prayer for some of the homeless who can find food, clothing and prayer. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

I noticed one guy shivering in the sunshine as he sat on a piece of curbing.  His clothes were dirty, and he wore a black leather jacket several sizes too big.  He rocked slightly; his blue eyes watered like Niagara Falls down his weatherworn face.

I walked over, sat down and asked him what he thought of the Welchs and their ministry.

"These people are great," Rollie said as he held a cup of coffee in his battered and trembling hands.  "I feel better about myself when they're here."

I wasn't sure if he felt better because he had been prayed over or because he had something hot to drink.

I suspect it was the latter. 

Rollie, a regular on this particular corner of prayerful concern, told me that he had been homeless since 1995, that he couldn't deal with normality, that he didn't seem to fit in anywhere, and that heroin was the only thing that seemed to help him make it through life.

As Rollie shook next to me, I though maybe a bus ride to rehab would benefit him better.

Steve and Donna Welch think and believe otherwise. They help with food and clothes; they bow their heads and pray. 

"We're here to help; Jesus will help; prayer helps," Steve tells me.

Eric points to an item of clothing he wants from a bus operated by The Street Corner Commission. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

A single line of about 15 people formed up behind the bus as Donna handed out plastic bags filled with food items.  She also gave out clothes to those who ask for them.

And then she would ask if the person would like to pray.

Like raindrops falling into puddles, prayer circles formed and reformed as men, women and, yes, children came away with something.

"We are bringing a church outside; we pray for everyone," Steve said.

Steve Welch. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

Give the Welch's credit for their faith. They accepted, and helped without question, all who came up to the back of the bus.

"We will continue to bring the prayer," Steve told me.

I admire that.

Want to help?  Visit www.thestreetcornercommmission.org.

To donate to United Way's mission to provide shelter to those in need, click here.

Filed under: Social Welfare, Religion, Tacoma,

May 23, 2011 at 12:45pm

CARV’S WEEKLY BLOG: Endless Saturday


Having written a novel about the end of the world (Lightfall, available at bookstores and libraries near you) I've spent a fair amount of time talking to people about the Apocalypse. Actually, having been one of Jehovah's Witnesses until adulthood, I've spent a lot of time talking to people about the Apocalypse, so forgive me if I have a few thoughts on the Harold Camping debacle last Saturday. I know it's beating a dead horse, but at least the horse died of natural causes rather than fire and brimstone.

My erstwhile religion was pretty much founded on the notion that the Lord would return in October 1914. The Witnesses were so wedded to this belief that when he didn't come, they accepted World War I as a sign that he had in fact come, we just couldn't see him. Then they spent the next 80-plus years telling the world that "by no means" would the generation alive in 1914 pass away before the visible advent of global Armageddon. I was born in 1968, and that was about the time the Witnesses' Governing Body decided October 1975 would bring the Big One. I knew folks who took their kids out of school, stopped paying their credit cards, and gave all their money to the cause of international evangelism. That was 36 years ago. Then the Witnesses told me, in a sermon written by the Governing Body for a district convention in the mid-'80s, that there was "no way" human governments would endure to the next millennium. But here we are, 11 years later...and here we are.

Now the Witnesses say that what the Bible MEANT to say when it said "generation" was rather vague. In fact, I can't seem to follow what they believe it does mean anymore. The whole prediction has lost its guts. I guess it's rather like when Jesus's buddies asked him when the world would end, and he said (in Matthew 24:34) that their own generation would witness the Apocalypse. He was right about the Temple falling. Everything else? Not so much. Jesus was everything he's cracked up to be, sure; but as a prophet, even he was no great shakes.

The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour, and that's the smartest prediction ever made. Besides, the fact is, the End of the World comes on different dates for everyone. The End of my stepfather's world was a few years ago. He lived his life, and it ended, and now he exists only as a widely divergent set of memories. And that's OK. It's how things work. You may not like it, but the universe isn't obliged to behave exactly the way you or I want.

Some Armageddons, I'm happy to say, are survivable. My soon-to-be sister-in-law (have I mentioned I'm getting married next Saturday?) and her husband thought it was the End of the World when their baby boy developed a life-threatening cardiac defect. That was two years ago, and he's fine, and he'll probably outlive us all. Yesterday I taught him "knucks."

My point is, even the best prophets get it wrong. Harold Camping might be a liar and a cheat, but more likely, he's just a sad old man who thought he'd found inside information. That's the quickest path to the worst Apocalypse a human can suffer, which is mockery at the hands of a secular nation. His life is Hell right now. Among the only people whose world ended Saturday were those suckers who gave away their lives to be ready for Rapture. My prediction? There are some truths the mind cannot handle, and among them is the realization of absolute foolishness--so the Camping camp will be back out on the streets by the time you read this, insisting they simply forgot to carry the 1--math is hard!--and the Lord will be back before you know it. I hope they're right...but assume they're not. You should, too.

Filed under: Religion,

February 8, 2011 at 12:05pm

MOVIE BIZZ BUZZ: Rick Dupea - International Man of Videography


Rick Dupea has called the Tacoma-Parkland area home since 1964, but you won't find many of his clients in this neighborhood. As owner of CRE8TV Media Group (you can pronounce it "creative" or "create TV"), Rick over the years has, like many of us, commuted north for work, producing video in Seattle for independent studios and broadcast stations.

Now Dupea gears up for possibly his farthest assignment from home. Destination: Naples! No, not Florida, but good guess.

Go East. That's West, come back! MY East. Go over the Atlantic...further...I know it's far, so shut up and keep flyin'! You want me to turn this imaginary globetrot around?

Okay, we've arrived - Naples, Italy. BAH-DAH-da-DAAAAAH! (James Bond theme)...

So anyway, while poking around this exotic locale three years ago, Dupea ran into a Protestant congregation trying to erect their church, a not-so-simple task in Catholic Country. "[In Italy] there's still a big divide between the two styles of worship," Dupea notes.

This self-labelled "generic evangelical" decided to volunteer his artistic talents, and in a few weeks, under the non-profit banner Arts Renaissance, he will commence work on a fundraising film for the group. Throughout the hectic shooting schedule he will also offer to train several Italian artists in production technique.

And did I mention Dupea won't get a single Euro out of this gig?

"You don't do something like this because you're going to make money," Dupea tells me. "But you do it because it's a rare opportunity to do something really powerful with the skills...God has provided, and you want to put them back into service somewhere else."

Giving so much in an economy like ours is damn near miraculous. Ciao, Ricardo!

To follow Rick's journey visit www.cre8tvmg.com and click on the "Italy2011" or "Arts Renaissance" links on the home page.

Filed under: Arts, Religion, Tacoma, Screens,

February 3, 2011 at 7:23am

5 Things To Do Today: Malaikat dan Singa, Buddhism meets science, "The Last Schwartz" and more ...

Arrington de Dionyso

THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 2011 >>>

1. Malaikat dan Singa is the love-drunk project of Old Tim Relijun's Arrington de Dionyso, who - after falling hard with someone he knew would be spending months overseas in Indonesia - actually learnt Indonesian and started writing love songs in the language in anticipation of their return. He joins Midday Veil and Georgy for an 8 p.m. all-ages show at Olympia's Northern club.

2. The Living Legends Native American Dance and Music perform at 7 p.m. inside the Washington Center in Olympia.

3. B. Alan Wallace may be the American Buddhist most committed to finding connections between Buddhism and science. An ex-Buddhist monk who went on to get a doctorate in religious studies at Stanford, he once studied under the Dalai Lama, and has acted as one of the Tibetan leader's translators. Wallace will enter the University of Puget Sound's Schneebeck Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m. with "Experience, Reason, and Faith in Science and Religion" on the brain. Open yours.

4. Weekly Volcano theater critic Christian Carvajal has been eagerly awaiting Harlequin Productions' The Last Schwartz, which hits their stage at 8 p.m. The production is something of an End Days reunion - Carvajal's favorite show of 2010 - as it's also written by Deborah Zoe Laufer, directed by Linda Whitney and stars Scott C. Brown and Ann Flannigan. Read his review of the show here.

5. Fictitious, Pink Bead Federation, Sex Panther, Faraca 508, Infinite Supreme One and DJ Elite rock Hell's Kitchen at 9 p.m.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

November 19, 2010 at 1:46pm

Tonight at the Olympia Film Festival: Taqwacore


A documentary about punk rock and the active practice of Islam? Sounds messy, if not completely impossible, no?

Well, as Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam - a film by written and directed by Omar Majeed - shows us, it does get messy, but anything is possible. Based on a book of the same name, written by Michael Muhammad Knight and now taught in some universities as a "Catcher in the Rye for young Muslims," - Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam screens tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theater. For more information on the Olympia Film Festival, go here.

For a sneak peak at Taqwacore, check the trailer below ...

Filed under: Arts, Culture, Music, Religion, Olympia,

June 18, 2010 at 7:16am

5 Things To Do: Jazz Thing, Chalk Off, Etsy Craft Party, Beat Box ...

Kareem Kandi and Cliff Colon will bring their bands to Doyle's World Cup Jazz Thing tonight.

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2010 >>>

1. Doyle's World Cup Jazz Thing featuring Cliff Colon's Motherfunkers, Kareem Kandi Trio, and All Night Yard Sale begins at 8 p.m. inside the Doyle's tent.

2. Local artists and community members create works of chalk art on the sidewalks and walls of Frost Park in downtown Tacoma during Episode 12, Season 3 of Frost Park Chalk Off running from noon to 1 p.m. Afterward, the world votes for the best chalk creation on Feed Tacoma.

3. The Tacoma Etsy Craft Party featuring handcrafted items from Etsy sellers, giveaways, prize drawings and cupcakes will be held from 3-6 p.m. at hello, cupcake.

4. Renowned theologians, religious scholars and advocates for social justice have shared their thoughts and experiences with participants in order to inspire awareness, challenge preconceived notions, and shed light upon the spiritual journey during the 28th Annual Spiritual Life Institute "Religion and Violence" Symposium that ends today with a keynote address by Dr. Reza Aslan, associate professor from the University of California, Riverside. Aslan's topic will be "How To Win a Cosmic War" at 7:30 p.m. at Saint Martin's University.  

5. The Tempest Lounge presents Beat Box, a night of '80s New Wave, funk, pop and club classics by resident DJs dAb, Suga Jones and guests beginning at 9 p.m.

LINK: New movies open today

May 5, 2010 at 9:56am

MORNING SPEW: Star Wars geekgasm, movie quotes in chart form ...


Lahar fail

Dale Chihuly finds a warm welcome in western Michigan.

Anti-gay preacher caught on vacation with with male hooker.

Top 10 reasons you should quit Facebook. In other news, have you joined the Weekly Volcano's Community yet?

Famous movie quotes in chart form.

Star Wars + Lego + Stop motion = Geekgasm

About this blog

News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

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